2018-03-29 - default nix.package no longer uses the default profile. system.stateVersion > 2 For the original behaviour configure nix.package nix.package = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default"; 2018-03-06 - added ssh.knownHosts, to manage global known_hosts. 2018-01-16 - fixed issue for single-user installs, be careful when rolling back to a revision after 9792b08fdf049524742143f4f788e3eb61a769fda. If you run into trouble try NIX_REMOTE= darwin-rebuild switch. 2018-01-13 - added users.users and users.groups to manage user accounts. Changes will not be applied to existing users or groups. 2018-01-08 - added networking.networkservices, to manage dns servers and searchdomains. This will clear existing values when enabled. 2018-01-06 - added nixpkgs.overlays, there is a chapter on overlays in the nixpkgs manual https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays with more information. 2018-01-04 - the nix.useDaemon/services.nix-daemon.enable options now automatically reload the daemon for you when nix.conf changes. 2017-11-29 - the security.enableAccessibilityAccess option was removed since it no longer works on macOS 10.12 and later. 2017-11-06 - the programs.fish module was rewritten based on improvements from NixOS. This might have some incompatible changes compared to the previous implementation. 2017-10-06 - loeOf was removed from nixpkgs in 10881bbe11b2f66ebfa880795e5bc01a04158da4 Using single items instead of a list no longer works for environment.systemPath and launchd...path 2017-10-01 - added system.stateVersion option, add this to your configuration to avoid breaking changes. This changelog and the activation checks will show instructions on what to do to safely increment this value. 2017-07-06 - added user channels to the default nix.nixPath Using a user channel now works without any custom configuration. See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1548 if you are running into issues when updating your channel. 2017-07-28 - added support for command-not-found, using nix-index programs.nix-index.enable = true; 2017-07-23 - darwin entry in the default nix.nixPath was removed for system.stateVersion > 1 Use a channel for nix-darwin or configure nix.nixPath sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz darwin sudo nix-channel --update nix.nixPath = [ "darwin=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/darwin" "darwin-config=$HOME/.nixpkgs/darwin-configuration.nix" "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user/root/channels" ]; 2017-01-09 - nix.profile was renamed to nix.package