groups: - name: alertmanager.rules rules: - alert: AlertmanagerFailedReload annotations: description: Configuration has failed to load for {{$labels.instance}}. summary: Reloading an Alertmanager configuration has failed. expr: | # Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see # for details. max_over_time(alertmanager_config_last_reload_successful{job="alertmanager"}[5m]) == 0 for: 10m labels: severity: critical - alert: AlertmanagerMembersInconsistent annotations: description: Alertmanager {{$labels.instance}} has only found {{ $value }} members of the {{$labels.job}} cluster. summary: A member of an Alertmanager cluster has not found all other cluster members. expr: | # Without max_over_time, failed scrapes could create false negatives, see # for details. max_over_time(alertmanager_cluster_members{job="alertmanager"}[5m]) < on (job) group_left count by (job) (max_over_time(alertmanager_cluster_members{job="alertmanager"}[5m])) for: 15m labels: severity: critical - alert: AlertmanagerFailedToSendAlerts annotations: description: Alertmanager {{$labels.instance}} failed to send {{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of notifications to {{ $labels.integration }}. summary: An Alertmanager instance failed to send notifications. expr: | ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{job="alertmanager"}[5m]) / rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{job="alertmanager"}[5m]) ) > 0.01 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - alert: AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts annotations: description: The minimum notification failure rate to {{ $labels.integration }} sent from any instance in the {{$labels.job}} cluster is {{ $value | humanizePercentage }}. summary: All Alertmanager instances in a cluster failed to send notifications to a critical integration. expr: | min by (job, integration) ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{job="alertmanager", integration=~`.*`}[5m]) / rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{job="alertmanager", integration=~`.*`}[5m]) ) > 0.01 for: 5m labels: severity: critical - alert: AlertmanagerClusterFailedToSendAlerts annotations: description: The minimum notification failure rate to {{ $labels.integration }} sent from any instance in the {{$labels.job}} cluster is {{ $value | humanizePercentage }}. summary: All Alertmanager instances in a cluster failed to send notifications to a non-critical integration. expr: | min by (job, integration) ( rate(alertmanager_notifications_failed_total{job="alertmanager", integration!~`.*`}[5m]) / rate(alertmanager_notifications_total{job="alertmanager", integration!~`.*`}[5m]) ) > 0.01 for: 5m labels: severity: warning - alert: AlertmanagerConfigInconsistent annotations: description: Alertmanager instances within the {{$labels.job}} cluster have different configurations. summary: Alertmanager instances within the same cluster have different configurations. expr: | count by (job) ( count_values by (job) ("config_hash", alertmanager_config_hash{job="alertmanager"}) ) != 1 for: 20m labels: severity: critical - alert: AlertmanagerClusterDown annotations: description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Alertmanager instances within the {{$labels.job}} cluster have been up for less than half of the last 5m.' summary: Half or more of the Alertmanager instances within the same cluster are down. expr: | ( count by (job) ( avg_over_time(up{job="alertmanager"}[5m]) < 0.5 ) / count by (job) ( up{job="alertmanager"} ) ) >= 0.5 for: 5m labels: severity: critical - alert: AlertmanagerClusterCrashlooping annotations: description: '{{ $value | humanizePercentage }} of Alertmanager instances within the {{$labels.job}} cluster have restarted at least 5 times in the last 10m.' summary: Half or more of the Alertmanager instances within the same cluster are crashlooping. expr: | ( count by (job) ( changes(process_start_time_seconds{job="alertmanager"}[10m]) > 4 ) / count by (job) ( up{job="alertmanager"} ) ) >= 0.5 for: 5m labels: severity: critical