Don't require features to be specified. The creator possibly only wants
to create labels or only some types of features. No need to specify
empty structs for the unused fields.
Implement handling of multiple NodeFeature objects by merging all
objects (targeting a certain node) into one before processing the data.
This patch implements MergeInto() methods for all required data types.
With support for multiple NodeFeature objects per node, The "nfd api
workflow" can be easily demonstrated and tested from the command line.
Creating the folloiwing object (assuming node-n exists in the cluster):
kind: NodeFeature
labels: node-n
name: my-features-for-node-n
# Features for NodeFeatureRule matching
feature-x: {}
feature-y: "foo"
feature-z: "123"
- attributes:
name: "elem-1"
vendor: "acme"
- attributes:
name: "elem-2"
vendor: "acme"
# Labels to be created
vendor-feature.enabled: "true"
vendor-setting.value: "100"
will create two feature labes: "true" "100"
In addition it will advertise hidden/raw features that can be used for
custom rules in NodeFeatureRule objects. Now, creating a NodeFeatureRule
kind: NodeFeatureRule
name: my-rule
- name: "my feature rule"
"my-feature": "true"
- feature: vendor.domain-a
feature-x: {op: Exists}
- feature: vendor.domain-c
vendor: {op: In, value: ["acme"]}
will match the features in the NodeFeature object above and cause one
more label to be created: "true"
Add a new NodeFeature CRD to the nfd Kubernetes API to communicate node
features over K8s api objects instead of gRPC. The new resource is
namespaced which will help the management of multiple NodeFeature
objects per node. This aims at enabling 3rd party detectors for custom
In addition to communicating raw features the NodeFeature object also
has a field for directly requesting labels that should be applied on the
node object.
Rename the crd deployment file to nfd-api-crds.yaml so that it matches
the new content of the file. Also, rename the Helm subdir for CRDs to
match the expected chart directory structure.
This commits extends NFD master code to support adding node taints
from NodeFeatureRule CR. We also introduce a new annotation for
taints which helps to identify if the taint set on node is owned
by NFD or not. When user deletes the taint entry from
NodeFeatureRule CR, NFD will remove the taint from the node. But
to avoid accidental deletion of taints not owned by the NFD, it
needs to know the owner. Keeping track of NFD set taints in the
annotation can be used during the filtering of the owner. Also
enable-taints flag is added to allow users opt in/out for node
tainting feature. The flag takes precedence over taints defined
in NodeFeatureRule CR. In other words, if enbale-taints is set to
false(disabled) and user still defines taints on the CR, NFD will
ignore those taints and skip them from setting on the node.
Signed-off-by: Feruzjon Muyassarov <>
Extend NodeFeatureRule Spec with taints field to allow users to
specify the list of the taints they want to be set on the node if
rule matches.
Signed-off-by: Feruzjon Muyassarov <>
Fix handling of templates that got broken in
b907d07d7e when "flattening" the internal
data structure of features. That happened because the golang
text/template format uses dots to reference fields of a struct /
elements of a map (i.e. '' means that 'bar' must be a sub-element
of foo). Thus, using dots in our feature names (e.g. 'cpu.cpuid') means
that that hierarchy must be reflected in the data structure that is fed
to the templating engine. Thus, for templates we're now stuck stuck with
two level hierarchy. It doesn't really matter for now as all our
features follow that naming patter. We might be able to overcome this
limitation e.g. by using reflect but that's left as a future exercise.
Flatten the data structure that stores features, dropping the "domain"
level from the data model. That extra level of hierarchy brought little
benefit but just caused some extra complexity, instead. The new
structure nicely matches what we have in the NodeFeatureRule object (the
matchFeatures field of uses the same flat structure with the "feature"
field having a value <domain>.<feature>, e.g. "kernel.version").
This is pre-work for introducing a new "node feature" CRD that contains
the raw feature data. It makes the life of both users and developers
easier when both CRDs, plus our internal code, handle feature data in a
similar flat structure.
Move the previously-protobuf-only internal "feature api" over to the
public "nfd api" package. This is in preparation for introducing a new
CRD API for communicating features.
This patch carries no functional changes. Just moving code around.
Error strings should not be capitalized (ST1005) & remove the
redundancy from array, slice or map composite literals.
Signed-off-by: Feruzjon Muyassarov <>
This patch adds a kubebuilder marker to add a short name nfr for
NodeFeatureRule CRD.
Signed-off-by: Feruzjon Muyassarov <>
test that NodeFeatureRule templates work with empty MatchFeatures, but
with MatchAny.
this test would fail, higligting an issue which is fixed in next commit.
see #864.
Signed-off-by: Viktor Oreshkin <>
Revert the hack that was a workaround for issues with k8s deepcopy-gen.
New deepcopy-gen is able to generate code correctly without issues so
this is not needed anymore.
Also, removing this hack solves issues with object validation when
creating NodeFeatureRules programmatically with nfd go-client. This is
needed later with NodeFeatureRules e2e-tests.
Logically reverts f3cc109f99.
This patch changes a rare corner case of custom label rules with an
empty set of matchexpressions. The patch removes a special case where an
empty match expression set matched everything and returned all feature
elements for templates to consume. With this patch the match expression
set logically evaluates all expressions in the set and returns all
matches - if there are no expressions there are no matches and no
matched features are returned. However, the overall match result
(determining if "non-template" labels will be created) in this special
case will be "true" as before as none of the zero match expressions
The former behavior was somewhat illogical and counterintuitive: having
1 to N expressions matched and returned 1 to N features (at most), but,
having 0 expressions always matched everything and returned all
features. This was some leftover proof-of-concept functionality (for
some possible future extensions) that should have been removed before
Support templating of var names in a similar manner as labels. Add
support for a new 'varsTemplate' field to the feature rule spec which is
treated similarly to the 'labelsTemplate' field. The value of the field
is processed through the golang "text/template" template engine and the
expanded value must contain variables in <key>=<value> format, separated
by newlines i.e.:
- name: <rule-name>
varsTemplate: |
Similar rules as for 'labelsTemplate' apply, i.e.
1. In case of matchAny is specified, the template is executed separately
against each individual matchFeatures matcher.
2. 'vars' field has priority over 'varsTemplate'
Support backreferencing of output values from previous rules. Enables
complex rule setups where custom features are further combined together
to form even more sophisticated higher level labels. The labels created
by preceding rules are available as a special 'rule.matched' feature
(for matchFeatures to use).
If referencing rules accross multiple configs/CRDs care must be taken
with the ordering. Processing order of rules in nfd-worker:
1. Static rules
2. Files from /etc/kubernetes/node-feature-discovery/custom.d/
in alphabetical order. Subdirectories are processed by reading their
files in alphabetical order.
3. Custom rules from main nfd-worker.conf
In nfd-master, NodeFeatureRule objects are processed in alphabetical
order (based on their
This patch also adds new 'vars' fields to the rule spec. Like 'labels',
it is a map of key-value pairs but no labels are generated from these.
The values specified in 'vars' are only added for backreferencing into
the 'rules.matched' feature. This may by desired in schemes where the
output of certain rules is only used as intermediate variables for other
rules and no labels out of these are wanted.
An example setup:
- name: "kernel feature"
- feature: kernel.version
major: {op: Gt, value: ["4"]}
- name: "intermediate var feature"
nolabel-feature: "true"
- feature: cpu.cpuid
AVX512F: {op: Exists}
- feature: pci.device
vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]}
device: {op: In, value: ["1234", "1235"]}
- name: top-level-feature
- feature: rule.matched
kernel-feature: "true"
nolabel-feature: "true"
Require that the expanded LabelsTemplate has values. That is, the
(expanded) template must consist of key=value pairs separated by
newlines. No default value will be assigned and we now return an error
if a (non-empty) line not conforming with the key=value format is
Commit c8d73666d described that the value defaults to "true" if not
specified. That was not the case and we defaulted to an empty string,
An example:
- name: "my rule"
labelsTemplate: |
Would create these labels:
"my.label.1": "foo"
"my.label.2": ""
Further, the following:
- name: "my failing rule"
labelsTemplate: |
will cause an error in the rule processing.
Support templating of label names in feature rules. It is available both
in NodeFeatureRule CRs and in custom rule configuration of nfd-worker.
This patch adds a new 'labelsTemplate' field to the rule spec, making it
possible to dynamically generate multiple labels per rule based on the
matched features. The feature relies on the golang "text/template"
package. When expanded, the template must contain labels in a raw
<key>[=<value>] format (where 'value' defaults to "true"), separated by
newlines i.e.:
- name: <rule-name>
labelsTemplate: |
All the matched features of 'matchFeatures' directives are available for
templating engine in a nested data structure that can be described in
yaml as:
- Name: <matched-key>
- ...
- Name: <matched-key>
Value: <matched-value>
- ...
- <attribute-1-name>: <attribute-1-value>
<attribute-2-name>: <attribute-2-value>
- ...
That is, the per-feature data available for matching depends on the type
of feature that was matched:
- "key features": only 'Name' is available
- "value features": 'Name' and 'Value' can be used
- "instance features": all attributes of the matched instance are
NOTE: In case of matchAny is specified, the template is executed
separately against each individual matchFeatures matcher and the
eventual set of labels is a superset of all these expansions. Consider
the following:
- name: <name>
labelsTemplate: <template>
- matchFeatures: <matcher#1>
- matchFeatures: <matcher#2>
matchFeatures: <matcher#3>
In the example above (assuming the overall result is a match) the
template would be executed on matcher#1 and/or matcher#2 (depending on
whether both or only one of them match), and finally on matcher#3, and
all the labels from these separate expansions would be created (i.e. the
end result would be a union of all the individual expansions).
NOTE 2: The 'labels' field has priority over 'labelsTemplate', i.e.
labels specified in the 'labels' field will override any labels
originating from the 'labelsTemplate' field.
A special case of an empty match expression set matches everything (i.e.
matches/returns all existing keys/values). This makes it simpler to
write templates that run over all values. Also, makes it possible to
later implement support for templates that run over all _keys_ of a
Some example configurations:
- name: "my-pci-template-features"
labelsTemplate: |
{{ range .pci.device }}intel-{{ .class }}-{{ .device }}=present
{{ end }}
- feature: pci.device
class: {op: InRegexp, value: ["^06"]}
vendor: ["8086"]
- name: "my-system-template-features"
labelsTemplate: |
{{ range .system.osrelease }}system-{{ .Name }}={{ .Value }}
{{ end }}
- feature: system.osRelease
ID: {op: Exists}
VERSION_ID.major: {op: Exists}
Imaginative template pipelines are possible, of course, but care must be
taken in order to produce understandable and maintainable rule sets.
Implement a private helper type (nameTemplateHelper) for handling
(executing and caching) of templated names. DeepCopy methods are
manually implemented as controller-gen is not able to help with that.
Add auto-generated code for interfacing our CRD API. On top of this, a
CR controller can be implemented. This patch uses k8s/code-generator
for code generation. Run "make generate" in order to (re-)generate
everything. Path to the code-generator repository may need to be
K8S_CODE_GENERATOR=path/to/code-generator make apigen
Code-generator version 0.20.7 was used to create this patch. Install
k8s code-generator tools and clone the repo with:
git clone -b v0.20.7 <path/to/code-generator>
go install
Move the rule processing of matchFeatures and matchAny from
source/custom package over to pkg/apis/nfd, aiming for better integrity
and re-usability of the code. Does not change the CRD API as such, just
adds more supportive functions.
Having a dedicated type makes it possible to specify deepcopy functions
for it. We need to do this manually as deepcopy-gen doesn't know how to
create copies of regexps.
Add a cluster-scoped Custom Resource Definition for specifying labeling
rules. Nodes (node features, node objects) are cluster-level objects and
thus the natural and encouraged setup is to only have one NFD deployment
per cluster - the set of underlying features of the node stays the same
independent of how many parallel NFD deployments you have. Our extension
points (hooks, feature files and now CRs) can be be used by multiple
actors (depending on us) simultaneously. Having the CRD cluster-scoped
hopefully drives deployments in this direction. It also should make
deployment of vendor-specific labeling rules easy as there is no need to
worry about the namespace.
This patch virtually replicates the source.custom.FeatureSpec in a CRD
API (located in the pkg/apis/nfd/v1alpha1 package) with the notable
exception that "MatchOn" legacy rules are not supported. Legacy rules
are left out in order to keep the CRD simple and clean.
The duplicate functionality in source/custom will be dropped by upcoming
This patch utilizes controller-gen (from
for generating the CRD and deepcopy methods. Code can be (re-)generated
with "make generate". Install controller-gen with:
go install
Update kustomize and helm deployments to deploy the CRD.
Create a new package pkg/apis/nfd/v1alpha1 and migrate the custom rule
expressions over there. This is the first step in creating a new CRD API
for custom rules.