diff --git a/docs/deployment/helm.md b/docs/deployment/helm.md index 96e1211ec..644a43769 100644 --- a/docs/deployment/helm.md +++ b/docs/deployment/helm.md @@ -98,7 +98,9 @@ Chart parameters are available. | `tls.certManager` | bool | false | If enabled, requires [cert-manager](https://cert-manager.io/docs/) to be installed and will automatically create the required TLS certificates. **NOTE**: this parameter is related to the deprecated gRPC API and will be removed with it in a future release | | `tls.certManager.certManagerCertificate.issuerName` | string | | If specified, it will use a pre-existing issuer instead for the required TLS certificates. **NOTE**: this parameter is related to the deprecated gRPC API and will be removed with it in a future release | | `tls.certManager.certManagerCertificate.issuerKind` | string | | Specifies on what kind of issuer is used, can be either ClusterIssuer or Issuer (default). Requires `tls.certManager.certManagerCertificate.issuerName` to be set. **NOTE**: this parameter is related to the deprecated gRPC API and will be removed with it in a future release | -| `featureGates.NodeFeatureAPI`| bool | true | Enable the [NodeFeature](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeature) CRD API for communicating node features. This will automatically disable the gRPC communication. **NOTE**: this parameter is related to the deprecated gRPC API and will be removed with it in a future release | +| `featureGates.NodeFeatureAPI` | bool | true | Enable the [NodeFeature](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeature) CRD API for communicating node features. This will automatically disable the gRPC communication. | +| `featureGates.NodeFeatureGroupAPI` | bool | false | Enable the [NodeFeatureGroup](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeaturegroup) CRD API. | +| `featureGates.DisableAutoPrefix` | bool | false | Enable [DisableAutoPrefix](../reference/feature-gates.md#disableautoprefix) feature gate. Disables automatic prefixing of unprefixed labels, annotations and extended resources. | | `enableNodeFeatureApi`| bool | true | Enable the [NodeFeature](../usage/custom-resources.md#nodefeature) CRD API for communicating node features. This will automatically disable the gRPC communication. **DEPRECATED**: will be removed in NFD v0.17, use `featureGates.NodeFeatureAPI` instead. | | `prometheus.enable` | bool | false | Specifies whether to expose metrics using prometheus operator | | `prometheus.labels` | dict | {} | Specifies labels for use with the prometheus operator to control how it is selected |