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package webhooks
import (
client "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/dclient"
v1 "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/api/kyverno/v1"
utilruntime "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/util/runtime"
informers "k8s.io/client-go/informers/core/v1"
rbacinformer "k8s.io/client-go/informers/rbac/v1"
listerv1 "k8s.io/client-go/listers/core/v1"
rbaclister "k8s.io/client-go/listers/rbac/v1"
const (
workQueueName = "validate-audit-handler"
workQueueRetryLimit = 3
// AuditHandler applies validate audit policies to the admission request
// the handler adds the request to the work queue and returns immediately
// the request is processed in background, with the exact same logic
// when process the admission request in the webhook
type AuditHandler interface {
Add(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest)
Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{})
type auditHandler struct {
client *client.Client
queue workqueue.RateLimitingInterface
pCache policycache.Interface
eventGen event.Interface
statusListener policystatus.Listener
prGenerator policyreport.GeneratorInterface
rbLister rbaclister.RoleBindingLister
rbSynced cache.InformerSynced
crbLister rbaclister.ClusterRoleBindingLister
crbSynced cache.InformerSynced
nsLister listerv1.NamespaceLister
nsListerSynced cache.InformerSynced
log logr.Logger
configHandler config.Interface
resCache resourcecache.ResourceCache
promConfig *metrics.PromConfig
// NewValidateAuditHandler returns a new instance of audit policy handler
func NewValidateAuditHandler(pCache policycache.Interface,
eventGen event.Interface,
statusListener policystatus.Listener,
prGenerator policyreport.GeneratorInterface,
rbInformer rbacinformer.RoleBindingInformer,
crbInformer rbacinformer.ClusterRoleBindingInformer,
namespaces informers.NamespaceInformer,
log logr.Logger,
dynamicConfig config.Interface,
resCache resourcecache.ResourceCache,
client *client.Client,
promConfig *metrics.PromConfig) AuditHandler {
return &auditHandler{
pCache: pCache,
queue: workqueue.NewNamedRateLimitingQueue(workqueue.DefaultControllerRateLimiter(), workQueueName),
eventGen: eventGen,
statusListener: statusListener,
rbLister: rbInformer.Lister(),
rbSynced: rbInformer.Informer().HasSynced,
crbLister: crbInformer.Lister(),
crbSynced: crbInformer.Informer().HasSynced,
nsLister: namespaces.Lister(),
nsListerSynced: namespaces.Informer().HasSynced,
log: log,
prGenerator: prGenerator,
configHandler: dynamicConfig,
resCache: resCache,
client: client,
promConfig: promConfig,
func (h *auditHandler) Add(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) {
h.log.V(4).Info("admission request added", "uid", request.UID, "kind", request.Kind.Kind, "namespace", request.Namespace, "name", request.Name, "operation", request.Operation)
func (h *auditHandler) Run(workers int, stopCh <-chan struct{}) {
defer func() {
h.log.V(4).Info("shutting down")
if !cache.WaitForCacheSync(stopCh, h.rbSynced, h.crbSynced) {
h.log.Info("failed to sync informer cache")
for i := 0; i < workers; i++ {
go wait.Until(h.runWorker, time.Second, stopCh)
func (h *auditHandler) runWorker() {
for h.processNextWorkItem() {
func (h *auditHandler) processNextWorkItem() bool {
obj, shutdown := h.queue.Get()
if shutdown {
return false
defer h.queue.Done(obj)
request, ok := obj.(*v1beta1.AdmissionRequest)
if !ok {
h.log.Info("incorrect type: expecting type 'AdmissionRequest'", "object", obj)
return true
err := h.process(request)
h.handleErr(err, obj, request)
return true
func (h *auditHandler) process(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) error {
var roles, clusterRoles []string
var err error
// time at which the corresponding the admission request's processing got initiated
admissionRequestTimestamp := time.Now().Unix()
logger := h.log.WithName("process")
policies := h.pCache.GetPolicyObject(policycache.ValidateAudit, request.Kind.Kind, "")
// Get namespace policies from the cache for the requested resource namespace
nsPolicies := h.pCache.GetPolicyObject(policycache.ValidateAudit, request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace)
policies = append(policies, nsPolicies...)
// getRoleRef only if policy has roles/clusterroles defined
if containRBACInfo(policies) {
roles, clusterRoles, err = userinfo.GetRoleRef(h.rbLister, h.crbLister, request, h.configHandler)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "failed to get RBAC information for request")
userRequestInfo := v1.RequestInfo{
Roles: roles,
ClusterRoles: clusterRoles,
AdmissionUserInfo: request.UserInfo}
ctx, err := newVariablesContext(request, &userRequestInfo)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "unable to build variable context")
namespaceLabels := make(map[string]string)
if request.Kind.Kind != "Namespace" && request.Namespace != "" {
namespaceLabels = common.GetNamespaceSelectorsFromNamespaceLister(request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, h.nsLister, logger)
HandleValidation(h.promConfig, request, policies, nil, ctx, userRequestInfo, h.statusListener, h.eventGen, h.prGenerator, logger, h.configHandler, h.resCache, h.client, namespaceLabels, admissionRequestTimestamp)
return nil
func (h *auditHandler) handleErr(err error, key interface{}, request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest) {
logger := h.log.WithName("handleErr")
if err == nil {
k := strings.Join([]string{request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, request.Name}, "/")
if h.queue.NumRequeues(key) < workQueueRetryLimit {
logger.V(3).Info("retrying processing admission request", "key", k, "error", err.Error())
logger.Error(err, "failed to process admission request", "key", k)