Separate feature discovery and creation of feature labels.
Generalize the discovery of nvdimm devices so that they can be matched
in custom label rules in a similar fashion as pci and usb devices.
Available attributes for matching nvdimm devices are limited to:
- devtype
- mode
For numa we now detect the number of numa nodes which can be matched
agains in custom label rules.
Labels created by the memory feature source are unchanged. The new
features being detected are available in custom rules only.
Example custom rule:
- name: "my memory rule"
my-memory-feature: "true"
- feature: memory.numa
"node_count": {op: Gt, value: ["3"]}
- feature: memory.nv
"devtype" {op: In, value: ["nd_dax"]}
Also, add minimalist unit test.
Separate feature discovery and creation of feature labels. Generalize
the feature discovery so that network devices can be matched in custom
label rules in a similar fashion as pci and usb devices. Available
attributes for matching are:
- operstate
- speed
- sriov_numvfs
- sriov_totalvfs
Labels created by the network feature source are unchanged. The new
features being detected are available in custom rules only.
Example custom rule:
- name: "my network rule"
my-network-feature: "true"
- feature: network.device
"operstate": { op: In, value: ["up"] }
"sriov_numvfs": { op: Gt, value: ["9"] }
Also, add minimalist unit test.
Separate feature discovery and creation of feature labels. Generalize
the feature discovery so that block devices can be matched in custom
label rules in a similar fashion as pci and usb devices. This extends
the discovery to other block queue attributes than 'rotational': now we
also detect 'dax', 'nr_zones' and 'zoned'.
Labels created by the storage feature source are unchanged. The new
features being detected are available in custom rules only.
Example custom rules:
- name: "my block rule 1"
my-block-feature-1: "true"
- feature: storage.block
"rotational": {op: In, value: ["0"]}
- name: "my block rule 2"
my-block-feature-2: "true"
- feature: storage.block
"zoned": {op: In, value: [“host-aware”, “host-managed”]}
Also, add minimalist unit test.
Implement a new 'matchAny' directive in the new rule format, building on
top of the previously implemented 'matchFeatures' matcher. MatchAny
applies a logical OR over multiple matchFeatures directives. That is, it
allows specifying multiple alternative matchers (at least one of which
must match) in a single label rule.
The configuration format for the new matchers is
- matchFeatures:
- feature: <domain>.<feature>
op: <operator>
- <list-of-values>
- matchFeatures:
A configuration example. In order to require a cpu feature, kernel
module and one of two specific PCI devices (taking use of the shortform
- name: multi-device-test
multi-device-feature: "true"
- feature: kernel.loadedmodule
matchExpressions: [driver-module]
- feature: cpu.cpuid
matchExpressions: [AVX512F]
- matchFeatures:
- feature; pci.device
vendor: "8086"
device: "1234"
- matchFeatures:
- feature: pci.device
vendor: "8086"
device: "abcd"
Implement generic feature matchers that cover all feature sources (that
implement the FeatureSource interface). The implementation relies on the
unified data model provided by the FeatureSource interface as well as
the generic expression-based rule processing framework that was added to
the source/custom/expression package.
With this patch any new features added will be automatically available
for custom rules, without any additional work. Rule hierarchy follows
the source/feature hierarchy by design.
This patch introduces a new format for custom rule specifications,
dropping the 'value' field and introducing new 'labels' field which
makes it possible to specify multiple labels per rule. Also, in the new
format the 'name' field is just for reference and no matching label is
created. The new generic rules are available in this new rule format
under a 'matchFeatures. MatchFeatures implements a logical AND over
an array of per-feature matchers - i.e. a match for all of the matchers
is required. The goal of the new rule format is to make it better follow
K8s API design guidelines and make it extensible for future enhancements
(e.g. addition of templating, taints, annotations, extended resources
The old rule format (with cpuID, kConfig, loadedKMod, nodename, pciID,
usbID rules) is still supported. The rule format (new vs. old) is
determined at config parsing time based on the existence of the
'matchOn' field.
The new rule format and the configuration format for the new
matchFeatures field is
- name: <rule-name>
<key>: <value>
- feature: <domain>.<feature>
op: <operator>
- <list-of-values>
- feature: <domain>.<feature>
Currently, "cpu", "kernel", "pci", "system", "usb" and "local" sources
are covered by the matshers/feature selectors. Thus, the following
features are available for matching with this patch:
- cpu.cpuid:
<cpuid-flag>: <exists/does-not-exist>
- cpu.cstate:
enabled: <bool>
- cpu.pstate:
status: <string>
turbo: <bool>
scaling_governor: <string>
- cpu.rdt:
<rdt-feature>: <exists/does-not-exist>
- cpu.sst:
bf.enabled: <bool>
- cpu.topology:
hardware_multithreading: <bool>
- kernel.config:
<flag-name>: <string>
- kernel.loadedmodule:
<module-name>: <exists/does-not-exist>
- kernel.selinux:
enabled: <bool>
- kernel.version:
major: <int>
minor: <int>
revision: <int>
full: <string>
- system.osrelease:
<key-name>: <string>
VERSION_ID.major: <int>
VERSION_ID.minor: <int>
nodename: <string>
- pci.device:
class: <string>
vendor: <string>
device: <string>
subsystem_vendor: <string>
susbystem_device: <string>
sriov_totalvfs: <int>
- usb.device:
class: <string>
vendor: <string>
device: <string>
serial: <string>
- local.label:
<label-name>: <string>
The configuration also supports some "shortforms" for convenience:
matchExpressions: [<attr-1>, <attr-2>=<val-2>]
<attr-4>: <val-4>
is equal to:
<attr-1>: {op: Exists}
<attr-2>: {op: In, value: [<val-2>]}
<attr-3>: {op: Exists}
<attr-4>: {op: In, value: [<val-4>]}
In other words:
- feature: kernel.config
matchExpressions: ["X86", "INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT=32"]
- feature: pci.device
vendor: "8086"
is the same as:
- feature: kernel.config
X86: {op: Exists}
INIT_ENV_ARG_LIMIT: {op: In, values: ["32"]}
- feature: pci.device
vendor: {op: In, value: ["8086"]
Some configuration examples below. In order to match a CPUID feature the
following snippet can be used:
- name: cpu-test-1
cpu-custom-feature: "true"
- feature: cpu.cpuid
AESNI: {op: Exists}
AVX: {op: Exists}
In order to match against a loaded kernel module and OS version:
- name: kernel-test-1
kernel-custom-feature: "true"
- feature: kernel.loadedmodule
e1000: {op: Exists}
- feature: system.osrelease
NAME: {op: InRegexp, values: ["^openSUSE"]}
VERSION_ID.major: {op: Gt, values: ["14"]}
In order to require a kernel module and both of two specific PCI devices:
- name: multi-device-test
multi-device-feature: "true"
- feature: kernel.loadedmodule
driver-module: {op: Exists}
- pci.device:
vendor: "8086"
device: "1234"
- pci.device:
vendor: "8086"
device: "abcd"
Implement functionality virtually replicating deployment templates for
nfd-master and nfd-worker daemonset (nfd-master.yaml.template and
nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template) by adding a kustomize overlay named
We split the resources into multiple bases (rbac, master and
worker-daemonset) so that relevant parts are re-usable in
other deployment scenarios added later (e.g. "one-shot job", and
"combined daemonset").
This patch adds one component (components/common) doing the required
kustomization for the example deployment.