{ pkgs ? import {} }: let config = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.lnl.zsh pkgs.lnl.tmux pkgs.lnl.vim pkgs.curl pkgs.fzf pkgs.gettext pkgs.git pkgs.jq pkgs.silver-searcher pkgs.nix-repl pkgs.nox ]; services.nix-daemon.enable = true; services.nix-daemon.tempDir = "/nix/tmp"; services.activate-system.enable = true; system.defaults.global.InitialKeyRepeat = 10; system.defaults.global.KeyRepeat = 1; programs.tmux.loginShell = "${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh -l"; programs.tmux.enableSensible = true; programs.tmux.enableMouse = true; programs.tmux.enableFzf = true; programs.tmux.enableVim = true; programs.tmux.tmuxConfig = '' bind 0 set status set -g status-bg black set -g status-fg white ''; environment.variables.EDITOR = "vim"; environment.variables.HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS = "--appdir=/Applications/cask"; environment.variables.SHELL = "${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh"; environment.variables.GIT_SSL_CAINFO = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; environment.variables.SSL_CERT_FILE = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; environment.shellAliases.l = "ls -lh"; environment.shellAliases.ls = "ls -G"; environment.shellAliases.g = "git log --oneline --max-count 42"; environment.shellAliases.gl = "git log --graph --oneline"; environment.shellAliases.gd = "git diff --minimal --patch"; environment.etc."zprofile".text = '' # /etc/zprofile: DO NOT EDIT -- this file has been generated automatically. # This file is read for login shells. # Only execute this file once per shell. if [ -n "$__ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED" ]; then return; fi __ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED=1 autoload -U promptinit && promptinit PROMPT='%B%(?..%? )%b⇒ ' RPROMPT='%F{green}%~%f' bindkey -e setopt autocd autoload -U compinit && compinit nix () { cmd=$1 shift case $cmd in 'b'|'build') nix-build --no-out-link -E "with import {}; $@" ;; 'e'|'eval') nix-instantiate --eval -E "with import {}; $@" ;; 'i'|'instantiate') nix-instantiate -E "with import {}; $@" ;; 'r'|'repl') nix-repl '' ;; 's'|'shell') nix-shell -E "with import {}; $@" ;; 'p'|'package') nix-shell '' -p "with import {}; $@" --run ${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh ;; 'z'|'zsh') nix-shell '' -E "with import {}; $@" --run ${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh ;; esac } nixdarwin-rebuild () { cmd=$1 shift case $cmd in 'build') nix-build '' -A nixdarwin.toplevel "$@" ;; 'repl') nix-repl "$HOME/.nixpkgs/config.nix" "$@" ;; 'shell') nix-shell '' -p nixdarwin.toplevel --run ${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh "$@" ;; 'exec') __ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED= __ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED= __ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED= exec ${pkgs.lnl.zsh}/bin/zsh -l ;; 'switch') systemConfig=$(nix-build --no-out-link '' -A nixdarwin.toplevel) && nix-shell '' -A nixdarwin.toplevel --run 'sudo $out/activate' && sudo nix-env --profile ${config.system.profile} --set $systemConfig ;; esac } conf=$HOME/src/nixpkgs-config pkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs # Read system-wide modifications. if test -f /etc/zprofile.local; then . /etc/zprofile.local fi ''; environment.etc."zshenv".text = '' # /etc/zshenv: DO NOT EDIT -- this file has been generated automatically. # This file is read for all shells. # Only execute this file once per shell. # But don't clobber the environment of interactive non-login children! if [ -n "$__ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED" ]; then return; fi export __ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED=1 export NIX_PATH=nixpkgs=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs:$HOME/.nix-defexpr/channels_root # Set up secure multi-user builds: non-root users build through the # Nix daemon. if [ "$USER" != root -a ! -w /nix/var/nix/db ]; then export NIX_REMOTE=daemon fi # Read system-wide modifications. if test -f /etc/zshenv.local; then . /etc/zshenv.local fi ''; environment.etc."zshrc".text = '' # /etc/zshrc: DO NOT EDIT -- this file has been generated automatically. # This file is read for interactive shells. # Only execute this file once per shell. if [ -n "$__ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED" -o -n "$NOSYSZSHRC" ]; then return; fi __ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED=1 # history defaults SAVEHIST=2000 HISTSIZE=2000 HISTFILE=$HOME/.zsh_history setopt HIST_IGNORE_DUPS SHARE_HISTORY HIST_FCNTL_LOCK export PATH=${config.environment.systemPath}''${PATH:+:$PATH} typeset -U PATH ${config.system.build.setEnvironment} ${config.system.build.setAliases} # Read system-wide modifications. if test -f /etc/zshrc.local; then . /etc/zshrc.local fi ''; }; eval = import ../.. { inherit config; }; in { inherit (eval) config; inherit (eval.config.system) build; packageOverrides = self: { nixdarwin = eval.config.system.build; lnl.zsh = pkgs.runCommand pkgs.zsh.name { buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; } '' source $stdenv/setup mkdir -p $out/bin makeWrapper "${pkgs.zsh}/bin/zsh" "$out/bin/zsh" ''; lnl.tmux = pkgs.runCommand pkgs.tmux.name { buildInputs = [ pkgs.makeWrapper ]; } '' source $stdenv/setup mkdir -p $out/bin makeWrapper "${pkgs.tmux}/bin/tmux" "$out/bin/tmux" \ --add-flags -f --add-flags "/run/current-system/etc/tmux.conf" \ ''; lnl.vim = pkgs.vim_configurable.customize { name = "vim"; vimrcConfig.customRC = '' set nocompatible filetype plugin indent on syntax on colorscheme solarized set bg=dark set et sw=2 ts=2 set bs=indent,start set nowrap set list set listchars=tab:»·,trail:·,extends:⟩,precedes:⟨ set fillchars+=vert:\ ,stl:\ ,stlnc:\ set lazyredraw set clipboard=unnamed vmap s S cnoremap %% =expand('%:h') . '/' set hlsearch nnoremap // :nohlsearch let mapleader = ' ' nnoremap p :FZF nnoremap e :exe 'FZF ' . expand('%:h') source $HOME/.vimrc.local ''; # vimrcConfig.vam.knownPlugins = with pkgs.vimUtils; (pkgs.vimPlugins // { # vim-nix = buildVimPluginFrom2Nix { # name = "vim-nix-unstable"; # src = ../../../vim-nix; # }; # }); vimrcConfig.vam.pluginDictionaries = [ { names = [ "fzfWrapper" "youcompleteme" "fugitive" "surround" "vim-nix" "colors-solarized" ]; } ]; }; }; allowUnfree = true; }