Setup the topologyupdater API for gRPC communication of
nfd-topology-updater with master
We generate pb.go file to reflect latest dependency changes
using and generate
grpc files via:
`protoc pkg/topologyupdater/topology-updater.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:.`
Please refer to:
Co-Authored-by: Artyom Lukianov <>
Co-Authored-by: Francesco Romani <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
Specify a new interface for managing "raw" feature data. This is the
first step to separate raw feature data from node labels. None of the
feature sources implement this interface, yet.
This patch unifies the data format of "raw" features by dividing them
into three different basic types.
- keys, a set of names without any associated values, e.g. CPUID flags
or loaded kernel modules
- values, a map of key-value pairs, for features with a single value,
e.g. kernel config flags or os version
- instances, a list of instances each of which has multiple attributes
(key-value pairs of their own), e.g. PCI or USB devices
The new feature data types are defined in a new "pkg/api/feature"
package, catering decoupling and re-usability of code e.g. within future
extentions of the NFD gRPC API.
Rename the Discover() method of LabelSource interface to GetLabels().
Implement new registration infrastructure under the "source" package.
This change loosens the coupling between label sources and the
nfd-worker, making it easier to refactor and move the code around.
Also, create a separate interface (ConfigurableSource) for configurable
feature sources in order to eliminate boilerplate code.
Add safety checks to the sources that they actually implement the
interfaces they should.
In sake of consistency and predictability (of behavior) change all
methods of the sources to use pointer receivers.
Add simple unit tests for the new functionality and include source/...
into make test target.
The current addition of kustomization.yaml to gitignore file
means that any file in the project tree with the name
kustomization.yaml will be ignored. However, that is not
the desired behaviour. One of the primary examples of this
is when we add deployments corresponding to nfd-topology-updater,
we want to be able to ensure that the kustomization.yamls are not
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>
This commit makes the mount of /usr/src optional in the Helm chart, and
removes it from the kustomization. Reason is that some systems do not
have a /usr/src (such as Talos) *and* have a R/O filesystem. Since
/usr/src is optional per FHS 3.0, NFD should not assume its presence.
Signed-off-by: Jorik Jonker <>
Refactor the worker code and split out gRPC client connection handling
into a separate base type. The intent is to promote re-usability of code
for other NFD clients, too.
Replicates nfd-daemonset-combined.yaml.template.
In addition to the overlay we need to add a separate set of patches
under components/common in order to handle the double-container pod.
Implement functionality virtually replicating deployment templates for
nfd-master and nfd-worker daemonset (nfd-master.yaml.template and
nfd-worker-daemonset.yaml.template) by adding a kustomize overlay named
We split the resources into multiple bases (rbac, master and
worker-daemonset) so that relevant parts are re-usable in
other deployment scenarios added later (e.g. "one-shot job", and
"combined daemonset").
This patch adds one component (components/common) doing the required
kustomization for the example deployment.