#compdef darwin-rebuild


local -a _1st_arguments
  'edit:Open nix-darwin config in $EDITOR'\
  'switch:Build, activate, and update the current generation'\
  'activate:Activate an already built store path and update the current generation'\
  'build:Build without activating or updating the current generation'\
  'check:Build and run the activation sanity checks'\
  'changelog:Show most recent entries in the changelog'\

_arguments \
  '(--verbose -v)*'{--verbose,-v}'[Increase verbosity of diagnostic messages]'\
  '(--max-jobs -j)'{--max-jobs,-j}'[max number of build jobs in parallel]:jobs:'\
  '--cores[threads per job (e.g. -j argument to make)]:cores:'\
  '(--keep-going -k)'{--keep-going,-k}"[keep going until all builds are finished]"\
  '(--keep-failed -K)'{--keep-failed,-K}'[keep failed builds (usually in /tmp)]'\
  '--fallback[If binary download fails, fall back on building from source]'\
  '--show-trace[Print stack trace of evaluation errors]'\
  '*--option[set Nix configuration option]:options:_nix_options:value:_nix_options_value'\
  '*--arg[argument to pass to the Nix function]:Name:_nix_complete_function_arg:Value: '\
  '*--argstr[pass a string]:Name:_nix_complete_function_arg:String: '\
  '--list-generations[Print a list of all generations in the active profile]'\
  '--rollback[Roll back to the previous configuration]'\
  {--switch-generation,-G}'[Activate specified generation]'\
  '(--profile-name -p)'{--profile-name,-p}'[Profile to use to track current and previous system configurations]:Profile:_nix_profiles'\
  '1:: :->subcmds' && return 0

case $state in
    _describe -t commands 'darwin-rebuild subcommands' _1st_arguments