- There is now a `nix.enable` toggle to disable management of the Nix
  installation. Nix installation management has been made more
  opinionated as a consequence; nix-darwin now only supports managing a
  multi‐user daemon installation of Nix, and unconditionally takes
  ownership of the nix-daemon launchd daemon and the `_nixbld*` build
  users when Nix installation management is enabled.

  If the new constraints do not work with your setup, you can disable
  the `nix.enable` option to opt out of Nix installation management
  entirely; see the option documentation for caveats.

- The default configuration path for all new installations
  is `/etc/nix-darwin`. This was already the undocumented
  default for `darwin-rebuild switch` when using flakes. This
  is implemented by setting `environment.darwinConfig` to
  `"/etc/nix-darwin/configuration.nix"` by default when
  `system.stateVersion` ≥ 6.

- The default Nix build user group ID is now set to 350 when
  `system.stateVersion` ≥ 5, to reflect the default for new Nix
  installations. This only affects installations that enable
  `nix.configureBuildUsers`, and any divergence will be detected on
  system activation. To use `nix.configureBuildUsers` with a higher
  `system.stateVersion` on installations using the old group ID, set:

      ids.gids.nixbld = 30000;

  We do not recommend trying to change the group ID with macOS user
  management tools without a complete uninstallation and reinstallation
  of Nix.

- SECURITY NOTICE: The previous implementation of the
  `users.users.<name>.openssh.authorizedKeys.*` options would not delete
  authorized keys files when the setting for a given user was removed.

  This means that if you previously stopped managing a user's authorized
  SSH keys with nix-darwin, or intended to revoke their access by
  removing the option, the previous set of keys could still be used to
  log in as that user.

  You can check the /etc/ssh/authorized_keys.d directory to see which
  keys were permitted; afterwards, please remove the directory and
  re-run activation. The options continue to be supported and will now
  correctly permit only the keys in your current system configuration.

- Major changes to `homebrew` module
  `homebrew.cleanup` was renamed to `homebrew.onActivation.cleanup`.

  `homebrew.autoUpdate` was renamed to `homebrew.onActivation.autoUpdate`.

  `homebrew.onActivation.upgrade` was added, and the default behavior of the
  module was changed to not upgrade installed formulae and apps.

  `homebrew.global.autoUpdate` was added.

  `homebrew.global.noLock` was replaced with `hombrew.global.lockfiles`.

  `homebrew.caskArgs` submodule was added for configuring arguments to be used
  for all casks.

  `homebrew.{taps,brews,casks}` were reimplemented as lists of submodules,
  instead of lists of strings, with well documented options for all available
  arguments for these Brewfile entry types, while preserving backwards
  compatibility with the previous implementation.

- nix module updated to bring it back in sync with it's NixOS counterpart
  It should now be much more fiesable to share code for this module between
  `nix-darwin` and NixOS configs.

  `nix-darwin` now requires Nix >= 2.2.

  `nix.package` can no longer be a path to a profile.

  `nix.version` option has been removed. Use `nix.package.version` if you want
  to reference the version Nix installed/used by your config.

  Many options moved/renamed from `nix.*` to `nix.settings.*`. For example
  `nix.binaryCaches` is now `nix.settings.substituters`.

  You can use `nix.settings` to set any option in `nix.conf`.

  `users.nix.*` options moved to `nix.*`.

  `nix.daemonIONice` was renamed to `nix.daemonIOLowPriority`, and
  `nix.daemonNiceLevel` was removed in favor a new option

- Added `homebrew` module, to manage formulas installed by Homebrew via `brew bundle`.

- The option environment.variables.SHELL is no longer set automatically when,
  eg. programs.zsh.enable is configured.

- Options using the deprecated loaOf where removed, see https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/96042

    The following options no longer accept lists:
    environment.etc, environment.launchAgents.*, environment.launchDaemons.*,
    users.users, programs.ssh.knownHosts

- A configuration.nix manpage is now included by default, run
  `man 5 configuration.nix` or `darwin-help`. The documentation option can be
  disabled to exclude the manual and it's extra build dependencies.

    documentation.enable = false;

- nix.nixPath entries are now merged by default
  system.stateVersion > 3

    For the original behaviour, override the option using a higher priority.

    nix.nixPath = lib.mkForce [ "darwin-config=/configuration.nix" ... ];

  This option also supports specifying named NIX_PATH entries using an
  attribute set now.

    nix.nixPath = [{ darwin = "/src/darwin"; }];

- The users module now supports declarative per-user packages similar to nixos.

    users.users.<name>.packages = [ pkgs.hello ];

- The NIX_PATH validation can be disabled now, this is particularly useful if
  the darwin configuration is deployed from another machine in which case it
  often doesn't matter that darwin-rebuild won't work on the host itself.

    system.checks.verifyNixPath = false;

- default nix.package no longer uses the default profile.
  system.stateVersion > 2

    For the original behaviour configure nix.package

    nix.package = "/nix/var/nix/profiles/default";

- added ssh.knownHosts, to manage global known_hosts.

- fixed issue for single-user installs, be careful when rolling back to a
  revision after 9792b08fdf049524742143f4f788e3eb61a769fda.

    If you run into trouble try NIX_REMOTE= darwin-rebuild switch.

- added users.users and users.groups to manage user accounts.
  Changes will not be applied to existing users or groups.

- added networking.networkservices, to manage dns servers and searchdomains.
  This will clear existing values when enabled.

- added nixpkgs.overlays, there is a chapter on overlays in the nixpkgs manual
  https://nixos.org/nixpkgs/manual/#chap-overlays with more information.

- the nix.useDaemon/services.nix-daemon.enable options now automatically
  reload the daemon for you when nix.conf changes.

- the security.enableAccessibilityAccess option was removed since it
  no longer works on macOS 10.12 and later.

- the programs.fish module was rewritten based on improvements from
  NixOS. This might have some incompatible changes compared to the
  previous implementation.

- loeOf was removed from nixpkgs in 10881bbe11b2f66ebfa880795e5bc01a04158da4

    Using single items instead of a list no longer works for
    environment.systemPath and launchd.<serviceType>.<name>.path

- added system.stateVersion option, add this to your configuration to
  avoid breaking changes.  This changelog and the activation checks
  will show instructions on what to do to safely increment this value.

- added user channels to the default nix.nixPath

    Using a user channel now works without any custom configuration.
    See https://github.com/NixOS/nix/issues/1548 if you are running into
    issues when updating your channel.

- added support for command-not-found, using nix-index

    programs.nix-index.enable = true;

- darwin entry in the default nix.nixPath was removed for
  system.stateVersion > 1

    Use a channel for nix-darwin or configure nix.nixPath

    sudo nix-channel --add https://github.com/LnL7/nix-darwin/archive/master.tar.gz darwin
    sudo nix-channel --update

    nix.nixPath =
      [ "darwin=$HOME/.nix-defexpr/darwin"

- nix.profile was renamed to nix.package