Implement new 'system' feature source. It now detects OS release
information from the os-release file, assumed to be available at
/host-etc/os-release. It currently creates two labels (assuming that the
corresponding fields are found in the os-release file), with example
Also, update the template spec to mount /etc/os-release file from the
host inside the container.
This implementation only detects kconfig options ("NO_HZ", "NO_HZ_IDLE",
"NO_HZ_FULL" and "PREEMPT"). The corresponding node labels will be<option name>
Currently, only bool and tristate (i.e. '=y' or '=m') kernel config
options are supported. Other kconfig types (e.g. string or int) are
simply ignored. If the kconfig flag is set to '=y' or '=m', the
corresponding node label will be present and it's value will be 'true'.
Convert resource templates from json to yaml
Yaml is easier and less error prone to modify by hand. It also allows
comments which can be especially useful in the templates.