title: "NFD Operator"
layout: default
sort: 4

# Deployment with NFD Operator
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## Table of contents
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1. TOC


The [Node Feature Discovery Operator][nfd-operator] automates installation,
configuration and updates of NFD using a specific NodeFeatureDiscovery custom
resource. This also provides good support for managing NFD as a dependency of
other operators.

## Deployment

Deployment using the
[Node Feature Discovery Operator][nfd-operator]
is recommended to be done via

1. You need to have
   installed. If you don't, take a look at the
   [latest release](https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager/releases/latest)
   for detailed instructions.
1. Install the operator:

   kubectl create -f https://operatorhub.io/install/nfd-operator.yaml

1. Create `NodeFeatureDiscovery` object (in `nfd` namespace here):

   cat << EOF | kubectl apply -f -
   apiVersion: v1
   kind: Namespace
     name: nfd
   apiVersion: nfd.kubernetes.io/v1
   kind: NodeFeatureDiscovery
     name: my-nfd-deployment
     namespace: nfd
       image: {{ site.container_image }}
       imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent

In order to deploy the [minimal](image-variants.md#minimal) image you need to use

  image: {{ site.container_image }}-minimal

in the `NodeFeatureDiscovery` object above.

## Uninstallation

If you followed the deployment instructions above you can simply do:

kubectl -n nfd delete NodeFeatureDiscovery my-nfd-deployment

Optionally, you can also remove the namespace:

kubectl delete ns nfd

See the [node-feature-discovery-operator][nfd-operator] and [OLM][OLM] project
documentation for instructions for uninstalling the operator and operator
lifecycle manager, respectively.

<!-- Links -->
[nfd-operator]: https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/node-feature-discovery-operator
[OLM]: https://github.com/operator-framework/operator-lifecycle-manager