{ nixpkgs ? , configuration ? , system ? builtins.currentSystem , pkgs ? import nixpkgs { inherit system; } }: let baseModules = import ./modules/module-list.nix; modules = [ configuration packages ] ++ baseModules; packages = { config, lib, pkgs, ... }: { _file = ./default.nix; config = { _module.args.pkgs = import nixpkgs config.nixpkgs; nixpkgs.system = system; }; }; eval = pkgs.lib.evalModules { inherit modules; args = { inherit baseModules modules; }; specialArgs = { modulesPath = ./modules; }; check = true; }; # Was moved in nixpkgs #82751, so both need to be handled here until 20.03 is deprecated. # https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/commits/dcdd232939232d04c1132b4cc242dd3dac44be8c _module = eval._module or eval.config._module; in { inherit (_module.args) pkgs; inherit (eval) options config; system = eval.config.system.build.toplevel; installer = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/darwin-installer {}; uninstaller = pkgs.callPackage ./pkgs/darwin-uninstaller {}; }