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Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package parser_test
import (
func TestRecursive(t *testing.T) {
d := args.Default()
d.InputDirs = []string{"k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/..."}
b, err := d.NewBuilder()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail making builder: %v", err)
_, err = b.FindTypes()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail finding types: %v", err)
foundB := false
foundC := false
for _, p := range b.FindPackages() {
t.Logf("Package: %v", p)
if p == "k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/b" {
foundB = true
if p == "k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/c" {
foundC = true
if !foundB {
t.Errorf("Expected to find packages a and b")
if foundC {
t.Error("Did not expect to find package c")
func TestRecursiveWithTestGoFiles(t *testing.T) {
d := args.Default()
d.IncludeTestFiles = true
d.InputDirs = []string{"k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/..."}
b, err := d.NewBuilder()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail making builder: %v", err)
_, err = b.FindTypes()
if err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Fail finding types: %v", err)
foundB := false
foundC := false
for _, p := range b.FindPackages() {
t.Logf("Package: %v", p)
if p == "k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/b" {
foundB = true
if p == "k8s.io/gengo/testdata/a/c" {
foundC = true
if !foundC || !foundB {
t.Errorf("Expected to find packages a, b and c")
type file struct {
path string
contents string
// Pass files in topological order - deps first!
func construct(t *testing.T, files []file, testNamer namer.Namer) (*parser.Builder, types.Universe, []*types.Type) {
b := parser.New()
for _, f := range files {
if err := b.AddFileForTest(path.Dir(f.path), filepath.FromSlash(f.path), []byte(f.contents)); err != nil {
u, err := b.FindTypes()
if err != nil {
orderer := namer.Orderer{Namer: testNamer}
o := orderer.OrderUniverse(u)
return b, u, o
func TestBuilder(t *testing.T) {
var testFiles = []file{
path: "base/common/proto/common.go", contents: `
package common
type Object struct {
ID int64
}, {
path: "base/foo/proto/foo.go", contents: `
package foo
import (
type Blah struct {
Count int64
Frobbers map[string]*Frobber
Baz []Object
Nickname *string
NumberIsAFavorite map[int]bool
type Frobber struct {
Name string
Amount int64
type Object struct {
func AFunc(obj1 common.Object, obj2 Object) Frobber {
var AVar Frobber
var (
AnotherVar = Frobber{}
var tmplText = `
package o
{{define "Struct"}}type {{Name .}} interface { {{range $m := .Members}}{{$n := Name $m.Type}}
{{if $m.Embedded}}{{$n}}{{else}}{{$m.Name}}() {{$n}}{{if $m.Type.Elem}}{{else}}
{{define "Func"}}{{$s := .Underlying.Signature}}var {{Name .}} func({{range $index,$elem := $s.Parameters}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{Raw $elem}}{{end}}) {{if $s.Results|len |gt 1}}({{end}}{{range $index,$elem := $s.Results}}{{if $index}}, {{end}}{{Raw .}}{{end}}{{if $s.Results|len |gt 1}}){{end}} = {{Raw .}}
{{define "Var"}}{{$t := .Underlying}}var {{Name .}} {{Raw $t}} = {{Raw .}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "Struct"}}{{template "Struct" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "DeclarationOf"}}{{if eq $t.Underlying.Kind "Func"}}{{template "Func" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}
{{range $t := .}}{{if eq $t.Kind "DeclarationOf"}}{{if ne $t.Underlying.Kind "Func"}}{{template "Var" $t}}{{end}}{{end}}{{end}}`
var expect = `
package o
type CommonObject interface {
ID() Int64
type FooBlah interface {
Count() Int64
Frobbers() MapStringToPointerFooFrobber
Baz() SliceFooObject
Nickname() PointerString
NumberIsAFavorite() MapIntToBool
type FooFrobber interface {
Name() String
Amount() Int64
type FooObject interface {
var FooAFunc func(proto.Object, proto.Object) proto.Frobber = proto.AFunc
var FooAVar proto.Frobber = proto.AVar
var FooAnotherVar proto.Frobber = proto.AnotherVar
testNamer := namer.NewPublicNamer(1, "proto")
rawNamer := namer.NewRawNamer("o", nil)
_, u, o := construct(t, testFiles, testNamer)
t.Logf("\n%v\n\n", o)
args := map[string]interface{}{
"Name": testNamer.Name,
"Raw": rawNamer.Name,
tmpl := template.Must(
buf := &bytes.Buffer{}
tmpl.Execute(buf, o)
if e, a := expect, buf.String(); e != a {
t.Errorf("Wanted, got:\n%v\n-----\n%v\n", e, a)
if p := u.Package("base/foo/proto"); !p.HasImport("base/common/proto") {
t.Errorf("Unexpected lack of import line: %#v", p.Imports)
func TestStructParse(t *testing.T) {
var structTest = file{
path: "base/foo/proto/foo.go",
contents: `
package foo
// Blah is a test.
// A test, I tell you.
type Blah struct {
// A is the first field.
A int64 ` + "`" + `json:"a"` + "`" + `
// B is the second field.
// Multiline comments work.
B string ` + "`" + `json:"b"` + "`" + `
_, u, o := construct(t, []file{structTest}, namer.NewPublicNamer(0))
t.Logf("%#v", o)
blahT := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "base/foo/proto", Name: "Blah"})
if blahT == nil {
t.Fatal("type not found")
if e, a := types.Struct, blahT.Kind; e != a {
t.Errorf("struct kind wrong, wanted %v, got %v", e, a)
if e, a := []string{"Blah is a test.", "A test, I tell you."}, blahT.CommentLines; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("struct comment wrong, wanted %q, got %q", e, a)
m := types.Member{
Name: "B",
Embedded: false,
CommentLines: []string{"B is the second field.", "Multiline comments work."},
Tags: `json:"b"`,
Type: types.String,
if e, a := m, blahT.Members[1]; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("wanted, got:\n%#v\n%#v", e, a)
func TestParseSecondClosestCommentLines(t *testing.T) {
const fileName = "base/foo/proto/foo.go"
testCases := []struct {
testFile file
expected []string
testFile: file{
path: fileName, contents: `
package foo
// Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.
// Another line.
// Blah is a test.
// A test, I tell you.
type Blah struct {
a int
expected: []string{"Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.", "Another line."},
testFile: file{
path: fileName, contents: `
package foo
// Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.
// Another line.
type Blah struct {
a int
expected: []string{"Blah's SecondClosestCommentLines.", "Another line."},
for _, test := range testCases {
_, u, o := construct(t, []file{test.testFile}, namer.NewPublicNamer(0))
t.Logf("%#v", o)
blahT := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "base/foo/proto", Name: "Blah"})
if e, a := test.expected, blahT.SecondClosestCommentLines; !reflect.DeepEqual(e, a) {
t.Errorf("struct second closest comment wrong, wanted %q, got %q", e, a)
func TestTypeKindParse(t *testing.T) {
var testFiles = []file{
{path: "a/foo.go", contents: "package a\ntype Test string\n"},
{path: "b/foo.go", contents: "package b\ntype Test map[int]string\n"},
{path: "c/foo.go", contents: "package c\ntype Test []string\n"},
{path: "d/foo.go", contents: "package d\ntype Test struct{a int; b struct{a int}; c map[int]string; d *string}\n"},
{path: "e/foo.go", contents: "package e\ntype Test *string\n"},
{path: "f/foo.go", contents: `
package f
import (
type Test []a.Test
type Test2 *a.Test
type Test3 map[a.Test]b.Test
type Test4 struct {
a struct {a a.Test; b b.Test}
b map[a.Test]b.Test
c *a.Test
d []a.Test
e []string
{path: "g/foo.go", contents: `
package g
type Test func(a, b string) (c, d string)
func (t Test) Method(a, b string) (c, d string) { return t(a, b) }
type Interface interface{Method(a, b string) (c, d string)}
// Check that the right types are found, and the namers give the expected names.
assertions := []struct {
Package, Name string
k types.Kind
names []string
Package: "a", Name: "Test", k: types.Alias,
names: []string{"Test", "ATest", "test", "aTest", "a.Test"},
Package: "b", Name: "Test", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"Test", "BTest", "test", "bTest", "b.Test"},
Package: "c", Name: "Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"Test", "CTest", "test", "cTest", "c.Test"},
Package: "d", Name: "Test", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"Test", "DTest", "test", "dTest", "d.Test"},
Package: "e", Name: "Test", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"Test", "ETest", "test", "eTest", "e.Test"},
Package: "f", Name: "Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"Test", "FTest", "test", "fTest", "f.Test"},
Package: "g", Name: "Test", k: types.Func,
names: []string{"Test", "GTest", "test", "gTest", "g.Test"},
Package: "g", Name: "Interface", k: types.Interface,
names: []string{"Interface", "GInterface", "interface", "gInterface", "g.Interface"},
Package: "", Name: "string", k: types.Builtin,
names: []string{"String", "String", "string", "string", "string"},
Package: "", Name: "int", k: types.Builtin,
names: []string{"Int", "Int", "int", "int", "int"},
Package: "", Name: "struct{a int}", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"StructInt", "StructInt", "structInt", "structInt", "struct{a int}"},
Package: "", Name: "struct{a a.Test; b b.Test}", k: types.Struct,
names: []string{"StructTestTest", "StructATestBTest", "structTestTest", "structATestBTest", "struct{a a.Test; b b.Test}"},
Package: "", Name: "map[int]string", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"MapIntToString", "MapIntToString", "mapIntToString", "mapIntToString", "map[int]string"},
Package: "", Name: "map[a.Test]b.Test", k: types.Map,
names: []string{"MapTestToTest", "MapATestToBTest", "mapTestToTest", "mapATestToBTest", "map[a.Test]b.Test"},
Package: "", Name: "[]string", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"SliceString", "SliceString", "sliceString", "sliceString", "[]string"},
Package: "", Name: "[]a.Test", k: types.Slice,
names: []string{"SliceTest", "SliceATest", "sliceTest", "sliceATest", "[]a.Test"},
Package: "", Name: "*string", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"PointerString", "PointerString", "pointerString", "pointerString", "*string"},
Package: "", Name: "*a.Test", k: types.Pointer,
names: []string{"PointerTest", "PointerATest", "pointerTest", "pointerATest", "*a.Test"},
namers := []namer.Namer{
namer.NewRawNamer("", nil),
for nameIndex, namer := range namers {
_, u, _ := construct(t, testFiles, namer)
t.Logf("Found types:\n")
for pkgName, pkg := range u {
for typeName, cur := range pkg.Types {
t.Logf("%q-%q: %s %s", pkgName, typeName, cur.Name, cur.Kind)
for _, item := range assertions {
n := types.Name{Package: item.Package, Name: item.Name}
thisType := u.Type(n)
if thisType == nil {
t.Errorf("type %s not found", n)
underlyingType := thisType
if item.k != types.Alias && thisType.Kind == types.Alias {
underlyingType = thisType.Underlying
if underlyingType == nil {
t.Errorf("underlying type %s not found", n)
if e, a := item.k, underlyingType.Kind; e != a {
t.Errorf("%v-%s: type kind wrong, wanted %v, got %v (%#v)", nameIndex, n, e, a, underlyingType)
if e, a := item.names[nameIndex], namer.Name(thisType); e != a {
t.Errorf("%v-%s: Expected %q, got %q", nameIndex, n, e, a)
// Also do some one-off checks
gtest := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "g", Name: "Test"})
if e, a := 1, len(gtest.Methods); e != a {
t.Errorf("expected %v but found %v methods: %#v", e, a, gtest)
iface := u.Type(types.Name{Package: "g", Name: "Interface"})
if e, a := 1, len(iface.Methods); e != a {
t.Errorf("expected %v but found %v methods: %#v", e, a, iface)