The upstream repo (and the release downloads) has been deleted. This broke our
docs generation as the remote theme configuration depended on
downloading the release artefact.
This patch changes the docs building to use a Ruby gem instead of the
remote theme setting. To complicate matters, the gem has an seemingly
incorrect (too strict) version dependency. To mitigate this, we now
install bundler-override plugin to ignore this particular dependency.
The netlify conf is a hack, but I wasn't able to figure out a way how to
install the bundler-override plugin without doing all ruby
initialization in the build command.
This allows the nfd to run on arm devices like the Raspberry Pi > 2
with armv7 core or armv8 in 32Bit mode.
The build tests will only be run for linux/amd64 and linux/arm64.
Releases will be made for all Platforms.
Rewrite the into update_codegen inspired in documentation.
Signed-off-by: Carlos Eduardo Arango Gutierrez <>
Switch to fully statically linked binaries and use scratch as a base
Switching to the virtually empty scratch base image means that the
default/minimal NFD image only supports running hooks that are truly
statically linked (e.g. normal go binaries that are "almost" statically
linked stop working). The documentation has been already stating this
(i.e. that only statically-linked binaries are supported) - i.e. we have
had no promise of supporting other than that. Also, hooks are now
deprecated and even disabled by default so the possibility of real user
impact should be small.
Get away with the jekyll:3.8 image which is already four years old. Use
the ruby instead. The jekyll image did not bring any value (more
problems, if anything) as we install/update jekyll and all other gems
with byndler nevertheless (image was jekyll:3.8 but we use jekyll
This PR aims to optimize the process of updating nodes with
corresponding features. In fact, previously, we were updating nodes
sequentially even though they are independent from each other.
Therefore, we integrated new components: LabelersNodePool which is
responsible for spininng a goroutine whenever there's a request for
updating nodes, and a Workqueue which is responsible for holding nodes names
that should be updated.
Signed-off-by: AhmedGrati <>
Previously we were using the default, which even if equal to 0, still
means 10 minute timout in practice (with the way we run the tests with
invoking go test directly). With the addition of latest e2e tests we
hit the limit and got bitten by it. Set the timeout to 1 hour which
should be enough for anyone...
Similar to the nfd-worker, in this PR we want to support the
dynamic run-time configurability through a config file for the nfd-master.
We'll use a json or yaml configuration file along with the fsnotify in
order to watch for changes in the config file. As a result, we're
allowing dynamic control of logging params, allowed namespaces,
extended resources, label whitelisting, and denied namespaces.
Signed-off-by: AhmedGrati <>
Add code coverage reporting so that the report is then available
to the PR author and reviewers via codecov GitHub app.
Signed-off-by: Muyassarov, Feruzjon <>
Make distroless/base as the base image for the default image,
effectively making the minimal image as the default. Add a new "full"
image variant that corresponds the previous default image. The
"*-minimal" container image tag is provided for backwards compatibility.
The practical user impact of this change is that hook support is limited
to statically linked ELF binaries. Bash or Perl scripts are not
supported by the default image, anymore, but the new "full" image
variant can be used for backwards compatibility.
- Add a helm template with a config example for the exclude-list.
- Add mount for the topology-updater.conf file
- Update the templates Makefile target
Signed-off-by: Talor Itzhak <>
Refactor the code, moving the hostpath helper functionality to new
"pkg/utils/hostpath" package. This breaks odd-ish dependency
"pkg/utils" -> "source".
Use the same base image (golang) for auto-generation as for building
container images. This makes sure that we stay in sync in terms of the
golang version used.
In some cases (CI) it is useful to run NFD e2e tests using
ephemeral clusters. To save time and bandwidth, it is also useful
to prime the ephemeral cluster with the images under test.
In these circumstances there is no risk of running a stale image,
and having a `Always` PullPolicy hardcoded actually makes
the whole exercise null.
So we add a new option, disabled by default, to make the e2e
manifest use the `IfNotPresent` pull policy, to effectively
cover this use case.
Signed-off-by: Francesco Romani <>
Run code auto-generation inside a container instead of the host system.
Our auto-generation depends on specific versions of a multitude of tools
(like k8s code-generator, controller-gen, protoc, mockery etc). This
made it really awkward (and error-prone) to run in the host environment,
especially if/when you needed different versions of those tools for
other projects. Making it even more unwieldy, the required versions of
tools were not neatly documented anywhere (except for git commits,
With this patch we have a "fixed environment", as we build a special
auto-generate-builder container which has correct versions of all the
dependencies. Using the container makes auto-generation easy to run
anywhere, independent of the host system, giving reproducibility and
reliability. Also, the patch moves the auto-generation steps out from
the makefile into a separate script, making the makefile cleaner and the
script easier to maintain.
Switch over to the "non-point-release" version of the image. Now we
always use the latest patch version of golang with latest security
fixes, for example, without the need to manually bump the version after
every point release.
This patch also makes the builder image configurable through a Makefile
For reproducible builds we should used fixed point-release versions in
Add auto-generated code for interfacing our CRD API. On top of this, a
CR controller can be implemented. This patch uses k8s/code-generator
for code generation. Run "make generate" in order to (re-)generate
everything. Path to the code-generator repository may need to be
K8S_CODE_GENERATOR=path/to/code-generator make apigen
Code-generator version 0.20.7 was used to create this patch. Install
k8s code-generator tools and clone the repo with:
git clone -b v0.20.7 <path/to/code-generator>
go install
Add a cluster-scoped Custom Resource Definition for specifying labeling
rules. Nodes (node features, node objects) are cluster-level objects and
thus the natural and encouraged setup is to only have one NFD deployment
per cluster - the set of underlying features of the node stays the same
independent of how many parallel NFD deployments you have. Our extension
points (hooks, feature files and now CRs) can be be used by multiple
actors (depending on us) simultaneously. Having the CRD cluster-scoped
hopefully drives deployments in this direction. It also should make
deployment of vendor-specific labeling rules easy as there is no need to
worry about the namespace.
This patch virtually replicates the source.custom.FeatureSpec in a CRD
API (located in the pkg/apis/nfd/v1alpha1 package) with the notable
exception that "MatchOn" legacy rules are not supported. Legacy rules
are left out in order to keep the CRD simple and clean.
The duplicate functionality in source/custom will be dropped by upcoming
This patch utilizes controller-gen (from
for generating the CRD and deepcopy methods. Code can be (re-)generated
with "make generate". Install controller-gen with:
go install
Update kustomize and helm deployments to deploy the CRD.
Use 'go generate' for auto-generating code. Drop the old 'mock' and
'apigen' makefile targets. Those are replaced with a single
make generate
which (re-)generates everything.
There have been recent changes made to the noderesourcetopology API
storing the proto file generated using go-to-protobuf tool and
this code inports the proto generated in the API in the topology-updater.proto
The PRs corresponding to the changes are as follows:
Commands used to generate topology-updater.pb.go file:
go install
go mod vendor
protoc --go_opt=paths=source_relative --go_out=plugins=grpc:. pkg/topologyupdater/topology-updater.proto -I. -Ivendor
As part of implmentation of this patch, reserved (non-allocatable) CPUs
are evaluated by performing a difference between all the CPUs on a system
(determined by using ghw) and allocatable CPUs (determined by querying
GetAllocatableResources podResource API endpoint).
When aggregator creates the NUMA zones, it will skip the zone creation if
there are no allocatable resources. In this update we creates those missing
zone with zero allocatable/available resources so we won't have holes in the
array of reported zones.
Co-Authored-by: Talor Itzhak <>
Signed-off-by: Swati Sehgal <>