Implement new '--options' command line flag that can be used to specify
config options from command line. Options specified via this command
line flag will override those read from the config file. The same format
as in the config file must be used, that is, the flag value must be
valid YAML or JSON.
Support yaml/json based config file for nfd. This commit does not add
any actual consumers for the config file, yet.
By default, nfd tries to read
This can be changed by specifying the --config command line flag.
Introduce a new scheme where features may have logical sub-components.
Rename sriov labels from the network source according to the new
sriov -> sriov.capable
sriov-configured -> sriov.configured
Also, document this new labeling scheme in the README.
Signed-off-by: Markus Lehtonen <>
Convert resource templates from json to yaml
Yaml is easier and less error prone to modify by hand. It also allows
comments which can be especially useful in the templates.
Make it possible to specify an image build tool other than docker - a
limitation is that the build tool must be compatible with docker files,
of course. This makes it possible to build an NFD image without the
Docker daemon, for example.
The image build command is specified in a makefile variable and can be
overridden from command line, for example:
$ make IMAGE_BUILD_CMD="buildah bud"
Thanks: Zvonko Kosic for suggesting this
* Arrange feature sources alphabetically
Just a cosmetic change, but, a small readability improvement.
* Implement detection of IOMMU (#136)
Add a new feature source, i.e. 'iommu', which detects if an IOMMU is
present and enabled in the kernel. The new node label is
A "newbie style" deployment attempt was made on a recent
cluster, and some added notes in README and in
could help someone who just started with node-feature-discovery.
Correcting also description of which does not
deal with unlabeled nodes as was promised in README.
* Re-order imports in main.go alphabetically
* Refactor argument parsing
* Run nfd periodically in a loop by default
* Implement --sleep-interval command line option
* Add template for running nfd as a Kubernetes DaemonSet
This commit:
- enables node-feature-dicovery to advertise selinux status
on the node by adding a label.
- update the template to mount /sys into the container, this is
needed to know about the selinux status on the host
- adds selinux source for unit tests
This change adds feature source "storage".
Add label if any non-rotational block device is present in the node.
The label will be: nfd-storage-nonrotationaldisk=true
* Adding SR-IOV capability discovery to node-feature-discovery
* SR-IOV capability discovery in NFD : code update after PR review
- using hostnetwork instead of volume mount in file node-feature-discovery-job.json.template
- iterating through network interfaces that are "up" in sources.go
- inserting logs in sources.go
- change in feature source name from "netid" to "network" in sources.go, and main.go
* Added code for labels sriov=true (sriov_totalvfs > 0) and sriov-configured=true (sriov_numvfs > 0)
* Code Refactored: Added Network package and network.go
Automatic merge from submit-queue
Update published label prefix.
- Changed prefix from `` to
Adds RemoveLabels() to remove all labels from a node that contains the
supplied search string. Uses this to remove node-feature-discovery
labels prior to re-applying newly discovered labels.
This behavior applies to consecutive runs of node-feature-discovery and
whatever restrictions are placed on it. For example if a whitelist is
specified that changes the labels that are discovered, any labels that
do not match the whitelist will be removed. Adds a small note to the
readme to point out this fact.
Adds tests to main_test.go to test the behavior of AddLabels and
- Added helper scripts for running the apps.
- Added templates to express affinity and anti-affinity.
- Updated/Added readme appropriately.
- Added asciicast where appropriate.
- Added interface FeatureSource, moved cpuid, rdt and pstate
discovery logic into implementations.
- Updated logging output to make it more machine-readable
(one feature, in label-format, per line).
- Normalized label names (derived from the underlying feature source).
- Added makefile.
- Added command-line argument parsing and proper CLI documentation.
- Added ability to filter the enabled feature sources: cpuid,rdt,pstate.
- Added ability to print the software version and exit.
- Added ability to print the CLI help.
- Updated README.
- Updated dep versions.
- Added -s -w to ldflags.
- Output version label along with discovered feature labels.
- Added sources section to README.
- Normalized README link for pstate
- Added git version to published labels.
- Minor formatting fix in job template.
- Added .travis.yml and added build status image link to README.
- Added .gitignore.