The methods are used during calculation of reserved memory for system workloads.
The calcualation is `resourceCapacity - resourceAllocatable`.
Signed-off-by: Artyom Lukianov <>
Use 'go generate' for auto-generating code. Drop the old 'mock' and
'apigen' makefile targets. Those are replaced with a single
make generate
which (re-)generates everything.
There have been recent changes made to the noderesourcetopology API
storing the proto file generated using go-to-protobuf tool and
this code inports the proto generated in the API in the topology-updater.proto
The PRs corresponding to the changes are as follows:
Commands used to generate topology-updater.pb.go file:
go install
go mod vendor
protoc --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=plugins=grpc:. pkg/topologyupdater/topology-updater.proto -I. -Ivendor
As part of implmentation of this patch, reserved (non-allocatable) CPUs
are evaluated by performing a difference between all the CPUs on a system
(determined by using ghw) and allocatable CPUs (determined by querying
GetAllocatableResources podResource API endpoint).
When aggregator creates the NUMA zones, it will skip the zone creation if
there are no allocatable resources. In this update we creates those missing
zone with zero allocatable/available resources so we won't have holes in the
array of reported zones.
Co-Authored-by: Talor Itzhak <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
For accounting we should consider all guaranteed pods with
integral CPU requests and all the pods with device requests
This patch ensures that pods are only considered
for accounting disregarding non-guranteed pods without any
device request.
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
- Files obtained after running make mock
- Run `go get` and make sure that
mockery is in your $PATH
- run `make mock`
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
- This patch allows to expose Resource Hardware Topology information
through CRDs in Node Feature Discovery.
- In order to do this we introduce another software component called
nfd-topology-updater in addition to the already existing software
components nfd-master and nfd-worker.
- nfd-master was enhanced to communicate with nfd-topology-updater
over gRPC followed by creation of CRs corresponding to the nodes
in the cluster exposing resource hardware topology information
of that node.
- Pin kubernetes dependency to one that include pod resource implementation
- This code is responsible for obtaining hardware information from the system
as well as pod resource information from the Pod Resource API in order to
determine the allocatable resource information for each NUMA zone. This
information along with Costs for NUMA zones (obtained by reading NUMA distances)
is gathered by nfd-topology-updater running on all the nodes
of the cluster and propagate NUMA zone costs to master in order to populate
that information in the CRs corresponding to the nodes.
- We use GHW facilities for obtaining system information like CPUs, topology,
NUMA distances etc.
- This also includes updates made to Makefile and Dockerfile and Manifests for
deploying nfd-topology-updater.
- This patch includes unit tests
- As part of the Topology Aware Scheduling work, this patch captures
the configured Topology manager scope in addition to the Topology manager policy.
Based on the value of both attribues a single string will be populated to the CRD.
The string value will be on of the following {SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel,
SingleNUMANodePodLevel, BestEffort, Restricted, None}
Co-Authored-by: Artyom Lukianov <>
Co-Authored-by: Francesco Romani <>
Co-Authored-by: Talor Itzhak <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
Setup the topologyupdater API for gRPC communication of
nfd-topology-updater with master
We generate pb.go file to reflect latest dependency changes
using and generate
grpc files via:
`protoc pkg/topologyupdater/topology-updater.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.`
Please refer to:
Co-Authored-by: Artyom Lukianov <>
Co-Authored-by: Francesco Romani <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
Specify a new interface for managing "raw" feature data. This is the
first step to separate raw feature data from node labels. None of the
feature sources implement this interface, yet.
This patch unifies the data format of "raw" features by dividing them
into three different basic types.
- keys, a set of names without any associated values, e.g. CPUID flags
or loaded kernel modules
- values, a map of key-value pairs, for features with a single value,
e.g. kernel config flags or os version
- instances, a list of instances each of which has multiple attributes
(key-value pairs of their own), e.g. PCI or USB devices
The new feature data types are defined in a new "pkg/api/feature"
package, catering decoupling and re-usability of code e.g. within future
extentions of the NFD gRPC API.
Rename the Discover() method of LabelSource interface to GetLabels().
Implement new registration infrastructure under the "source" package.
This change loosens the coupling between label sources and the
nfd-worker, making it easier to refactor and move the code around.
Also, create a separate interface (ConfigurableSource) for configurable
feature sources in order to eliminate boilerplate code.
Add safety checks to the sources that they actually implement the
interfaces they should.
In sake of consistency and predictability (of behavior) change all
methods of the sources to use pointer receivers.
Add simple unit tests for the new functionality and include source/...
into make test target.
Refactor the worker code and split out gRPC client connection handling
into a separate base type. The intent is to promote re-usability of code
for other NFD clients, too.
Add a separate label namespace for profile labels, intended for
user-specified higher level "meta features". Also sub-namespaces of this
(i.e. <sub-ns> are allowed.
Allow <sub-ns> label namespaces. Makes it
possible to have e.g. vendor specific label ns without the need to user
For auto-generating api(s).
Also, re-generate/refresh the gRPC with `make apigen` (with protoc
v3.17.3 and protoc-gen-go from v1.5.2) to
sync up things.
Reduce default log verbosity. Only print out labels if log verbosity is
1 or higher ('core.klog.v: 1' config file option or '-v 1' on command
line). Also, dump the labels in a reproducible (sorted) format.
The code should be stable enough. If there are fatal bugs causing the
discovery to panic/segfault that should be made visible instead of
semi-siently hiding it. Also, this caused one (negative) test case to
fail undetected which is now fixed.
Changes the behaviour so that if the specified configuration file exists
it must be valid. Error out at startup if the config is invalid.
Similarly, exit with an error at runtime if the config file becomes
invalid. Bailing out, instead of just printing an error, was a
deliberate choice in order to make configuration mistakes evident.
Having no configuration file is tolerated, however. If the specified
configuration file does not exists nfd-worker resorts to default
Add a config file option for controlling the enabled feature sources,
aimed at replacing the --sources command line flag which is now marked
as deprecated. The command line flag takes precedence over the config
file option.