Kubectl plugin

Table of contents

  1. Overview
    1. Validate
    2. Test
    3. DryRun

Developer Preview This feature is currently in developer preview and subject to change. It is not recommended to use it in production environments.


The kubectl plugin kubectl nfd can be used to validate/dryrun and test NodeFeatureRule objects. It can be installed with the following command:

git clone https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery
cd node-feature-discovery
make build-kubectl-nfd
mv ./bin/kubectl-nfd ${KUBECTL_PATH}


The plugin can be used to validate a NodeFeatureRule object:

kubectl nfd validate -f <nodefeaturerule.yaml>


The plugin can be used to test a NodeFeatureRule object against a node:

kubectl nfd test -f <nodefeaturerule.yaml> -n <node-name>


The plugin can be used to DryRun a NodeFeatureRule object against a NodeFeature file:

kubectl get -n node-feature-discovery nodefeature <nodename> -o yaml > <nodefeature.yaml>
kubectl nfd dryrun -f <nodefeaturerule.yaml> -n <nodefeature.yaml>

Or you can use the example NodeFeature file(it is a minimal NodeFeature file):

$ kubectl nfd dryrun -f examples/nodefeaturerule.yaml -n examples/nodefeature.yaml
Processing rule:  my sample rule
***  Labels  ***
Evaluating NodeFeatureRule "examples/nodefeaturerule.yaml" against NodeFeature "examples/nodefeature.yaml"
NodeFeatureRule "examples/nodefeaturerule.yaml" is valid for NodeFeature "examples/nodefeature.yaml"