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mirror of https://github.com/mdlayher/homelab.git synced 2024-12-14 11:47:32 +00:00

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groups = [{
name = "default";
rules = [
# PCs which don't run 24/7 are excluded from alerts, and lab-* jobs are
# excluded due to their experimental nature.
alert = "InstanceDown";
expr = ''up{instance!~"(nerr-.*|theatnerr-.*)",job!~"lab-.*"} == 0'';
for = "5m";
annotations.summary =
"{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.";
alert = "ServiceDown";
expr = ''probe_success{instance!~"nerr-.*",job!~"lab-.*"} == 0'';
for = "5m";
annotations.summary =
"{{ $labels.instance }} of job {{ $labels.job }} has been down for more than 5 minutes.";
alert = "TLSCertificateNearExpiration";
expr = "probe_ssl_earliest_cert_expiry - time() < 60 * 60 * 24 * 2";
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"TLS certificate for {{ $labels.instance }} will expire in less than 2 days.";
alert = "DiskUsageHigh";
expr = ''
(1 - node_filesystem_free_bytes{fstype=~"ext4|vfat"} / node_filesystem_size_bytes) > 0.75'';
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"Disk usage on {{ $labels.instance }}:{{ $labels.mountpoint }} ({{ $labels.device }}) exceeds 75%.";
alert = "APCUPSOnBattery";
expr = "apcupsd_battery_time_on_seconds > 0";
annotations.summary =
"UPS on {{ $labels.instance }} is running on battery power.";
alert = "APCUPSBatteryTimeLeft";
expr =
"apcupsd_battery_time_on_seconds > 0 and apcupsd_battery_time_left_seconds < 30*60";
annotations.summary =
"UPS on {{ $labels.instance }} has less than 30 minutes of remaining battery runtime.";
# All advertising interfaces should be forwarding IPv6 traffic, and
# have IPv6 autoconfiguration disabled.
alert = "CoreRADAdvertisingInterfaceMisconfigured";
expr = ''
(corerad_interface_advertising{job="corerad"} == 1) and ((corerad_interface_forwarding == 0) or (corerad_interface_autoconfiguration == 1))'';
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} is misconfigured for sending IPv6 router advertisements.";
# All CoreRAD interfaces should multicast IPv6 RAs on a regular basis
# so hosts don't drop their default route.
alert = "CoreRADAdvertiserNotMulticasting";
expr = ''
rate(corerad_advertiser_router_advertisements_total{job="corerad",type="multicast"}[20m]) == 0'';
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} has not sent a multicast router advertisment in more than 20 minutes.";
# Monitor for inconsistent advertisements from hosts on the LAN.
alert = "CoreRADAdvertiserReceivedInconsistentRouterAdvertisement";
expr = ''
rate(corerad_advertiser_router_advertisement_inconsistencies_total{job="corerad"}[5m]) > 0'';
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} received an IPv6 router advertisement with inconsistent configuration compared to its own.";
# We are advertising 2 prefixes per interface out of GUA /56 (assume a
# static /40) and ULA /48.
alert = "CoreRADAdvertiserMissingPrefix";
expr = ''
(count by(instance, interface) (corerad_advertiser_prefix_autonomous{job="corerad",prefix=~"2600:6c4a:78.*|fd9e:1a04:f01d:.*"} == 1) != bool 2) == 1'';
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} is advertising an incorrect number of IPv6 prefixes for SLAAC.";
# All IPv6 prefixes are advertised with SLAAC.
alert = "CoreRADAdvertiserPrefixNotAutonomous";
expr = ''corerad_advertiser_prefix_autonomous{job="corerad"} == 0'';
for = "1m";
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) prefix {{ $labels.prefix }} on interface {{ $labels.interface }} is not configured for SLAAC.";
# Expect regular upstream router advertisements.
alert = "CoreRADMonitorNoUpstreamRouterAdvertisements";
expr = ''
changes(corerad_monitor_messages_received_total{job="corerad",message="router advertisement"}[30m]) == 0'';
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} has not received a router advertisement from {{ $labels.host }} in more than 30 minutes.";
# Ensure the default route does not expire. The LAN default route uses a
# much lower threshold.
alert = "CoreRADMonitorDefaultRouteWANExpiring";
expr = ''
corerad_monitor_default_route_expiration_timestamp_seconds{instance=~"routnerr-.*",job="corerad"} - time() < 2*60*60'';
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} will drop its default route to WAN {{ $labels.router }} in less than 2 hours.";
alert = "CoreRADMonitorDefaultRouteLANExpiring";
expr = ''
corerad_monitor_default_route_expiration_timestamp_seconds{instance!~"routnerr-.*",job="corerad"} - time() < 1*60*10'';
annotations.summary =
"CoreRAD ({{ $labels.instance }}) interface {{ $labels.interface }} will drop its default route to LAN {{ $labels.router }} in less than 10 minutes.";