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2021-09-21 12:12:34 +05:30

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package validate
import (
// ValidateResourceWithPattern is a start of element-by-element validation process
// It assumes that validation is started from root, so "/" is passed
func ValidateResourceWithPattern(logger logr.Logger, resource, pattern interface{}) (string, error) {
// newAnchorMap - to check anchor key has values
ac := common.NewAnchorMap()
elemPath, err := validateResourceElement(logger, resource, pattern, pattern, "/", ac)
if err != nil {
if common.IsConditionalAnchorError(err.Error()) || common.IsGlobalAnchorError(err.Error()) {
return "", nil
if !ac.IsAnchorError() {
return elemPath, err
return "", nil
// validateResourceElement detects the element type (map, array, nil, string, int, bool, float)
// and calls corresponding handler
// Pattern tree and resource tree can have different structure. In this case validation fails
func validateResourceElement(log logr.Logger, resourceElement, patternElement, originPattern interface{}, path string, ac *common.AnchorKey) (string, error) {
fmt.Println("resourceElement: ", resourceElement)
fmt.Println("patternElement: ", patternElement)
fmt.Println("originPattern: ", originPattern)
fmt.Println("path: ", path)
switch typedPatternElement := patternElement.(type) {
// map
case map[string]interface{}:
typedResourceElement, ok := resourceElement.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
log.V(4).Info("Pattern and resource have different structures.", "path", path, "expected", fmt.Sprintf("%T", patternElement), "current", fmt.Sprintf("%T", resourceElement))
return path, fmt.Errorf("Pattern and resource have different structures. Path: %s. Expected %T, found %T", path, patternElement, resourceElement)
// CheckAnchorInResource - check anchor anchor key exists in resource and update the AnchorKey fields.
ac.CheckAnchorInResource(typedPatternElement, typedResourceElement)
return validateMap(log, typedResourceElement, typedPatternElement, originPattern, path, ac)
// array
case []interface{}:
typedResourceElement, ok := resourceElement.([]interface{})
if !ok {
log.V(4).Info("Pattern and resource have different structures.", "path", path, "expected", fmt.Sprintf("%T", patternElement), "current", fmt.Sprintf("%T", resourceElement))
return path, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule Failed at path %s, resource does not satisfy the expected overlay pattern", path)
return validateArray(log, typedResourceElement, typedPatternElement, originPattern, path, ac)
// elementary values
case string, float64, int, int64, bool, nil:
/*Analyze pattern */
switch resource := resourceElement.(type) {
case []interface{}:
for _, res := range resource {
if !ValidateValueWithPattern(log, res, patternElement) {
return path, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule failed at '%s' to validate value '%v' with pattern '%v'", path, resourceElement, patternElement)
return "", nil
if !ValidateValueWithPattern(log, resourceElement, patternElement) {
return path, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule failed at '%s' to validate value '%v' with pattern '%v'", path, resourceElement, patternElement)
log.V(4).Info("Pattern contains unknown type", "path", path, "current", fmt.Sprintf("%T", patternElement))
return path, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule failed at '%s', pattern contains unknown type", path)
return "", nil
// If validateResourceElement detects map element inside resource and pattern trees, it goes to validateMap
// For each element of the map we must detect the type again, so we pass these elements to validateResourceElement
func validateMap(log logr.Logger, resourceMap, patternMap map[string]interface{}, origPattern interface{}, path string, ac *common.AnchorKey) (string, error) {
fmt.Println("resourceMap: ", resourceMap)
fmt.Println("patternMap: ", patternMap)
fmt.Println("origPattern: ", origPattern)
fmt.Println("path: ", path)
patternMap = wildcards.ExpandInMetadata(patternMap, resourceMap)
// check if there is anchor in pattern
// Phase 1 : Evaluate all the anchors
// Phase 2 : Evaluate non-anchors
anchors, resources := anchor.GetAnchorsResourcesFromMap(patternMap)
// Evaluate anchors
for key, patternElement := range anchors {
// get handler for each pattern in the pattern
// - Conditional
// - Existence
// - Equality
handler := anchor.CreateElementHandler(key, patternElement, path)
handlerPath, err := handler.Handle(validateResourceElement, resourceMap, origPattern, ac)
// if there are resource values at same level, then anchor acts as conditional instead of a strict check
// but if there are non then its a if then check
if err != nil {
// If global anchor fails then we don't process the resource
return handlerPath, err
// Evaluate resources
// getSortedNestedAnchorResource - keeps the anchor key to start of the list
sortedResourceKeys := getSortedNestedAnchorResource(resources)
for e := sortedResourceKeys.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() {
key := e.Value.(string)
fmt.Println("key picked: ", key)
handler := anchor.CreateElementHandler(key, resources[key], path)
handlerPath, err := handler.Handle(validateResourceElement, resourceMap, origPattern, ac)
if err != nil {
return handlerPath, err
return "", nil
func validateArray(log logr.Logger, resourceArray, patternArray []interface{}, originPattern interface{}, path string, ac *common.AnchorKey) (string, error) {
if 0 == len(patternArray) {
return path, fmt.Errorf("Pattern Array empty")
switch typedPatternElement := patternArray[0].(type) {
case map[string]interface{}:
// This is special case, because maps in arrays can have anchors that must be
// processed with the special way affecting the entire array
elemPath, err := validateArrayOfMaps(log, resourceArray, typedPatternElement, originPattern, path, ac)
if err != nil {
return elemPath, err
case string, float64, int, int64, bool, nil:
elemPath, err := validateResourceElement(log, resourceArray, typedPatternElement, originPattern, path, ac)
if err != nil {
return elemPath, err
// In all other cases - detect type and handle each array element with validateResourceElement
if len(resourceArray) >= len(patternArray) {
for i, patternElement := range patternArray {
currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(i) + "/"
elemPath, err := validateResourceElement(log, resourceArray[i], patternElement, originPattern, currentPath, ac)
if err != nil {
if common.IsConditionalAnchorError(err.Error()) {
return elemPath, err
} else {
return "", fmt.Errorf("Validate Array failed, array length mismatch, resource Array len is %d and pattern Array len is %d", len(resourceArray), len(patternArray))
return "", nil
func getValueFromPattern(log logr.Logger, patternMap map[string]interface{}, keys []string, currentKeyIndex int) (interface{}, error) {
for key, pattern := range patternMap {
rawKey := getRawKeyIfWrappedWithAttributes(key)
if rawKey == keys[len(keys)-1] && currentKeyIndex == len(keys)-1 {
return pattern, nil
} else if rawKey != keys[currentKeyIndex] && currentKeyIndex != len(keys)-1 {
switch typedPattern := pattern.(type) {
case []interface{}:
if keys[currentKeyIndex] == rawKey {
for i, value := range typedPattern {
resourceMap, ok := value.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
log.V(4).Info("Pattern and resource have different structures.", "expected", fmt.Sprintf("%T", pattern), "current", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value))
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Validation rule failed, resource does not have expected pattern %v", patternMap)
if keys[currentKeyIndex+1] == strconv.Itoa(i) {
return getValueFromPattern(log, resourceMap, keys, currentKeyIndex+2)
// TODO : SA4004: the surrounding loop is unconditionally terminated (staticcheck)
return nil, errors.New("Reference to non-existent place in the document")
return nil, nil // Just a hack to fix the lint
return nil, errors.New("Reference to non-existent place in the document")
case map[string]interface{}:
if keys[currentKeyIndex] == rawKey {
return getValueFromPattern(log, typedPattern, keys, currentKeyIndex+1)
return nil, errors.New("Reference to non-existent place in the document")
case string, float64, int, int64, bool, nil:
elemPath := ""
for _, elem := range keys {
elemPath = "/" + elem + elemPath
return nil, fmt.Errorf("No value found for specified reference: %s", elemPath)
// validateArrayOfMaps gets anchors from pattern array map element, applies anchors logic
// and then validates each map due to the pattern
func validateArrayOfMaps(log logr.Logger, resourceMapArray []interface{}, patternMap map[string]interface{}, originPattern interface{}, path string, ac *common.AnchorKey) (string, error) {
for i, resourceElement := range resourceMapArray {
// check the types of resource element
// expect it to be map, but can be anything ?:(
currentPath := path + strconv.Itoa(i) + "/"
returnpath, err := validateResourceElement(log, resourceElement, patternMap, originPattern, currentPath, ac)
if err != nil {
if common.IsConditionalAnchorError(err.Error()) {
return returnpath, err
return "", nil
func isStringIsReference(str string) bool {
if len(str) < len(operator.ReferenceSign) {
return false
return str[0] == '$' && str[1] == '(' && str[len(str)-1] == ')'