This patch creates a owner-dependent relationship between the
nfd-worker pod and the NodeFeature object that it creates. With this
change the orphaned NodeFeature object(s) gets automatically
garbage-collected when the nfd-worker pod goes away, without the need
for manual clean-up actions.
Implement functionality virtually replicating deployment templates for
nfd-master and nfd-worker daemonset (nfd-master.yaml.template and
nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template) by adding a kustomize overlay named
We split the resources into multiple bases (rbac, master and
worker-daemonset) so that relevant parts are re-usable in
other deployment scenarios added later (e.g. "one-shot job", and
"combined daemonset").
This patch adds one component (components/common) doing the required
kustomization for the example deployment.