{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: let inherit (lib) concatStringsSep concatMapStringsSep elem filter filterAttrs mapAttrs' mapAttrsToList mkIf mkMerge mkOption mkOrder optionalString types; cfg = config.users; group = import ./group.nix; user = import ./user.nix; toGID = v: { "${toString v.gid}" = v.name; }; toUID = v: { "${toString v.uid}" = v.name; }; isCreated = list: name: elem name list; isDeleted = attrs: name: ! elem name (mapAttrsToList (n: v: v.name) attrs); gids = mapAttrsToList (n: toGID) (filterAttrs (n: v: isCreated cfg.knownGroups v.name) cfg.groups); uids = mapAttrsToList (n: toUID) (filterAttrs (n: v: isCreated cfg.knownUsers v.name) cfg.users); createdGroups = mapAttrsToList (n: v: cfg.groups."${v}") cfg.gids; createdUsers = mapAttrsToList (n: v: cfg.users."${v}") cfg.uids; deletedGroups = filter (n: isDeleted cfg.groups n) cfg.knownGroups; deletedUsers = filter (n: isDeleted cfg.users n) cfg.knownUsers; packageUsers = filterAttrs (_: u: u.packages != []) cfg.users; # convert a valid argument to user.shell into a string that points to a shell # executable. Logic copied from modules/system/shells.nix. shellPath = v: if types.shellPackage.check v then "/run/current-system/sw${v.shellPath}" else v; systemShells = let shells = mapAttrsToList (_: u: u.shell) cfg.users; in filter types.shellPackage.check shells; in { imports = [ (lib.mkRemovedOptionModule [ "users" "forceRecreate" ] "") ]; options = { users.knownGroups = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; description = '' List of groups owned and managed by nix-darwin. Used to indicate what users are safe to create/delete based on the configuration. Don't add system groups to this. ''; }; users.knownUsers = mkOption { type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; description = '' List of users owned and managed by nix-darwin. Used to indicate what users are safe to create/delete based on the configuration. Don't add the admin user or other system users to this. ''; }; users.groups = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule group); default = {}; description = "Configuration for groups."; }; users.users = mkOption { type = types.attrsOf (types.submodule user); default = {}; description = "Configuration for users."; }; users.gids = mkOption { internal = true; type = types.attrsOf types.str; default = {}; }; users.uids = mkOption { internal = true; type = types.attrsOf types.str; default = {}; }; }; config = { assertions = [ { # We don't check `root` like the rest of the users as on some systems `root`'s # home directory is set to `/var/root /private/var/root` assertion = cfg.users ? root -> (cfg.users.root.home == null || cfg.users.root.home == "/var/root"); message = "`users.users.root.home` must be set to either `null` or `/var/root`."; } ]; users.gids = mkMerge gids; users.uids = mkMerge uids; # NOTE: We put this in `system.checks` as we want this to run first to avoid partial activations # however currently that runs at user level activation as that runs before system level activation # TODO: replace `$USER` with `$SUDO_USER` when system.checks runs from system level system.checks.text = lib.mkAfter '' ensurePerms() { homeDirectory=$(dscl . -read /Users/nobody NFSHomeDirectory) homeDirectory=''${homeDirectory#NFSHomeDirectory: } if ! sudo dscl . -change /Users/nobody NFSHomeDirectory "$homeDirectory" "$homeDirectory" &> /dev/null; then if [[ -n "$SSH_CONNECTION" ]]; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: users cannot be %s over SSH without Full Disk Access, aborting activation\e[0m\n' "$2" printf >&2 'The user %s could not be %s as `darwin-rebuild` was not executed with Full Disk Access over SSH.\n' "$1" "$2" printf >&2 'You can either:\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 ' grant Full Disk Access to all programs run over SSH\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'or\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 ' run `darwin-rebuild` in a graphical session.\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'The option "Allow full disk access for remote users" can be found by\n' printf >&2 'navigating to System Settings > General > Sharing > Remote Login\n' printf >&2 'and then pressing on the i icon next to the switch.\n' exit 1 else # The TCC service required to change home directories is `kTCCServiceSystemPolicySysAdminFiles` # and we can reset it to ensure the user gets another prompt tccutil reset SystemPolicySysAdminFiles > /dev/null if ! sudo dscl . -change /Users/nobody NFSHomeDirectory "$homeDirectory" "$homeDirectory" &> /dev/null; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: permission denied when trying to %s user %s, aborting activation\e[0m\n' "$2" "$1" printf >&2 '`darwin-rebuild` requires permissions to administrate your computer,\n' "$1" "$2" printf >&2 'please accept the dialog that pops up.\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'If you do not wish to be prompted every time `darwin-rebuild updates your users,\n' printf >&2 'you can grant Full Disk Access to your terminal emulator in System Settings.\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'This can be found in System Settings > Privacy & Security > Full Disk Access.\n' exit 1 fi fi fi } ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (v: let name = lib.escapeShellArg v.name; dsclUser = lib.escapeShellArg "/Users/${v.name}"; in '' u=$(id -u ${name} 2> /dev/null) || true if ! [[ -n "$u" && "$u" -ne "${toString v.uid}" ]]; then if [ -z "$u" ]; then ensurePerms ${name} create ${optionalString (v.home != null && v.name != "root") '' else homeDirectory=$(dscl . -read ${dsclUser} NFSHomeDirectory) homeDirectory=''${homeDirectory#NFSHomeDirectory: } if [[ ${lib.escapeShellArg v.home} != "$homeDirectory" ]]; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: config contains the wrong home directory for %s, aborting activation\e[0m\n' ${name} printf >&2 'nix-darwin does not support changing the home directory of existing users.\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'Please set:\n' printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 ' users.users.%s.home = "%s";\n' ${name} "$homeDirectory" printf >&2 '\n' printf >&2 'or remove it from your configuration.\n' exit 1 fi ''} fi fi '') createdUsers} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (v: let name = lib.escapeShellArg v; in '' u=$(id -u ${name} 2> /dev/null) || true if [ -n "$u" ]; then if [ "$u" -gt 501 ]; then # TODO: add `darwin.primaryUser` as well if [[ ${name} == "$USER" ]]; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: refusing to delete the user calling `darwin-rebuild` (%s), aborting activation\e[0m\n', ${name} exit 1 elif [[ ${name} == "root" ]]; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: refusing to delete `root`, aborting activation\e[0m\n' exit 1 fi ensurePerms ${name} delete fi fi '') deletedUsers} ''; system.activationScripts.groups.text = mkIf (cfg.knownGroups != []) '' echo "setting up groups..." >&2 ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (v: let dsclGroup = lib.escapeShellArg "/Groups/${v.name}"; in '' g=$(dscl . -read ${dsclGroup} PrimaryGroupID 2> /dev/null) || true g=''${g#PrimaryGroupID: } if [ -z "$g" ]; then echo "creating group ${v.name}..." >&2 dscl . -create ${dsclGroup} PrimaryGroupID ${toString v.gid} dscl . -create ${dsclGroup} RealName ${lib.escapeShellArg v.description} g=${toString v.gid} fi if [ "$g" -eq ${toString v.gid} ]; then g=$(dscl . -read ${dsclGroup} GroupMembership 2> /dev/null) || true if [ "$g" != 'GroupMembership: ${concatStringsSep " " v.members}' ]; then echo "updating group members ${v.name}..." >&2 dscl . -create ${dsclGroup} GroupMembership ${lib.escapeShellArgs v.members} fi else echo "warning: existing group '${v.name}' has unexpected gid $g, skipping..." >&2 fi '') createdGroups} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (name: let dsclGroup = lib.escapeShellArg "/Groups/${name}"; in '' g=$(dscl . -read ${dsclGroup} PrimaryGroupID 2> /dev/null) || true g=''${g#PrimaryGroupID: } if [ -n "$g" ]; then if [ "$g" -gt 501 ]; then echo "deleting group ${name}..." >&2 dscl . -delete ${dsclGroup} else echo "warning: existing group '${name}' has unexpected gid $g, skipping..." >&2 fi fi '') deletedGroups} ''; system.activationScripts.users.text = mkIf (cfg.knownUsers != []) '' echo "setting up users..." >&2 ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (v: let name = lib.escapeShellArg v.name; dsclUser = lib.escapeShellArg "/Users/${v.name}"; in '' u=$(id -u ${name} 2> /dev/null) || true if [[ -n "$u" && "$u" -ne "${toString v.uid}" ]]; then echo "warning: existing user '${v.name}' has unexpected uid $u, skipping..." >&2 else if [ -z "$u" ]; then echo "creating user ${v.name}..." >&2 sysadminctl -addUser ${lib.escapeShellArgs ([ v.name "-UID" v.uid "-GID" v.gid ] ++ (lib.optionals (v.description != null) [ "-fullName" v.description ]) ++ [ "-home" (if v.home != null then v.home else "/var/empty") ] ++ [ "-shell" (if v.shell != null then shellPath v.shell else "/usr/bin/false") ])} 2> /dev/null # We need to check as `sysadminctl -addUser` still exits with exit code 0 when there's an error if ! id ${name} &> /dev/null; then printf >&2 '\e[1;31merror: failed to create user %s, aborting activation\e[0m\n' ${name} exit 1 fi dscl . -create ${dsclUser} IsHidden ${if v.isHidden then "1" else "0"} # `sysadminctl -addUser` won't create the home directory if we use the `-home` # flag so we need to do it ourselves ${optionalString (v.home != null && v.createHome) "createhomedir -cu ${name} > /dev/null"} fi # Update properties on known users to keep them inline with configuration dscl . -create ${dsclUser} PrimaryGroupID ${toString v.gid} ${optionalString (v.description != null) "dscl . -create ${dsclUser} RealName ${lib.escapeShellArg v.description}"} ${optionalString (v.shell != null) "dscl . -create ${dsclUser} UserShell ${lib.escapeShellArg (shellPath v.shell)}"} fi '') createdUsers} ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (name: '' u=$(id -u ${lib.escapeShellArg name} 2> /dev/null) || true if [ -n "$u" ]; then if [ "$u" -gt 501 ]; then echo "deleting user ${name}..." >&2 dscl . -delete ${lib.escapeShellArg "/Users/${name}"} else echo "warning: existing user '${name}' has unexpected uid $u, skipping..." >&2 fi fi '') deletedUsers} ''; # Install all the user shells environment.systemPackages = systemShells; environment.etc = mapAttrs' (name: { packages, ... }: { name = "profiles/per-user/${name}"; value.source = pkgs.buildEnv { name = "user-environment"; paths = packages; inherit (config.environment) pathsToLink extraOutputsToInstall; inherit (config.system.path) postBuild; }; }) packageUsers; environment.profiles = mkIf (packageUsers != {}) (mkOrder 900 [ "/etc/profiles/per-user/$USER" ]); }; }