Implement new registration infrastructure under the "source" package.
This change loosens the coupling between label sources and the
nfd-worker, making it easier to refactor and move the code around.
Also, create a separate interface (ConfigurableSource) for configurable
feature sources in order to eliminate boilerplate code.
Add safety checks to the sources that they actually implement the
interfaces they should.
In sake of consistency and predictability (of behavior) change all
methods of the sources to use pointer receivers.
Add simple unit tests for the new functionality and include source/...
into make test target.
Refactor the worker code and split out gRPC client connection handling
into a separate base type. The intent is to promote re-usability of code
for other NFD clients, too.
Add a separate label namespace for profile labels, intended for
user-specified higher level "meta features". Also sub-namespaces of this
(i.e. <sub-ns> are allowed.
Allow <sub-ns> label namespaces. Makes it
possible to have e.g. vendor specific label ns without the need to user
For auto-generating api(s).
Also, re-generate/refresh the gRPC with `make apigen` (with protoc
v3.17.3 and protoc-gen-go from v1.5.2) to
sync up things.
Reduce default log verbosity. Only print out labels if log verbosity is
1 or higher ('core.klog.v: 1' config file option or '-v 1' on command
line). Also, dump the labels in a reproducible (sorted) format.
The code should be stable enough. If there are fatal bugs causing the
discovery to panic/segfault that should be made visible instead of
semi-siently hiding it. Also, this caused one (negative) test case to
fail undetected which is now fixed.
Changes the behaviour so that if the specified configuration file exists
it must be valid. Error out at startup if the config is invalid.
Similarly, exit with an error at runtime if the config file becomes
invalid. Bailing out, instead of just printing an error, was a
deliberate choice in order to make configuration mistakes evident.
Having no configuration file is tolerated, however. If the specified
configuration file does not exists nfd-worker resorts to default
Add a config file option for controlling the enabled feature sources,
aimed at replacing the --sources command line flag which is now marked
as deprecated. The command line flag takes precedence over the config
file option.
Add a config file option for label whitelisting. Deprecate the
--label-whitelist command line flag. Note that the command line flag has
higher priority than the config file option.
Add a new config file option for (dynamically) controlling the sleep
interval. At the same time, deprecate the --sleep-interval command line
flag. The command line flag takes precedence over the config file option.
Allows dynamic (re-)configuration of most nfd-worker options. The goal
is to have most configuration parameters specified in the configuration
file and deprecate most of the command line flags. The priority is
intended to be such that command line flags override whatever is
specified in the configuration file. Thus, specifying something on the
command line effectively disables dynamic configurability of that
This patch adds core.noPublish config file option to demonstrate how the
new mechanism is supposed to work. The --no-publish command line flag
takes precedence over this config file option.
Always do re-discovery and re-labeling after a configuration file
change. his way the new config comes into effect immediately, even if
the sleep interval is long (or infinite) # Please enter the commit
message for your changes. Lines starting
Add support for detecting configuration file changes via file system
notifications (fsnotify). Watches are added for the whole directory
chain (up to root directory) so that all changes (even directory
renames) affecting the given configuration file path are captured.
Previously dynamic (re-)configuration of nfd-worker was implemented by
(re-)reading the configuration file on every labeling pass. This was
simple and effective, even if a bit wasteful. However, it didn't provide
asynchronous configuration updates that will be required for e.g.
controlling the "sleep-interval" parameter dynamically which will be
implemented by later patches.
This can be used to help running multiple parallel NFD deployments in
the same cluster. The flag changes the node annotation namespace to
<instance> allowing different nfd-master intances
to store metadata in separate annotations.