groups: - name: prometheus-operator rules: - alert: PrometheusOperatorListErrors annotations: description: Errors while performing List operations in controller {{$labels.controller}} in {{$labels.namespace}} namespace. summary: Errors while performing list operations in controller. expr: | (sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_list_operations_failed_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[10m])) / sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_list_operations_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[10m]))) > 0.4 for: 15m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorWatchErrors annotations: description: Errors while performing watch operations in controller {{$labels.controller}} in {{$labels.namespace}} namespace. summary: Errors while performing watch operations in controller. expr: | (sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_watch_operations_failed_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m])) / sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_watch_operations_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]))) > 0.4 for: 15m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorSyncFailed annotations: description: Controller {{ $labels.controller }} in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace fails to reconcile {{ $value }} objects. summary: Last controller reconciliation failed expr: | min_over_time(prometheus_operator_syncs{status="failed",job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]) > 0 for: 10m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorReconcileErrors annotations: description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of reconciling operations failed for {{ $labels.controller }} controller in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace.' summary: Errors while reconciling controller. expr: | (sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_reconcile_errors_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]))) / (sum by (controller,namespace) (rate(prometheus_operator_reconcile_operations_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]))) > 0.1 for: 10m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorNodeLookupErrors annotations: description: Errors while reconciling Prometheus in {{ $labels.namespace }} Namespace. summary: Errors while reconciling Prometheus. expr: | rate(prometheus_operator_node_address_lookup_errors_total{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]) > 0.1 for: 10m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorNotReady annotations: description: Prometheus operator in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace isn't ready to reconcile {{ $labels.controller }} resources. summary: Prometheus operator not ready expr: | min by (controller,namespace) (max_over_time(prometheus_operator_ready{job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]) == 0) for: 5m labels: severity: warning - alert: PrometheusOperatorRejectedResources annotations: description: Prometheus operator in {{ $labels.namespace }} namespace rejected {{ printf "%0.0f" $value }} {{ $labels.controller }}/{{ $labels.resource }} resources. summary: Resources rejected by Prometheus operator expr: | min_over_time(prometheus_operator_managed_resources{state="rejected",job="prometheus-operator"}[5m]) > 0 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - name: config-reloaders rules: - alert: ConfigReloaderSidecarErrors annotations: description: |- Errors encountered while the {{$labels.pod}} config-reloader sidecar attempts to sync config in {{$labels.namespace}} namespace. As a result, configuration for service running in {{$labels.pod}} may be stale and cannot be updated anymore. summary: config-reloader sidecar has not had a successful reload for 10m expr: | max_over_time(reloader_last_reload_successful{namespace=~".+"}[5m]) == 0 for: 10m labels: severity: warning