As the default package is now emacs 26.1 and --daemon flag falls back to forking behaviour the recommended way is to use fg-daemon, see:,
This simplifies using a non default configuration.nix without requiring
a symlink or redefining NIX_PATH.
The nix.nixPath option only defines a default which means defining a value
will drop all of the defaults. This is because correct merge behaviour
isn't very clear for named entries.
The new chunkwm is much faster and fixes a few issues that kwm used to
have. Sadly the package can't be built without CommandLineTools at the
moment because it depends on 10.11 frameworks.:
Since the package contains both chunkwm (daemon) and chunc (client) the
daemon shouldn't really be in PATH by default. Usually libexec is used
for this, however this would break the current expression used by
people. This enables moving chunkc to a bin output for this purpose.
eg. 7ad4b4d23d
As a user I don't want to remember where the configuration exists. This
adds a command that will point the $EDITOR to the <darwin-config> file.
darwin-rebuild edit
This can be overrided if necessary, but I don't see any reason the
nixpkgs package shouldn't be the default. It looks like this package
didn't exist when the service was created.
These options unintentionally used the deprecated string type, the
important difference between these is the fact that string merges by
default (similar to eg. lines) while str can only have a single value.
This makes sure that the installation and activation processes are “pure”,
i.e. they use only binaries from nixpkgs or ones that come with macOS.
This makes the service start on demand when a client connects to the
daemon socket, instead of keeping it alive.
services.nix-daemon.enableSocketListener = true;