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mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno.git synced 2025-03-10 01:46:55 +00:00
shuting ae4ff4f6b9
Fix dynamic webhook for namespace policies (#3044)
* fix dynamic webhook for namespace policies

Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>

* improve policy listing to reduce duplicate processing

Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>

* update logger

Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>
2022-01-22 07:55:14 +00:00

827 lines
26 KiB

package webhookconfig
import (
kyverno "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/api/kyverno/v1"
kyvernoclient "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/client/clientset/versioned"
kyvernoinformer "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/client/informers/externalversions/kyverno/v1"
kyvernolister "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/client/listers/kyverno/v1"
client "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/dclient"
admregapi "k8s.io/api/admissionregistration/v1"
apierrors "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/errors"
v1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
adminformers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/admissionregistration/v1"
informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"
admlisters "k8s.io/client-go/listers/admissionregistration/v1"
listers "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
var DefaultWebhookTimeout int64 = 10
// webhookConfigManager manges the webhook configuration dynamically
// it is NOT multi-thread safe
type webhookConfigManager struct {
client *client.Client
kyvernoClient *kyvernoclient.Clientset
pInformer kyvernoinformer.ClusterPolicyInformer
npInformer kyvernoinformer.PolicyInformer
// pLister can list/get policy from the shared informer's store
pLister kyvernolister.ClusterPolicyLister
// npLister can list/get namespace policy from the shared informer's store
npLister kyvernolister.PolicyLister
// pListerSynced returns true if the cluster policy store has been synced at least once
pListerSynced cache.InformerSynced
// npListerSynced returns true if the namespace policy store has been synced at least once
npListerSynced cache.InformerSynced
resCache resourcecache.ResourceCache
mutateInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer
validateInformer cache.SharedIndexInformer
mutateLister admlisters.MutatingWebhookConfigurationLister
validateLister admlisters.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationLister
mutateInformerSynced cache.InformerSynced
validateInformerSynced cache.InformerSynced
queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
// serverIP used to get the name of debug webhooks
serverIP string
autoUpdateWebhooks bool
// wildcardPolicy indicates the number of policies that matches all kinds (*) defined
wildcardPolicy int64
createDefaultWebhook chan<- string
stopCh <-chan struct{}
log logr.Logger
nsLister listers.NamespaceLister
nsListerSynced func() bool
type manage interface {
func newWebhookConfigManager(
client *client.Client,
kyvernoClient *kyvernoclient.Clientset,
pInformer kyvernoinformer.ClusterPolicyInformer,
npInformer kyvernoinformer.PolicyInformer,
mwcInformer adminformers.MutatingWebhookConfigurationInformer,
vwcInformer adminformers.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationInformer,
resCache resourcecache.ResourceCache,
nsInformer informers.NamespaceInformer,
serverIP string,
autoUpdateWebhooks bool,
createDefaultWebhook chan<- string,
stopCh <-chan struct{},
log logr.Logger) manage {
m := &webhookConfigManager{
client: client,
kyvernoClient: kyvernoClient,
pInformer: pInformer,
npInformer: npInformer,
resCache: resCache,
queue: workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter(), "configmanager"),
wildcardPolicy: 0,
serverIP: serverIP,
autoUpdateWebhooks: autoUpdateWebhooks,
createDefaultWebhook: createDefaultWebhook,
stopCh: stopCh,
log: log,
m.pLister = pInformer.Lister()
m.npLister = npInformer.Lister()
m.nsLister = nsInformer.Lister()
m.nsListerSynced = nsInformer.Informer().HasSynced
m.pListerSynced = pInformer.Informer().HasSynced
m.npListerSynced = npInformer.Informer().HasSynced
m.mutateInformer = mwcInformer.Informer()
m.mutateLister = mwcInformer.Lister()
m.mutateInformerSynced = mwcInformer.Informer().HasSynced
m.validateInformer = vwcInformer.Informer()
m.validateLister = vwcInformer.Lister()
m.validateInformerSynced = vwcInformer.Informer().HasSynced
return m
func (m *webhookConfigManager) handleErr(err error, key interface{}) {
logger := m.log
if err == nil {
if m.queue.NumRequeues(key) < 3 {
logger.Error(err, "failed to sync policy", "key", key)
logger.V(2).Info("dropping policy out of queue", "key", key)
func (m *webhookConfigManager) addClusterPolicy(obj interface{}) {
p := obj.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy)
if hasWildcard(p) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, int64(1))
func (m *webhookConfigManager) updateClusterPolicy(old, cur interface{}) {
oldP := old.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy)
curP := cur.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy)
if reflect.DeepEqual(oldP.Spec, curP.Spec) {
if hasWildcard(oldP) && !hasWildcard(curP) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, ^int64(0))
} else if !hasWildcard(oldP) && hasWildcard(curP) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, int64(1))
func (m *webhookConfigManager) deleteClusterPolicy(obj interface{}) {
p, ok := obj.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy)
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error decoding object, invalid type"))
p, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy)
if !ok {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error decoding object tombstone, invalid type"))
m.log.V(4).Info("Recovered deleted ClusterPolicy '%s' from tombstone", "name", p.GetName())
if hasWildcard(p) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, ^int64(0))
func (m *webhookConfigManager) addPolicy(obj interface{}) {
p := obj.(*kyverno.Policy)
if hasWildcard(p) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, int64(1))
pol := kyverno.ClusterPolicy(*p)
func (m *webhookConfigManager) updatePolicy(old, cur interface{}) {
oldP := old.(*kyverno.Policy)
curP := cur.(*kyverno.Policy)
if reflect.DeepEqual(oldP.Spec, curP.Spec) {
if hasWildcard(oldP) && !hasWildcard(curP) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, ^int64(0))
} else if !hasWildcard(oldP) && hasWildcard(curP) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, int64(1))
pol := kyverno.ClusterPolicy(*curP)
func (m *webhookConfigManager) deletePolicy(obj interface{}) {
p, ok := obj.(*kyverno.Policy)
if !ok {
tombstone, ok := obj.(cache.DeletedFinalStateUnknown)
if !ok {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error decoding object, invalid type"))
p, ok = tombstone.Obj.(*kyverno.Policy)
if !ok {
utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("error decoding object tombstone, invalid type"))
m.log.V(4).Info("Recovered deleted ClusterPolicy '%s' from tombstone", "name", p.GetName())
if hasWildcard(p) {
atomic.AddInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy, ^int64(0))
pol := kyverno.ClusterPolicy(*p)
func (m *webhookConfigManager) deleteWebhook(obj interface{}) {
m.log.WithName("deleteWebhook").Info("resource webhook configuration was deleted, recreating...")
if webhook, ok := obj.(*unstructured.Unstructured); ok {
k := webhook.GetKind()
if (k == kindMutating && webhook.GetName() == config.MutatingWebhookConfigurationName) ||
(k == kindValidating && webhook.GetName() == config.ValidatingWebhookConfigurationName) {
func (m *webhookConfigManager) enqueueAllPolicies() {
logger := m.log.WithName("enqueueAllPolicies")
policies, err := m.listAllPolicies()
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "unabled to list policies")
for _, policy := range policies {
logger.V(4).Info("added policy to the queue", "namespace", policy.GetNamespace(), "name", policy.GetName())
func (m *webhookConfigManager) enqueue(policy *kyverno.ClusterPolicy) {
logger := m.log
key, err := cache.MetaNamespaceKeyFunc(policy)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "failed to enqueue policy")
// start is a blocking call to configure webhook
func (m *webhookConfigManager) start() {
defer utilruntime.HandleCrash()
defer m.queue.ShutDown()
defer m.log.Info("shutting down")
if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(m.stopCh, m.pListerSynced, m.npListerSynced, m.mutateInformerSynced, m.validateInformerSynced, m.nsListerSynced) {
m.log.Info("failed to sync informer cache")
AddFunc: m.addClusterPolicy,
UpdateFunc: m.updateClusterPolicy,
DeleteFunc: m.deleteClusterPolicy,
AddFunc: m.addPolicy,
UpdateFunc: m.updatePolicy,
DeleteFunc: m.deletePolicy,
DeleteFunc: m.deleteWebhook,
DeleteFunc: m.deleteWebhook,
for m.processNextWorkItem() {
func (m *webhookConfigManager) processNextWorkItem() bool {
key, quit := m.queue.Get()
if quit {
return false
defer m.queue.Done(key)
err := m.sync(key.(string))
m.handleErr(err, key)
return true
func (m *webhookConfigManager) sync(key string) error {
logger := m.log.WithName("sync")
startTime := time.Now()
logger.V(4).Info("started syncing policy", "key", key, "startTime", startTime)
defer func() {
logger.V(4).Info("finished syncing policy", "key", key, "processingTime", time.Since(startTime).String())
namespace, name, err := cache.SplitMetaNamespaceKey(key)
if err != nil {
logger.Info("invalid resource key", "key", key)
return nil
return m.reconcileWebhook(namespace, name)
func (m *webhookConfigManager) reconcileWebhook(namespace, name string) error {
logger := m.log.WithName("reconcileWebhook").WithValues("namespace", namespace, "policy", name)
policy, err := m.getPolicy(namespace, name)
if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to get policy object %s/%s", namespace, name)
ready := true
// build webhook only if auto-update is enabled, otherwise directly update status to ready
if m.autoUpdateWebhooks {
webhooks, err := m.buildWebhooks(namespace)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := m.updateWebhookConfig(webhooks); err != nil {
ready = false
logger.Error(err, "failed to update webhook configurations for policy")
// DELETION of the policy
if policy == nil {
return nil
if err := m.updateStatus(policy, ready); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to update policy status %s/%s", namespace, name)
if ready {
logger.Info("policy is ready to serve admission requests")
return nil
func (m *webhookConfigManager) getPolicy(namespace, name string) (*kyverno.ClusterPolicy, error) {
if namespace == "" {
return m.pLister.Get(name)
nsPolicy, err := m.npLister.Policies(namespace).Get(name)
if err == nil && nsPolicy != nil {
p := kyverno.ClusterPolicy(*nsPolicy)
return &p, err
return nil, err
func (m *webhookConfigManager) listAllPolicies() ([]*kyverno.ClusterPolicy, error) {
policies := []*kyverno.ClusterPolicy{}
namespaces, err := m.nsLister.List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
m.log.Error(err, "unabled to list namespaces")
return nil, err
for _, ns := range namespaces {
polList, err := m.npLister.Policies(ns.GetName()).List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list Policy")
for _, pol := range polList {
p := kyverno.ClusterPolicy(*pol)
policies = append(policies, &p)
cpolList, err := m.pLister.List(labels.Everything())
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to list ClusterPolicy")
policies = append(policies, cpolList...)
return policies, nil
const (
apiGroups string = "apiGroups"
apiVersions string = "apiVersions"
resources string = "resources"
// webhook is the instance that aggregates the GVK of existing policies
// based on kind, failurePolicy and webhookTimeout
type webhook struct {
kind string
maxWebhookTimeout int64
failurePolicy kyverno.FailurePolicyType
// rule represents the same rule struct of the webhook using a map object
// https://github.com/kubernetes/api/blob/master/admissionregistration/v1/types.go#L25
rule map[string]interface{}
func (m *webhookConfigManager) buildWebhooks(namespace string) (res []*webhook, err error) {
mutateIgnore := newWebhook(kindMutating, DefaultWebhookTimeout, kyverno.Ignore)
mutateFail := newWebhook(kindMutating, DefaultWebhookTimeout, kyverno.Fail)
validateIgnore := newWebhook(kindValidating, DefaultWebhookTimeout, kyverno.Ignore)
validateFail := newWebhook(kindValidating, DefaultWebhookTimeout, kyverno.Fail)
if atomic.LoadInt64(&m.wildcardPolicy) != 0 {
for _, w := range []*webhook{mutateIgnore, mutateFail, validateIgnore, validateFail} {
m.log.V(4).WithName("buildWebhooks").Info("warning: found wildcard policy, setting webhook configurations to accept admission requests of all kinds")
return append(res, mutateIgnore, mutateFail, validateIgnore, validateFail), nil
policies, err := m.listAllPolicies()
if err != nil {
return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "unable to list current policies")
for _, p := range policies {
if p.HasValidate() || p.HasGenerate() {
if p.Spec.FailurePolicy != nil && *p.Spec.FailurePolicy == kyverno.Ignore {
m.mergeWebhook(validateIgnore, p, true)
} else {
m.mergeWebhook(validateFail, p, true)
if p.HasMutate() || p.HasVerifyImages() {
if p.Spec.FailurePolicy != nil && *p.Spec.FailurePolicy == kyverno.Ignore {
m.mergeWebhook(mutateIgnore, p, false)
} else {
m.mergeWebhook(mutateFail, p, false)
res = append(res, mutateIgnore, mutateFail, validateIgnore, validateFail)
return res, nil
func (m *webhookConfigManager) updateWebhookConfig(webhooks []*webhook) error {
logger := m.log.WithName("updateWebhookConfig")
webhooksMap := make(map[string]interface{}, len(webhooks))
for _, w := range webhooks {
key := webhookKey(w.kind, string(w.failurePolicy))
webhooksMap[key] = w
var errs []string
if err := m.compareAndUpdateWebhook(kindMutating, getResourceMutatingWebhookConfigName(m.serverIP), webhooksMap); err != nil {
logger.V(4).Info("failed to update mutatingwebhookconfigurations", "error", err.Error())
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if err := m.compareAndUpdateWebhook(kindValidating, getResourceValidatingWebhookConfigName(m.serverIP), webhooksMap); err != nil {
logger.V(4).Info("failed to update validatingwebhookconfigurations", "error", err.Error())
errs = append(errs, err.Error())
if len(errs) != 0 {
return errors.New(strings.Join(errs, "\n"))
return nil
func (m *webhookConfigManager) getWebhook(webhookKind, webhookName string) (resourceWebhook *unstructured.Unstructured, err error) {
get := func() error {
resourceWebhook = &unstructured.Unstructured{}
err = nil
var rawResc []byte
switch webhookKind {
case kindMutating:
resourceWebhookTyped, err := m.mutateLister.Get(webhookName)
if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to get %s/%s", webhookKind, webhookName)
} else if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
m.createDefaultWebhook <- webhookKind
return err
resourceWebhookTyped.SetGroupVersionKind(schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1", Kind: kindMutating})
rawResc, err = json.Marshal(resourceWebhookTyped)
if err != nil {
return err
case kindValidating:
resourceWebhookTyped, err := m.validateLister.Get(webhookName)
if err != nil && !apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to get %s/%s", webhookKind, webhookName)
} else if apierrors.IsNotFound(err) {
m.createDefaultWebhook <- webhookKind
return err
resourceWebhookTyped.SetGroupVersionKind(schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: "", Version: "admissionregistration.k8s.io/v1", Kind: kindValidating})
rawResc, err = json.Marshal(resourceWebhookTyped)
if err != nil {
return err
return fmt.Errorf("unknown webhook kind: must be '%v' or '%v'", kindMutating, kindValidating)
err = json.Unmarshal(rawResc, &resourceWebhook.Object)
return err
retryGetWebhook := common.RetryFunc(time.Second, 10*time.Second, get, m.log)
if err := retryGetWebhook(); err != nil {
return nil, err
return resourceWebhook, nil
func (m *webhookConfigManager) compareAndUpdateWebhook(webhookKind, webhookName string, webhooksMap map[string]interface{}) error {
logger := m.log.WithName("compareAndUpdateWebhook").WithValues("kind", webhookKind, "name", webhookName)
resourceWebhook, err := m.getWebhook(webhookKind, webhookName)
if err != nil {
return err
webhooksUntyped, _, err := unstructured.NestedSlice(resourceWebhook.UnstructuredContent(), "webhooks")
if err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to fetch tag webhooks for %s/%s", webhookKind, webhookName)
newWebooks := make([]interface{}, len(webhooksUntyped))
copy(newWebooks, webhooksUntyped)
var changed bool
for i, webhookUntyed := range webhooksUntyped {
existingWebhook, ok := webhookUntyed.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
logger.Error(errors.New("type mismatched"), "expected map[string]interface{}, got %T", webhooksUntyped)
failurePolicy, _, err := unstructured.NestedString(existingWebhook, "failurePolicy")
if err != nil {
logger.Error(errors.New("type mismatched"), "expected string, got %T", failurePolicy)
rules, _, err := unstructured.NestedSlice(existingWebhook, "rules")
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "type mismatched, expected []interface{}, got %T", rules)
newWebhook := webhooksMap[webhookKey(webhookKind, failurePolicy)]
w, ok := newWebhook.(*webhook)
if !ok {
logger.Error(errors.New("type mismatched"), "expected *webhook, got %T", newWebooks)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(rules, []interface{}{w.rule}) {
changed = true
tmpRules, ok := newWebooks[i].(map[string]interface{})["rules"].([]interface{})
if !ok {
// init operations
ops := []string{string(admregapi.Create), string(admregapi.Update), string(admregapi.Delete), string(admregapi.Connect)}
if webhookKind == kindMutating {
ops = []string{string(admregapi.Create), string(admregapi.Update), string(admregapi.Delete)}
tmpRules = []interface{}{map[string]interface{}{}}
if err = unstructured.SetNestedStringSlice(tmpRules[0].(map[string]interface{}), ops, "operations"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to set webhooks[%d].rules[0].%s", i, apiGroups)
if w.rule == nil || reflect.DeepEqual(w.rule, map[string]interface{}{}) {
// zero kyverno policy with the current failurePolicy, reset webhook rules to empty
newWebooks[i].(map[string]interface{})["rules"] = []interface{}{}
if err = unstructured.SetNestedStringSlice(tmpRules[0].(map[string]interface{}), w.rule[apiGroups].([]string), apiGroups); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to set webhooks[%d].rules[0].%s", i, apiGroups)
if err = unstructured.SetNestedStringSlice(tmpRules[0].(map[string]interface{}), w.rule[apiVersions].([]string), apiVersions); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to set webhooks[%d].rules[0].%s", i, apiVersions)
if err = unstructured.SetNestedStringSlice(tmpRules[0].(map[string]interface{}), w.rule[resources].([]string), resources); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to set webhooks[%d].rules[0].%s", i, resources)
newWebooks[i].(map[string]interface{})["rules"] = tmpRules
if err = unstructured.SetNestedField(newWebooks[i].(map[string]interface{}), w.maxWebhookTimeout, "timeoutSeconds"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to set webhooks[%d].timeoutSeconds to %v", i, w.maxWebhookTimeout)
if changed {
logger.V(4).Info("webhook configuration has been changed, updating")
if err := unstructured.SetNestedSlice(resourceWebhook.UnstructuredContent(), newWebooks, "webhooks"); err != nil {
return errors.Wrap(err, "unable to set new webhooks")
if _, err := m.client.UpdateResource(resourceWebhook.GetAPIVersion(), resourceWebhook.GetKind(), "", resourceWebhook, false); err != nil {
return errors.Wrapf(err, "unable to update %s/%s: %s", resourceWebhook.GetAPIVersion(), resourceWebhook.GetKind(), resourceWebhook.GetName())
logger.V(4).Info("successfully updated the webhook configuration")
return nil
func (m *webhookConfigManager) updateStatus(policy *kyverno.ClusterPolicy, status bool) error {
policyCopy := policy.DeepCopy()
policyCopy.Status.Ready = status
if policy.GetNamespace() == "" {
_, err := m.kyvernoClient.KyvernoV1().ClusterPolicies().UpdateStatus(context.TODO(), policyCopy, v1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
_, err := m.kyvernoClient.KyvernoV1().Policies(policyCopy.GetNamespace()).UpdateStatus(context.TODO(), (*kyverno.Policy)(policyCopy), v1.UpdateOptions{})
return err
// mergeWebhook merges the matching kinds of the policy to webhook.rule
func (m *webhookConfigManager) mergeWebhook(dst *webhook, policy *kyverno.ClusterPolicy, updateValidate bool) {
matchedGVK := make([]string, 0)
for _, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules {
// matching kinds in generate policies need to be added to both webhook
if rule.HasGenerate() {
matchedGVK = append(matchedGVK, rule.MatchKinds()...)
matchedGVK = append(matchedGVK, rule.Generation.ResourceSpec.Kind)
if (updateValidate && rule.HasValidate()) ||
(!updateValidate && rule.HasMutate()) ||
(!updateValidate && rule.HasVerifyImages()) {
matchedGVK = append(matchedGVK, rule.MatchKinds()...)
gvkMap := make(map[string]int)
gvrList := make([]schema.GroupVersionResource, 0)
for _, gvk := range matchedGVK {
if _, ok := gvkMap[gvk]; !ok {
gvkMap[gvk] = 1
// note: webhook stores GVR in its rules while policy stores GVK in its rules definition
gv, k := common.GetKindFromGVK(gvk)
switch k {
case "Binding":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods/binding"})
case "NodeProxyOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "nodes/proxy"})
case "PodAttachOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods/attach"})
case "PodExecOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods/exec"})
case "PodPortForwardOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods/portforward"})
case "PodProxyOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "pods/proxy"})
case "ServiceProxyOptions":
gvrList = append(gvrList, schema.GroupVersionResource{Group: "", Version: "v1", Resource: "services/proxy"})
_, gvr, err := m.client.DiscoveryClient.FindResource(gv, k)
if err != nil {
m.log.Error(err, "unable to convert GVK to GVR", "GVK", gvk)
gvrList = append(gvrList, gvr)
var groups, versions, rsrcs []string
if val, ok := dst.rule[apiGroups]; ok {
groups = make([]string, len(val.([]string)))
copy(groups, val.([]string))
if val, ok := dst.rule[apiVersions]; ok {
versions = make([]string, len(val.([]string)))
copy(versions, val.([]string))
if val, ok := dst.rule[resources]; ok {
rsrcs = make([]string, len(val.([]string)))
copy(rsrcs, val.([]string))
for _, gvr := range gvrList {
groups = append(groups, gvr.Group)
versions = append(versions, gvr.Version)
rsrcs = append(rsrcs, gvr.Resource)
if utils.ContainsString(rsrcs, "pods") {
rsrcs = append(rsrcs, "pods/ephemeralcontainers")
dst.rule[apiGroups] = removeDuplicates(groups)
dst.rule[apiVersions] = removeDuplicates(versions)
dst.rule[resources] = removeDuplicates(rsrcs)
if policy.Spec.WebhookTimeoutSeconds != nil {
if dst.maxWebhookTimeout < int64(*policy.Spec.WebhookTimeoutSeconds) {
dst.maxWebhookTimeout = int64(*policy.Spec.WebhookTimeoutSeconds)
func removeDuplicates(items []string) (res []string) {
set := make(map[string]int)
for _, item := range items {
if _, ok := set[item]; !ok {
set[item] = 1
res = append(res, item)
func newWebhook(kind string, timeout int64, failurePolicy kyverno.FailurePolicyType) *webhook {
return &webhook{
kind: kind,
maxWebhookTimeout: timeout,
failurePolicy: failurePolicy,
rule: make(map[string]interface{}),
func webhookKey(webhookKind, failurePolicy string) string {
return strings.Join([]string{webhookKind, failurePolicy}, "/")
func hasWildcard(policy interface{}) bool {
if p, ok := policy.(*kyverno.ClusterPolicy); ok {
for _, rule := range p.Spec.Rules {
if kinds := rule.MatchKinds(); utils.ContainsString(kinds, "*") {
return true
if p, ok := policy.(*kyverno.Policy); ok {
for _, rule := range p.Spec.Rules {
if kinds := rule.MatchKinds(); utils.ContainsString(kinds, "*") {
return true
return false
func setWildcardConfig(w *webhook) {
w.rule[apiGroups] = []string{"*"}
w.rule[apiVersions] = []string{"*"}
w.rule[resources] = []string{"*/*"}