groups: - name: ceph-mgr-status rules: - alert: CephMgrIsAbsent annotations: description: Ceph Manager has disappeared from Prometheus target discovery. message: Storage metrics collector service not available anymore. severity_level: critical storage_type: ceph expr: | label_replace((up{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} == 0 or absent(up{job="rook-ceph-mgr"})), "namespace", "openshift-storage", "", "") for: 5m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephMgrIsMissingReplicas annotations: description: Ceph Manager is missing replicas. message: Storage metrics collector service doesn't have required no of replicas. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | sum(kube_deployment_spec_replicas{deployment=~"rook-ceph-mgr-.*"}) by (namespace) < 1 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - name: ceph-mds-status rules: - alert: CephMdsMissingReplicas annotations: description: Minimum required replicas for storage metadata service not available. Might affect the working of storage cluster. message: Insufficient replicas for storage metadata service. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | sum(ceph_mds_metadata{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} == 1) by (namespace) < 2 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - name: quorum-alert.rules rules: - alert: CephMonQuorumAtRisk annotations: description: Storage cluster quorum is low. Contact Support. message: Storage quorum at risk severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | count(ceph_mon_quorum_status{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} == 1) by (namespace) <= (floor(count(ceph_mon_metadata{job="rook-ceph-mgr"}) by (namespace) / 2) + 1) for: 15m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephMonQuorumLost annotations: description: Storage cluster quorum is lost. Contact Support. message: Storage quorum is lost severity_level: critical storage_type: ceph expr: | count(kube_pod_status_phase{pod=~"rook-ceph-mon-.*", phase=~"Running|running"} == 1) by (namespace) < 2 for: 5m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephMonHighNumberOfLeaderChanges annotations: description: Ceph Monitor {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} on host {{ $labels.hostname }} has seen {{ $value | printf "%.2f" }} leader changes per minute recently. message: Storage Cluster has seen many leader changes recently. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | (ceph_mon_metadata{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} * on (ceph_daemon) group_left() (rate(ceph_mon_num_elections{job="rook-ceph-mgr"}[5m]) * 60)) > 0.95 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - name: ceph-node-alert.rules rules: - alert: CephNodeDown annotations: description: Storage node {{ $labels.node }} went down. Please check the node immediately. message: Storage node {{ $labels.node }} went down severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | cluster:ceph_node_down:join_kube == 0 for: 30s labels: severity: critical - name: osd-alert.rules rules: - alert: CephOSDCriticallyFull annotations: description: Utilization of storage device {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} of device_class type {{$labels.device_class}} has crossed 80% on host {{ $labels.hostname }}. Immediately free up some space or add capacity of type {{$labels.device_class}}. message: Back-end storage device is critically full. severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | (ceph_osd_metadata * on (ceph_daemon) group_right(device_class,hostname) (ceph_osd_stat_bytes_used / ceph_osd_stat_bytes)) >= 0.80 for: 40s labels: severity: critical - alert: CephOSDFlapping annotations: description: Storage daemon {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} has restarted 5 times in last 5 minutes. Please check the pod events or ceph status to find out the cause. message: Ceph storage osd flapping. severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | changes(ceph_osd_up[5m]) >= 10 for: 0s labels: severity: critical - alert: CephOSDNearFull annotations: description: Utilization of storage device {{ $labels.ceph_daemon }} of device_class type {{$labels.device_class}} has crossed 75% on host {{ $labels.hostname }}. Immediately free up some space or add capacity of type {{$labels.device_class}}. message: Back-end storage device is nearing full. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | (ceph_osd_metadata * on (ceph_daemon) group_right(device_class,hostname) (ceph_osd_stat_bytes_used / ceph_osd_stat_bytes)) >= 0.75 for: 40s labels: severity: warning - alert: CephOSDDiskNotResponding annotations: description: Disk device {{ $labels.device }} not responding, on host {{ $ }}. message: Disk not responding severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | label_replace((ceph_osd_in == 1 and ceph_osd_up == 0),"disk","$1","ceph_daemon","osd.(.*)") + on(ceph_daemon) group_left(host, device) label_replace(ceph_disk_occupation,"host","$1","exported_instance","(.*)") for: 15m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephOSDDiskUnavailable annotations: description: Disk device {{ $labels.device }} not accessible on host {{ $ }}. message: Disk not accessible severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | label_replace((ceph_osd_in == 0 and ceph_osd_up == 0),"disk","$1","ceph_daemon","osd.(.*)") + on(ceph_daemon) group_left(host, device) label_replace(ceph_disk_occupation,"host","$1","exported_instance","(.*)") for: 1m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephOSDSlowOps annotations: description: '{{ $value }} Ceph OSD requests are taking too long to process. Please check ceph status to find out the cause.' message: OSD requests are taking too long to process. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_healthcheck_slow_ops > 0 for: 30s labels: severity: warning - alert: CephDataRecoveryTakingTooLong annotations: description: Data recovery has been active for too long. Contact Support. message: Data recovery is slow severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_pg_undersized > 0 for: 2h labels: severity: warning - alert: CephPGRepairTakingTooLong annotations: description: Self heal operations taking too long. Contact Support. message: Self heal problems detected severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_pg_inconsistent > 0 for: 1h labels: severity: warning - name: persistent-volume-alert.rules rules: - alert: PersistentVolumeUsageNearFull annotations: description: PVC {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} utilization has crossed 75%. Free up some space or expand the PVC. message: PVC {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is nearing full. Data deletion or PVC expansion is required. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | (kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes * on (namespace,persistentvolumeclaim) group_left(storageclass, provisioner) (kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info * on (storageclass) group_left(provisioner) kube_storageclass_info {provisioner=~"(.*|(.*"})) / (kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes * on (namespace,persistentvolumeclaim) group_left(storageclass, provisioner) (kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info * on (storageclass) group_left(provisioner) kube_storageclass_info {provisioner=~"(.*|(.*"})) > 0.75 for: 5s labels: severity: warning - alert: PersistentVolumeUsageCritical annotations: description: PVC {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} utilization has crossed 85%. Free up some space or expand the PVC immediately. message: PVC {{ $labels.persistentvolumeclaim }} is critically full. Data deletion or PVC expansion is required. severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | (kubelet_volume_stats_used_bytes * on (namespace,persistentvolumeclaim) group_left(storageclass, provisioner) (kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info * on (storageclass) group_left(provisioner) kube_storageclass_info {provisioner=~"(.*|(.*"})) / (kubelet_volume_stats_capacity_bytes * on (namespace,persistentvolumeclaim) group_left(storageclass, provisioner) (kube_persistentvolumeclaim_info * on (storageclass) group_left(provisioner) kube_storageclass_info {provisioner=~"(.*|(.*"})) > 0.85 for: 5s labels: severity: critical - name: cluster-state-alert.rules rules: - alert: CephClusterErrorState annotations: description: Storage cluster is in error state for more than 10m. message: Storage cluster is in error state severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_health_status{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} > 1 for: 10m labels: severity: critical - alert: CephClusterWarningState annotations: description: Storage cluster is in warning state for more than 10m. message: Storage cluster is in degraded state severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_health_status{job="rook-ceph-mgr"} == 1 for: 15m labels: severity: warning - alert: CephOSDVersionMismatch annotations: description: There are {{ $value }} different versions of Ceph OSD components running. message: There are multiple versions of storage services running. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | count(count(ceph_osd_metadata{job="rook-ceph-mgr"}) by (ceph_version, namespace)) by (ceph_version, namespace) > 1 for: 10m labels: severity: warning - alert: CephMonVersionMismatch annotations: description: There are {{ $value }} different versions of Ceph Mon components running. message: There are multiple versions of storage services running. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | count(count(ceph_mon_metadata{job="rook-ceph-mgr", ceph_version != ""}) by (ceph_version)) > 1 for: 10m labels: severity: warning - name: cluster-utilization-alert.rules rules: - alert: CephClusterNearFull annotations: description: Storage cluster utilization has crossed 75% and will become read-only at 85%. Free up some space or expand the storage cluster. message: Storage cluster is nearing full. Data deletion or cluster expansion is required. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_cluster_total_used_raw_bytes / ceph_cluster_total_bytes > 0.75 for: 5s labels: severity: warning - alert: CephClusterCriticallyFull annotations: description: Storage cluster utilization has crossed 80% and will become read-only at 85%. Free up some space or expand the storage cluster immediately. message: Storage cluster is critically full and needs immediate data deletion or cluster expansion. severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_cluster_total_used_raw_bytes / ceph_cluster_total_bytes > 0.80 for: 5s labels: severity: critical - alert: CephClusterReadOnly annotations: description: Storage cluster utilization has crossed 85% and will become read-only now. Free up some space or expand the storage cluster immediately. message: Storage cluster is read-only now and needs immediate data deletion or cluster expansion. severity_level: error storage_type: ceph expr: | ceph_cluster_total_used_raw_bytes / ceph_cluster_total_bytes >= 0.85 for: 0s labels: severity: critical - name: pool-quota.rules rules: - alert: CephPoolQuotaBytesNearExhaustion annotations: description: Storage pool {{ $ }} quota usage has crossed 70%. message: Storage pool quota(bytes) is near exhaustion. severity_level: warning storage_type: ceph expr: | (ceph_pool_stored_raw * on (pool_id) group_left(name)ceph_pool_metadata) / ((ceph_pool_quota_bytes * on (pool_id) group_left(name)ceph_pool_metadata) > 0) > 0.70 for: 1m labels: severity: warning - alert: CephPoolQuotaBytesCriticallyExhausted annotations: description: Storage pool {{ $ }} quota usage has crossed 90%. message: Storage pool quota(bytes) is critically exhausted. severity_level: critical storage_type: ceph expr: | (ceph_pool_stored_raw * on (pool_id) group_left(name)ceph_pool_metadata) / ((ceph_pool_quota_bytes * on (pool_id) group_left(name)ceph_pool_metadata) > 0) > 0.90 for: 1m labels: severity: critical