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package webhooks
import (
controllerinternalinterfaces "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/controller/internalinterfaces"
kubeclient "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/kubeclient"
types "github.com/nirmata/kube-policy/pkg/apis/policy/v1alpha1"
v1beta1 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1beta1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
rest "k8s.io/client-go/rest"
// MutationWebhook is a data type that represents
// business logic for resource mutation
type MutationWebhook struct {
kubeclient *kubeclient.KubeClient
controller controllerinternalinterfaces.PolicyGetter
registration *MutationWebhookRegistration
logger *log.Logger
// Registers mutation webhook in cluster and creates object for this webhook
func CreateMutationWebhook(clientConfig *rest.Config, kubeclient *kubeclient.KubeClient, controller controllerinternalinterfaces.PolicyGetter, logger *log.Logger) (*MutationWebhook, error) {
if clientConfig == nil || kubeclient == nil || controller == nil {
return nil, errors.New("Some parameters are not set")
registration, err := NewMutationWebhookRegistration(clientConfig, kubeclient)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
err = registration.Register()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if logger == nil {
logger = log.New(os.Stdout, "Mutation WebHook: ", log.LstdFlags|log.Lshortfile)
return &MutationWebhook{
kubeclient: kubeclient,
controller: controller,
registration: registration,
logger: logger,
}, nil
// Mutate applies admission to request
func (mw *MutationWebhook) Mutate(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
mw.logger.Printf("AdmissionReview for Kind=%v, Namespace=%v Name=%v UID=%v patchOperation=%v UserInfo=%v",
request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, request.Name, request.UID, request.Operation, request.UserInfo)
policies, _ := mw.controller.GetPolicies()
if len(policies) == 0 {
return nil
var allPatches []PatchBytes
for _, policy := range policies {
mw.logger.Printf("Applying policy %s with %d rules", policy.ObjectMeta.Name, len(policy.Spec.Rules))
policyPatches, err := mw.applyPolicyRules(request, policy)
if err != nil {
mw.controller.LogPolicyError(policy.Name, err.Error())
errStr := fmt.Sprintf("Unable to apply policy %s: %v", policy.Name, err)
mw.logger.Printf("Denying the request because of error: %s", errStr)
return mw.denyResourceCreation(errStr)
if len(policyPatches) > 0 {
namespace := parseNamespaceFromObject(request.Object.Raw)
name := parseNameFromObject(request.Object.Raw)
mw.controller.LogPolicyInfo(policy.Name, fmt.Sprintf("Applied to %s %s/%s", request.Kind.Kind, namespace, name))
mw.logger.Printf("%s applied to %s %s/%s", policy.Name, request.Kind.Kind, namespace, name)
allPatches = append(allPatches, policyPatches...)
patchType := v1beta1.PatchTypeJSONPatch
return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
Allowed: true,
Patch: JoinPatches(allPatches),
PatchType: &patchType,
func getPolicyPatchingSets(policy types.Policy) PatchingSets {
// failurePolicy property is the only available way for now to define behavior on patching error.
// TODO: define new failurePolicy values specific for patching and other policy features.
if policy.Spec.FailurePolicy != nil && *policy.Spec.FailurePolicy == "continueOnError" {
return PatchingSetsContinueAlways
return PatchingSetsDefault
// Applies all policy rules to the created object and returns list of processed JSON patches.
// May return nil patches if it is not necessary to create patches for requested object.
// Returns error ONLY in case when creation of resource should be denied.
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyPolicyRules(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest, policy types.Policy) ([]PatchBytes, error) {
return mw.applyPolicyRulesOnResource(request.Kind.Kind, request.Object.Raw, policy)
// kind is the type of object being manipulated
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyPolicyRulesOnResource(kind string, rawResource []byte, policy types.Policy) ([]PatchBytes, error) {
patchingSets := getPolicyPatchingSets(policy)
var policyPatches []PatchBytes
for ruleIdx, rule := range policy.Spec.Rules {
err := rule.Validate()
if err != nil {
mw.logger.Printf("Invalid rule detected: #%d in policy %s, err: %v\n", ruleIdx, policy.ObjectMeta.Name, err)
if ok, err := IsRuleApplicableToResource(kind, rawResource, rule.Resource); !ok {
mw.logger.Printf("Rule %d of policy %s is not applicable to the request", ruleIdx, policy.Name)
return nil, err
// configMapGenerator and secretGenerator can be applied only to namespaces
if kind == "Namespace" {
err = mw.applyRuleGenerators(rawResource, rule)
if err != nil && patchingSets == PatchingSetsStopOnError {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to apply generators from rule #%d: %s", ruleIdx, err)
rulePatchesProcessed, err := ProcessPatches(rule.Patches, rawResource, patchingSets)
if err != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Failed to process patches from rule #%d: %s", ruleIdx, err)
if rulePatchesProcessed != nil {
policyPatches = append(policyPatches, rulePatchesProcessed...)
mw.logger.Printf("Rule %d: prepared %d patches", ruleIdx, len(rulePatchesProcessed))
} else {
mw.logger.Printf("Rule %d: no patches prepared", ruleIdx)
// empty patch, return error to deny resource creation
if policyPatches == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("no patches prepared")
return policyPatches, nil
// Applies "configMapGenerator" and "secretGenerator" described in PolicyRule
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyRuleGenerators(rawResource []byte, rule types.PolicyRule) error {
namespaceName := parseNameFromObject(rawResource)
err := mw.applyConfigGenerator(rule.ConfigMapGenerator, namespaceName, "ConfigMap")
if err == nil {
err = mw.applyConfigGenerator(rule.SecretGenerator, namespaceName, "Secret")
return err
// Creates resourceKind (ConfigMap or Secret) with parameters specified in generator in cluster specified in request.
func (mw *MutationWebhook) applyConfigGenerator(generator *types.PolicyConfigGenerator, namespace string, configKind string) error {
if generator == nil {
return nil
err := generator.Validate()
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Generator for '%s' is invalid: %s", configKind, err))
switch configKind {
case "ConfigMap":
err = mw.kubeclient.GenerateConfigMap(*generator, namespace)
case "Secret":
err = mw.kubeclient.GenerateSecret(*generator, namespace)
err = errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported config Kind '%s'", configKind))
if err != nil {
return errors.New(fmt.Sprintf("Unable to apply generator for %s '%s/%s' : %s", configKind, namespace, generator.Name, err))
return nil
// Forms AdmissionResponse with denial of resource creation and error message
func (mw *MutationWebhook) denyResourceCreation(errStr string) *v1beta1.AdmissionResponse {
return &v1beta1.AdmissionResponse{
Result: &metav1.Status{
Message: errStr,
Allowed: false,