When a message received via the channel,
the main loop updates the `NodeResourceTopology` objects.
The notifier will send a message via the channel if:
1. It reached the sleep timeout.
2. It detected a change in Kubelet state files
Signed-off-by: Talor Itzhak <titzhak@redhat.com>
On different Kubernetes flavors like OpenShift for exmaple,
the Kubelet state directory path is different. make it configurable
for maximum flexability.
Signed-off-by: Talor Itzhak <titzhak@redhat.com>
NodeResourceTopology(aka NRT) custom resource is used to enable NUMA aware Scheduling in Kubernetes.
As of now node-feature-discovery daemons are used to advertise those
resources but there is no service responsible for removing obsolete
objects(without corresponding Kubernetes node).
This patch adds new daemon called nfd-topology-gc which removes old
Signed-off-by: PiotrProkop <pprokop@nvidia.com>
Deprecate the '-featurerules-controller' command line flag as the name
does not describe the functionality anymore: in practice it controls the
CRD controller handling both NodeFeature and NodeFeatureRule objects.
The patch introduces a duplicate, more generally named, flag
'-crd-controller'. A warning is printed in the log if
'-featurerules-controller' flag is encountered.
Add initial support for handling NodeFeature objects. With this patch
nfd-master watches NodeFeature objects in all namespaces and reacts to
changes in any of these. The node which a certain NodeFeature object
affects is determined by the "nfd.node.kubernetes.io/node-name"
annotation of the object. When a NodeFeature object targeting certain
node is changed, nfd-master needs to process all other objects targeting
the same node, too, because there may be dependencies between them.
Add a new command line flag for selecting between gRPC and NodeFeature
CRD API as the source of feature requests. Enabling NodeFeature API
disables the gRPC interface.
-enable-nodefeature-api enable NodeFeature CRD API for incoming
feature requests, will disable the gRPC
interface (defaults to false)
It is not possible to serve gRPC and watch NodeFeature objects at the
same time. This is deliberate to avoid labeling races e.g. by nfd-worker
sending gRPC requests but NodeFeature objects in the cluster
"overriding" those changes (labels from the gRPC requests will get
overridden when NodeFeature objects are processed).
Support the new NodeFeatures object of the NFD CRD api. Add two new
command line options to nfd-worker:
-kubeconfig specifies the kubeconfig to use for
connecting k8s api (defaults to empty which
implies in-cluster config)
-enable-nodefeature-api enable the NodeFeature CRD API for
communicating node features to nfd-master,
will also automatically disable gRPC
(defgault to false)
No config file option for selecting the API is available as there should
be no need for dynamically selecting between gRPC and CRD. The
nfd-master configuration must be changed in tandem and it is safer (and
avoid awkward configuration races) to configure the whole NFD deployment
at once.
Default behavior of nfd-worker is not changed i.e. NodeFeatures object
creation is not enabled by default (but must be enabled with the command
line flag).
The patch also updates the kustomize and Helm deployment, adding RBAC
rules for nfd-worker and updating the example worker configuration.
Drop the gRPC communication to nfd-master and connect to the Kubernetes
API server directly when updating NodeResourceTopology objects.
Topology-updater already has connection to the API server for listing
Pods so this is not that dramatic change. It also simplifies the code
a lot as there is no need for the NFD gRPC client and no need for
managing TLS certs/keys.
This change aligns nfd-topology-updater with the future direction of
nfd-worker where the gRPC API is being dropped and replaced by a
CRD-based API.
This patch also update deployment files and documentation to reflect
this change.
This commits extends NFD master code to support adding node taints
from NodeFeatureRule CR. We also introduce a new annotation for
taints which helps to identify if the taint set on node is owned
by NFD or not. When user deletes the taint entry from
NodeFeatureRule CR, NFD will remove the taint from the node. But
to avoid accidental deletion of taints not owned by the NFD, it
needs to know the owner. Keeping track of NFD set taints in the
annotation can be used during the filtering of the owner. Also
enable-taints flag is added to allow users opt in/out for node
tainting feature. The flag takes precedence over taints defined
in NodeFeatureRule CR. In other words, if enbale-taints is set to
false(disabled) and user still defines taints on the CR, NFD will
ignore those taints and skip them from setting on the node.
Signed-off-by: Feruzjon Muyassarov <feruzjon.muyassarov@intel.com>
Drop the following flags that were deprecated already in v0.8.0:
-sleep-interval (replaced by core.sleepInterval config file option)
-label-whitelist (replaced by core.labelWhiteList config file option)
-sources (replaced by -label-sources flag)
The exclude-list allows to filter specific resource accounting
from NRT's objects per node basis.
The CRs created by the topology-updater are used by the scheduler-plugin
as a source of truth for making scheduling decisions.
As such, this feature allows to hide specific information
from the scheduler, which in turn
will affect the scheduling decision.
A common use case is when user would like to perform scheduling
decisions which are based on a specific resource.
In that case, we can exclude all the other resources
which we don't want the scheduler to exemine.
The exclude-list is provided to the topology-updater via a ConfigMap.
Resource type's names specified in the list should match the names
as shown here: https://pkg.go.dev/k8s.io/api/core/v1#ResourceName
This is a resurrection of an old work started here:
Signed-off-by: Talor Itzhak <titzhak@redhat.com>
Refactor the code, moving the hostpath helper functionality to new
"pkg/utils/hostpath" package. This breaks odd-ish dependency
"pkg/utils" -> "source".
The goal is to make the name more descriptive. Also keeping in mind a
possible future addition a 'featureSources' option (or similar) for
controlling the feature discovery.
Use the single-dash (i.e. '-option' instead of '--option') format
consistently accross log messages and documentation. This is the format
that was mostly used, already, and shown by command line help of the
binaries, for example.
Add a new command line flag for disabling/enabling the controller for
NodeFeatureRule objects. In practice, disabling the controller disables
all labels generated from rules in NodeFeatureRule objects.
The NodeResourceTopology API has been made cluster
scoped as in the current context a CR corresponds to
a Node and since Node is a cluster scoped resource it
makes sense to make NRT cluster scoped as well.
Ref: https://github.com/k8stopologyawareschedwg/noderesourcetopology-api/pull/18
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <swsehgal@redhat.com>
We should use the same flag set for both program and klog arguments.
Otherwise we won't be able to provide klog flags properly
Signed-off-by: Talor Itzhak <titzhak@redhat.com>
- Files obtained after running make mock
- Run `go get github.com/vektra/mockery` and make sure that
mockery is in your $PATH
- run `make mock`
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <swsehgal@redhat.com>
- This patch allows to expose Resource Hardware Topology information
through CRDs in Node Feature Discovery.
- In order to do this we introduce another software component called
nfd-topology-updater in addition to the already existing software
components nfd-master and nfd-worker.
- nfd-master was enhanced to communicate with nfd-topology-updater
over gRPC followed by creation of CRs corresponding to the nodes
in the cluster exposing resource hardware topology information
of that node.
- Pin kubernetes dependency to one that include pod resource implementation
- This code is responsible for obtaining hardware information from the system
as well as pod resource information from the Pod Resource API in order to
determine the allocatable resource information for each NUMA zone. This
information along with Costs for NUMA zones (obtained by reading NUMA distances)
is gathered by nfd-topology-updater running on all the nodes
of the cluster and propagate NUMA zone costs to master in order to populate
that information in the CRs corresponding to the nodes.
- We use GHW facilities for obtaining system information like CPUs, topology,
NUMA distances etc.
- This also includes updates made to Makefile and Dockerfile and Manifests for
deploying nfd-topology-updater.
- This patch includes unit tests
- As part of the Topology Aware Scheduling work, this patch captures
the configured Topology manager scope in addition to the Topology manager policy.
Based on the value of both attribues a single string will be populated to the CRD.
The string value will be on of the following {SingleNUMANodeContainerLevel,
SingleNUMANodePodLevel, BestEffort, Restricted, None}
Co-Authored-by: Artyom Lukianov <alukiano@redhat.com>
Co-Authored-by: Francesco Romani <fromani@redhat.com>
Co-Authored-by: Talor Itzhak <titzhak@redhat.com>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <swsehgal@redhat.com>
Refactor the worker code and split out gRPC client connection handling
into a separate base type. The intent is to promote re-usability of code
for other NFD clients, too.
Add a config file option for controlling the enabled feature sources,
aimed at replacing the --sources command line flag which is now marked
as deprecated. The command line flag takes precedence over the config
file option.
Add a config file option for label whitelisting. Deprecate the
--label-whitelist command line flag. Note that the command line flag has
higher priority than the config file option.
Add a new config file option for (dynamically) controlling the sleep
interval. At the same time, deprecate the --sleep-interval command line
flag. The command line flag takes precedence over the config file option.
Allows dynamic (re-)configuration of most nfd-worker options. The goal
is to have most configuration parameters specified in the configuration
file and deprecate most of the command line flags. The priority is
intended to be such that command line flags override whatever is
specified in the configuration file. Thus, specifying something on the
command line effectively disables dynamic configurability of that
This patch adds core.noPublish config file option to demonstrate how the
new mechanism is supposed to work. The --no-publish command line flag
takes precedence over this config file option.
This can be used to help running multiple parallel NFD deployments in
the same cluster. The flag changes the node annotation namespace to
<instance>.nfd.node.kubernetes.io allowing different nfd-master intances
to store metadata in separate annotations.