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synced 2025-03-28 02:37:11 +00:00
Store published label names in annotations
Add new 'nfd.node.kubernetes.io/feature-labels' annotation to store all the feature labels added by NFD. This annotation is used by NFD by cleaning up old labels when doing re-labeling. In this scheme NFD does not need to rely on NFD-specific prefix in feature label, and, is always able to reliably clean up old label.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 58 additions and 25 deletions
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ import (
@ -78,10 +79,13 @@ type APIHelpers interface {
// GetNode returns the Kubernetes node on which this container is running.
GetNode(*k8sclient.Clientset) (*api.Node, error)
// RemoveLabels removes labels from the supplied node that contain the
// RemoveLabelsWithPrefix removes labels from the supplied node that contain the
// search string provided. In order to publish the changes, the node must
// subsequently be updated via the API server using the client library.
RemoveLabels(*api.Node, string)
RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(*api.Node, string)
// RemoveLabels removes NFD labels from a node object
RemoveLabels(*api.Node, []string)
// AddLabels adds new NFD labels to the node object.
// In order to publish the labels, the node must be subsequently updated via the
@ -314,8 +318,14 @@ func createFeatureLabels(sources []source.FeatureSource, labelWhiteList *regexp.
// disabled via --no-publish flag.
func updateNodeWithFeatureLabels(helper APIHelpers, noPublish bool, labels Labels) error {
if !noPublish {
// Advertise NFD version as an annotation
annotations := Annotations{"version": version}
// Advertise NFD version and label names as annotations
keys := make([]string, 0, len(labels))
for k, _ := range labels {
keys = append(keys, k)
annotations := Annotations{"version": version,
"feature-labels": strings.Join(keys, ",")}
err := advertiseFeatureLabels(helper, labels, annotations)
if err != nil {
@ -363,11 +373,15 @@ func advertiseFeatureLabels(helper APIHelpers, labels Labels, annotations Annota
return err
// Remove labels with our prefix
helper.RemoveLabels(node, labelPrefix)
// Remove old labels
if l, ok := node.Annotations[annotationNs+"feature-labels"]; ok {
oldLabels := strings.Split(l, ",")
helper.RemoveLabels(node, oldLabels)
// Also, remove all labels with the old prefix, and the old version label
helper.RemoveLabels(node, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd")
helper.RemoveLabels(node, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery")
helper.RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(node, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd")
helper.RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(node, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery")
// Add labels to the node object.
helper.AddLabels(node, labels)
@ -416,9 +430,9 @@ func (h k8sHelpers) GetNode(cli *k8sclient.Clientset) (*api.Node, error) {
return node, nil
// RemoveLabels searches through all labels on Node n and removes
// RemoveLabelsWithPrefix searches through all labels on Node n and removes
// any where the key contain the search string.
func (h k8sHelpers) RemoveLabels(n *api.Node, search string) {
func (h k8sHelpers) RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(n *api.Node, search string) {
for k := range n.Labels {
if strings.Contains(k, search) {
delete(n.Labels, k)
@ -426,6 +440,13 @@ func (h k8sHelpers) RemoveLabels(n *api.Node, search string) {
// RemoveLabels removes given NFD labels
func (h k8sHelpers) RemoveLabels(n *api.Node, labelNames []string) {
for _, l := range labelNames {
delete(n.Labels, labelPrefix+l)
func (h k8sHelpers) AddLabels(n *api.Node, labels Labels) {
for k, v := range labels {
n.Labels[labelPrefix+k] = v
@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import (
@ -25,11 +26,16 @@ func TestDiscoveryWithMockSources(t *testing.T) {
fakeFeatureNames := []string{"testfeature1", "testfeature2", "testfeature3"}
fakeFeatures := source.Features{}
fakeFeatureLabels := Labels{}
fakeAnnotations := Annotations{"version": version}
fakeAnnotations := Annotations{"version": version,
"feature-labels": "testSource-testfeature1,testSource-testfeature2,testSource-testfeature3"}
fakeFeatureLabelNames := make([]string, 0, len(fakeFeatureNames))
for _, f := range fakeFeatureNames {
fakeFeatures[f] = true
fakeFeatureLabels[fmt.Sprintf("testSource-%s", f)] = "true"
labelName := fakeFeatureSourceName + "-" + f
fakeFeatureLabels[labelName] = "true"
fakeFeatureLabelNames = append(fakeFeatureLabelNames, labelName)
fakeAnnotations["feature-labels"] = strings.Join(fakeFeatureLabelNames, ",")
fakeFeatureSource := source.FeatureSource(mockFeatureSource)
Convey("When I successfully get the labels from the mock source", func() {
@ -60,16 +66,16 @@ func TestDiscoveryWithMockSources(t *testing.T) {
mockAPIHelper := new(MockAPIHelpers)
testHelper := APIHelpers(mockAPIHelper)
mockNode := &api.Node{}
var mockClient *k8sclient.Clientset
var mockNode *api.Node
Convey("When I successfully update the node with feature labels", func() {
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockAPIHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient).Return(mockNode, nil).Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddLabels", mockNode, fakeFeatureLabels).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, labelPrefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, labelPrefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddAnnotations", mockNode, fakeAnnotations).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("UpdateNode", mockClient, mockNode).Return(nil).Once()
noPublish := false
@ -116,9 +122,9 @@ func TestDiscoveryWithMockSources(t *testing.T) {
expectedError := errors.New("fake error")
mockAPIHelper.On("GetClient").Return(mockClient, nil)
mockAPIHelper.On("GetNode", mockClient).Return(mockNode, nil).Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, labelPrefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabels", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, labelPrefix).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/nfd").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("RemoveLabelsWithPrefix", mockNode, "node.alpha.kubernetes-incubator.io/node-feature-discovery").Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddLabels", mockNode, fakeFeatureLabels).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("AddAnnotations", mockNode, fakeAnnotations).Return().Once()
mockAPIHelper.On("UpdateNode", mockClient, mockNode).Return(expectedError).Once()
@ -338,7 +344,7 @@ func TestAddLabels(t *testing.T) {
func TestRemoveLabels(t *testing.T) {
func TestRemoveLabelsWithPrefix(t *testing.T) {
Convey("When removing labels", t, func() {
helper := k8sHelpers{}
n := &api.Node{
@ -352,20 +358,20 @@ func TestRemoveLabels(t *testing.T) {
Convey("a unique label should be removed", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "single")
helper.RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(n, "single")
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 2)
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "single")
Convey("a non-unique search string should remove all matching keys", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "multiple")
helper.RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(n, "multiple")
So(len(n.Labels), ShouldEqual, 1)
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "multiple_A")
So(n.Labels, ShouldNotContainKey, "multiple_B")
Convey("a search string with no matches should not alter labels", func() {
helper.RemoveLabels(n, "unique")
helper.RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(n, "unique")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "single")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "multiple_A")
So(n.Labels, ShouldContainKey, "multiple_B")
@ -58,9 +58,15 @@ func (_m *MockAPIHelpers) GetNode(_a0 *k8sclient.Clientset) (*api.Node, error) {
return r0, r1
// RemoveLabels provides a mock function with *api.Node and main.Labels as the input arguments and
// RemoveLabelsWithPrefix provides a mock function with *api.Node and main.Labels as the input arguments and
// no return value
func (_m *MockAPIHelpers) RemoveLabels(_a0 *api.Node, _a1 string) {
func (_m *MockAPIHelpers) RemoveLabelsWithPrefix(_a0 *api.Node, _a1 string) {
_m.Called(_a0, _a1)
// RemoveLabels provides a mock function with *api.Node and []strings as the input arguments and
// no return value
func (_m *MockAPIHelpers) RemoveLabels(_a0 *api.Node, _a1 []string) {
_m.Called(_a0, _a1)
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