Enable transmitting the discovered "raw" features over the gRPC API.
Extend pkg/api/feature with protobuf and gRPC code. In this, utilize
go-to-protobuf from k8s code-generator for auto-generating the gRPC
interface from golang code. The tool can be Installed with:
go install k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/go-to-protobuf@v0.20.7
The auto-generated code is (re-)generated/updated with "make apigen".
For auto-generating api(s).
Also, re-generate/refresh the gRPC with `make apigen` (with protoc
v3.17.3 and protoc-gen-go from github.com/golang/protobuf v1.5.2) to
sync up things.
Refactor NFD into a simple server-client system. Labeling is now done by
a separate 'nfd-master' server. It is a simple service with small
codebase, designed for easy isolation. The feature discovery part is
implemented in a 'nfd-worker' client which sends labeling requests to
nfd-server, thus, requiring no access/permissions to the Kubernetes API
Client-server communication is implemented by using gRPC. The protocol
currently consists of only one request, i.e. the labeling request.
The spec templates are converted to the new scheme. The nfd-master
server can be deployed using the nfd-master.yaml.template which now also
contains the necessary RBAC configuration. NFD workers can be deployed
by using the nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template or
nfd-worker-job.yaml.template (most easily used with the label-nodes.sh
Only nfd-worker currently support config file or options. The (default)
NFD config file is renamed to nfd-worker.conf.