{ config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { # imports = [ ~/.config/nixpkgs/darwin/local-configuration.nix ]; # system.patches = [ ./pam.patch ]; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.AppleKeyboardUIMode = 3; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.ApplePressAndHoldEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.InitialKeyRepeat = 10; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.KeyRepeat = 1; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSAutomaticCapitalizationEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSAutomaticDashSubstitutionEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSAutomaticPeriodSubstitutionEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSAutomaticQuoteSubstitutionEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSAutomaticSpellingCorrectionEnabled = false; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode = true; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain.NSNavPanelExpandedStateForSaveMode2 = true; system.defaults.NSGlobalDomain._HIHideMenuBar = true; system.defaults.dock.autohide = true; system.defaults.dock.mru-spaces = false; system.defaults.dock.orientation = "left"; system.defaults.dock.showhidden = true; system.defaults.finder.AppleShowAllExtensions = true; system.defaults.finder.QuitMenuItem = true; system.defaults.finder.FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning = false; system.defaults.trackpad.Clicking = true; system.defaults.trackpad.TrackpadThreeFingerDrag = true; system.keyboard.enableKeyMapping = true; system.keyboard.remapCapsLockToControl = true; environment.systemPackages = [ config.programs.vim.package config.services.chunkwm.package pkgs.awscli pkgs.brotli pkgs.ctags pkgs.curl pkgs.direnv pkgs.entr pkgs.fzf pkgs.gettext pkgs.git pkgs.gnupg pkgs.htop pkgs.jq pkgs.mosh pkgs.ripgrep pkgs.shellcheck pkgs.vault pkgs.qes pkgs.darwin-zsh-completions ]; services.yabai.enable = true; services.yabai.package = pkgs.yabai; services.skhd.enable = true; # security.sandbox.profiles.fetch-nixpkgs-updates.closure = [ pkgs.cacert pkgs.git ]; # security.sandbox.profiles.fetch-nixpkgs-updates.allowNetworking = true; # security.sandbox.profiles.fetch-nixpkgs-updates.writablePaths = [ (toString ~/Code/nixos/nixpkgs) ]; # launchd.user.agents.fetch-nixpkgs-updates = { # command = "/usr/bin/sandbox-exec -f ${config.security.sandbox.profiles.fetch-nixpkgs-updates.profile} ${pkgs.git}/bin/git -C ${toString ~/Code/nixos/nixpkgs} fetch origin master"; # environment.HOME = ""; # environment.NIX_SSL_CERT_FILE = "${pkgs.cacert}/etc/ssl/certs/ca-bundle.crt"; # serviceConfig.KeepAlive = false; # serviceConfig.ProcessType = "Background"; # serviceConfig.StartInterval = 360; # }; # Dotfiles. # launchd.user.agents.letty = { # serviceConfig.Program = "${pkgs.lnl.letty}/bin/letty-blink"; # serviceConfig.WatchPaths = ["/var/mail/lnl"]; # serviceConfig.KeepAlive = false; # serviceConfig.ProcessType = "Background"; # }; services.nix-daemon.enable = true; # services.nix-daemon.enableSocketListener = true; nix.extraOptions = '' gc-keep-derivations = true gc-keep-outputs = true min-free = 17179870000 max-free = 17179870000 log-lines = 128 ''; nix.binaryCachePublicKeys = [ "cache.daiderd.com-1:R8KOWZ8lDaLojqD+v9dzXAqGn29gEzPTTbr/GIpCTrI=" ]; nix.trustedBinaryCaches = [ https://d3i7ezr9vxxsfy.cloudfront.net ]; nix.useSandbox = true; nix.sandboxPaths = [ "/private/tmp" "/private/var/tmp" "/usr/bin/env" ]; programs.nix-index.enable = true; # programs.gnupg.agent.enable = true; # programs.gnupg.agent.enableSSHSupport = true; programs.tmux.enable = true; programs.tmux.enableSensible = true; programs.tmux.enableMouse = true; programs.tmux.enableFzf = true; programs.tmux.enableVim = true; programs.tmux.extraConfig = '' bind 0 set status bind S choose-session bind-key -r "<" swap-window -t -1 bind-key -r ">" swap-window -t +1 bind-key -n M-c run "tmux send-keys -t .+ C-\\\\ && tmux send-keys -t .+ C-a C-k C-l Up && tmux send-keys -t .+ Enter" bind-key -n M-r run "tmux send-keys -t .+ C-a C-k C-l Up && tmux send-keys -t .+ Enter" set -g pane-active-border-style fg=black set -g pane-border-style fg=black set -g status-bg black set -g status-fg white set -g status-right '#[fg=white]#(id -un)@#(hostname) #(cat /run/current-system/darwin-version)' ''; environment.etc."nix/user-sandbox.sb".text = '' (version 1) (allow default) (deny file-write* (subpath "/nix")) (allow file-write* (subpath "/nix/var/nix/gcroots/per-user") (subpath "/nix/var/nix/profiles/per-user")) (allow process-exec (literal "/bin/ps") (with no-sandbox)) ''; # programs.vim.enable = true; # programs.vim.enableSensible = true; programs.vim.package = pkgs.neovim.override { configure = { packages.darwin.start = with pkgs.vimPlugins; [ vim-sensible vim-surround ReplaceWithRegister polyglot fzfWrapper ale deoplete-nvim ]; customRC = '' set completeopt=menuone set encoding=utf-8 set hlsearch set list set number set showcmd set splitright cnoremap %% =expand('%:h') . '/' nnoremap // :nohlsearch let mapleader = ' ' " fzf nnoremap p :FZF " vim-surround vmap s S " ale nnoremap d :ALEGoToDefinition nnoremap D :ALEGoToDefinitionInVSplit nnoremap k :ALESignature nnoremap K :ALEHover nnoremap [a :ALEPreviousWrap nnoremap ]a :ALENextWrap " deoplete inoremap deoplete#undo_completion() inoremap deoplete#refresh() inoremap deoplete#mappings#manual_complete() inoremap pumvisible() ? "\" : "\" let g:deoplete#enable_at_startup = 1 ''; }; }; # Dotfiles. # programs.vim.package = mkForce pkgs.lnl.vim; programs.bash.enableCompletion = true; programs.zsh.enable = true; programs.zsh.enableBashCompletion = true; programs.zsh.enableFzfCompletion = true; programs.zsh.enableFzfGit = true; programs.zsh.enableFzfHistory = true; programs.zsh.variables.cfg = "$HOME/.config/nixpkgs/darwin/configuration.nix"; programs.zsh.variables.darwin = "$HOME/.nix-defexpr/darwin"; programs.zsh.variables.nixpkgs = "$HOME/.nix-defexpr/nixpkgs"; programs.zsh.promptInit = '' autoload -U promptinit && promptinit setopt PROMPTSUBST _prompt_nix() { [ -z "$IN_NIX_SHELL" ] || echo "%F{yellow}%B[''${name:+$name}]%b%f " } PS1='%F{red}%B%(?..%? )%b%f%# ' RPS1='$(_prompt_nix)%F{green}%~%f' if [ -n "$IN_NIX_SANDBOX" ]; then PS1+='%F{red}[sandbox]%f ' fi ''; programs.zsh.loginShellInit = '' reexec() { unset __NIX_DARWIN_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE unset __ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED exec $SHELL -c 'echo >&2 "reexecuting shell: $SHELL" && exec $SHELL -l' } reexec-tmux() { unset __NIX_DARWIN_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE unset __ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED exec tmux new-session -A -s _ "$@" } reexec-sandbox() { unset __NIX_DARWIN_SET_ENVIRONMENT_DONE unset __ETC_ZPROFILE_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHENV_SOURCED __ETC_ZSHRC_SOURCED export IN_NIX_SANDBOX=1 exec /usr/bin/sandbox-exec -f /etc/nix/user-sandbox.sb $SHELL -l } ls() { ${pkgs.coreutils}/bin/ls --color=auto "$@" } install_name_tool() { ${pkgs.darwin.cctools}/bin/install_name_tool "$@" } nm() { ${pkgs.darwin.cctools}/bin/nm "$@" } otool() { ${pkgs.darwin.cctools}/bin/otool "$@" } ''; programs.zsh.interactiveShellInit = '' setopt AUTOCD AUTOPUSHD autoload -U down-line-or-beginning-search autoload -U up-line-or-beginning-search bindkey '^[[A' down-line-or-beginning-search bindkey '^[[A' up-line-or-beginning-search zle -N down-line-or-beginning-search zle -N up-line-or-beginning-search ''; environment.variables.LANG = "en_US.UTF-8"; environment.shellAliases.g = "git log --pretty=color -32"; environment.shellAliases.gb = "git branch"; environment.shellAliases.gc = "git checkout"; environment.shellAliases.gcb = "git checkout -B"; environment.shellAliases.gd = "git diff --minimal --patch"; environment.shellAliases.gf = "git fetch"; environment.shellAliases.ga = "git log --pretty=color --all"; environment.shellAliases.gg = "git log --pretty=color --graph"; environment.shellAliases.gl = "git log --pretty=nocolor"; environment.shellAliases.grh = "git reset --hard"; environment.shellAliases.l = "ls -lh"; environment.extraInit = '' # Load and export variables from environment.d. if [ -d /etc/environment.d ]; then set -a . /etc/environment.d/* set +a fi ''; # environment.darwinConfig = "$HOME/.config/nixpkgs/darwin/configuration.nix"; nixpkgs.config.allowUnfree = true; nixpkgs.overlays = [ (self: super: { darwin-zsh-completions = super.runCommandNoCC "darwin-zsh-completions-0.0.0" { preferLocalBuild = true; } '' mkdir -p $out/share/zsh/site-functions cat <<-'EOF' > $out/share/zsh/site-functions/_darwin-rebuild #compdef darwin-rebuild #autoload _nix-common-options local -a _1st_arguments _1st_arguments=( 'switch:Build, activate, and update the current generation'\ 'build:Build without activating or updating the current generation'\ 'check:Build and run the activation sanity checks'\ 'changelog:Show most recent entries in the changelog'\ ) _arguments \ '--list-generations[Print a list of all generations in the active profile]'\ '--rollback[Roll back to the previous configuration]'\ {--switch-generation,-G}'[Activate specified generation]'\ '(--profile-name -p)'{--profile-name,-p}'[Profile to use to track current and previous system configurations]:Profile:_nix_profiles'\ '1:: :->subcmds' && return 0 case $state in subcmds) _describe -t commands 'darwin-rebuild subcommands' _1st_arguments ;; esac EOF ''; vim_configurable = super.vim_configurable.override { guiSupport = "no"; }; }) ]; # Dotfiles. # nixpkgs.overlays = mkAfter [ # (import ) # (import ) # ]; services.chunkwm.package = pkgs.chunkwm; services.chunkwm.hotload = false; services.chunkwm.plugins.dir = "${lib.getOutput "out" pkgs.chunkwm}/lib/chunkwm/plugins"; services.chunkwm.plugins.list = [ "ffm" "tiling" ]; services.chunkwm.plugins."tiling".config = '' chunkc set global_desktop_mode bsp ''; # Dotfiles. # services.chunkwm.extraConfig = builtins.readFile ; # services.skhd.skhdConfig = builtins.readFile ; # Dotfiles. # $ cat ~/.gitconfig # [include] # path = /etc/per-user/lnl/gitconfig # environment.etc."per-user/lnl/gitconfig".text = builtins.readFile ; users.nix.configureBuildUsers = true; users.nix.nrBuildUsers = 32; }