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synced 2025-03-10 09:56:55 +00:00
assertEq and assertNe utils replaced by gotest.tools/assert, deleted these utils. Implemented proper serialization of JSON patches: all simple types in values are converted to sting, all maps of interfaces are converted to maps of strings. I.e. implemented applying of JSON patches directly from values in policies.
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package webhooks
import (
controller "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/controller"
kubeclient "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/kubeclient"
types "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/pkg/apis/policy/v1alpha1"
v1beta1 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// MutationWebhook is a data type that represents
// buisness logic for resource mutation
type MutationWebhook struct {
kubeclient *kubeclient.KubeClient
controller *controller.PolicyController
logger *log.Logger
// NewMutationWebhook is a method that returns new instance
// of MutationWebhook struct
func NewMutationWebhook(kubeclient *kubeclient.KubeClient, controller *controller.PolicyController, logger *log.Logger) (*MutationWebhook, error) {
if kubeclient == nil || controller == nil || logger == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Some parameters are not set")
return &MutationWebhook{kubeclient: kubeclient, controller: controller, logger: logger}, nil
// Mutate applies admission to request
func (mw *MutationWebhook) Mutate(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
mw.logger.Printf("AdmissionReview for Kind=%v, Namespace=%v Name=%v UID=%v patchOperation=%v UserInfo=%v",
request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, request.Name, request.UID, request.Operation, request.UserInfo)
policies := mw.controller.GetPolicies()
if len(policies) == 0 {
return nil
var allPatches []types.PolicyPatch
for _, policy := range policies {
stopOnError := true
if policy.Spec.FailurePolicy != nil && *policy.Spec.FailurePolicy == "continueOnError" {
stopOnError = false
for ruleIdx, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules {
err := rule.Validate()
if err != nil {
mw.logger.Printf("Invalid rule detected: #%d in policy %s", ruleIdx, policy.ObjectMeta.Name)
if IsRuleApplicableToRequest(rule.Resource, request) {
mw.logger.Printf("Applying policy %s, rule #%d", policy.ObjectMeta.Name, ruleIdx)
rulePatches, err := mw.applyRule(request, rule, stopOnError)
// If at least one error is detected in the rule, the entire rule will not be applied:
// it can be changed in the future by varying the policy.Spec.FailurePolicy values.
if err != nil {
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to apply rule #%d: %s", ruleIdx, err)
mw.controller.LogPolicyError(policy.Name, errStr)
if stopOnError {
mw.logger.Printf("/!\\ Denying the request according to FailurePolicy spec /!\\")
return errorToAdmissionResponse(err, !stopOnError)
if rulePatches != nil {
allPatches = append(allPatches, rulePatches...)
patchesBytes, err := SerializePatches(allPatches)
if err != nil {
mw.logger.Printf("Error occerred while serializing JSONPathch: %v", err)
return errorToAdmissionResponse(err, true)
return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
Allowed: true,
Patch: patchesBytes,
PatchType: func() *v1beta1.PatchType {
pt := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch
return &pt
// Applies all rule to the created object and returns list of JSON patches.
// May return nil patches if it is not necessary to create patches for requested object.
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyRule(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest, rule types.PolicyRule, stopOnError bool) ([]types.PolicyPatch, error) {
rulePatches, err := mw.applyRulePatches(request, rule)
if err != nil {
mw.logger.Printf("Error occurred while applying patches according to the policy: %v", err)
} else {
mw.logger.Printf("Prepared %v patches", len(rulePatches))
if err == nil || !stopOnError {
err = mw.applyRuleGenerators(request, rule)
return rulePatches, err
// Gets patches from "patch" section in PolicyRule
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyRulePatches(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest, rule types.PolicyRule) ([]types.PolicyPatch, error) {
var patches []types.PolicyPatch
patches = append(patches, rule.Patches...)
return patches, nil
// Applies "configMapGenerator" and "secretGenerator" described in PolicyRule
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyRuleGenerators(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest, rule types.PolicyRule) error {
// configMapGenerator and secretGenerator can be applied only to namespaces
if request.Kind.Kind == "Namespace" {
meta := parseMetadataFromObject(request.Object.Raw)
namespaceName := parseNameFromMetadata(meta)
err := mw.applyConfigGenerator(rule.ConfigMapGenerator, namespaceName, "ConfigMap")
if err == nil {
err = mw.applyConfigGenerator(rule.SecretGenerator, namespaceName, "Secret")
return err
return nil
// Creates resourceKind (ConfigMap or Secret) with parameters specified in generator in cluster specified in request
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyConfigGenerator(generator *types.PolicyConfigGenerator, namespace string, configKind string) error {
if generator == nil {
return nil
err := generator.Validate()
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Generator for '%s' is invalid: %s", configKind, err))
switch configKind {
case "ConfigMap":
err = mw.kubeclient.GenerateConfigMap(*generator, namespace)
case "Secret":
err = mw.kubeclient.GenerateSecret(*generator, namespace)
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported config Kind '%s'", configKind))
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to apply generator for %s '%s/%s' : %s", configKind, namespace, generator.Name, err))
return nil
// Converts JSON patches to byte array
func SerializePatches(patches []types.PolicyPatch) ([]byte, error) {
var result []byte
if len(patches) == 0 {
return result, nil
result = append(result, []byte("[\n")...)
for index, patch := range patches {
patchBytes, err := serializePatch(patch)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
result = append(result, patchBytes...)
if index != (len(patches) - 1) {
result = append(result, []byte(",\n")...)
result = append(result, []byte("\n]")...)
return result, nil
func serializePatch(patch types.PolicyPatch) ([]byte, error) {
err := patch.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
processedPatchValue, err := processPatchValue(patch.Value)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
} else {
patch = types.PolicyPatch{
Path: patch.Path,
Operation: patch.Operation,
Value: processedPatchValue,
return json.Marshal(patch)
// Recursively converts all numbers to strings in JSONPatch value.
func processPatchValue(value interface{}) interface{} {
if interfaceMap, ok := value.(map[string]interface{}); ok {
newMap := make(map[string]interface{})
for k, v := range interfaceMap {
newMap[k] = processPatchValue(v)
return newMap, nil
} else {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v", value), nil
func errorToAdmissionResponse(err error, allowed bool) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
Result: &metav1.Status{
Message: err.Error(),
Allowed: allowed,