Setup the topologyupdater API for gRPC communication of
nfd-topology-updater with master
We generate pb.go file to reflect latest dependency changes
using and generate
grpc files via:
`protoc pkg/topologyupdater/topology-updater.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.`
Please refer to:
Co-Authored-by: Artyom Lukianov <>
Co-Authored-by: Francesco Romani <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
The new version adds AVX512-FP16 (half precision floating-point)
support available on Sapphire Rapids.
Signed-off-by: Mikko Ylinen <>
When updating node labels and annotations use JSON patches instead of
doing a read-modify-write on the whole node object. Patching is already
being used in managing extended resources so some of the existing code
was re-usable.
This patch should mitigate the problem of node update failures caused by
race conditions (a change in the node object between our read and write)
resulting e.g. in errors/restarts in nfd worker pods.
Update go dep
CVE-2020-14040 possibility to trigger an infinite loop in
encoding/unicode could lead to crash
Reported on Bug 1853652
Signed-off-by: Carlos Eduardo Arango Gutierrez <>