mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 19:58:45 +00:00
* extending new operators Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * Changes in file names Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * tests added Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * removed print statements Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * Changes to reduce code redundancy Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * Minor corrections in anyin and allin Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com> * added correction for anynotin and allnotin Signed-off-by: anushkamittal20 <anumittal4641@gmail.com>
318 lines
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318 lines
9.3 KiB
package common
import (
apiresource "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/api/resource"
type quantity int
const (
equal quantity = 0
lessThan quantity = -1
greaterThan quantity = 1
// ValidateValueWithPattern validates value with operators and wildcards
func ValidateValueWithPattern(log logr.Logger, value, pattern interface{}) bool {
switch typedPattern := pattern.(type) {
case bool:
typedValue, ok := value.(bool)
if !ok {
log.V(4).Info("Expected type bool", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value), "value", value)
return false
return typedPattern == typedValue
case int:
return validateValueWithIntPattern(log, value, int64(typedPattern))
case int64:
return validateValueWithIntPattern(log, value, typedPattern)
case float64:
return validateValueWithFloatPattern(log, value, typedPattern)
case string:
return validateValueWithStringPatterns(log, value, typedPattern)
case nil:
return validateValueWithNilPattern(log, value)
case map[string]interface{}:
return validateValueWithMapPattern(log, value, typedPattern)
case []interface{}:
log.Info("arrays are not supported as patterns")
return false
log.Info("Unknown type", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedPattern), "value", typedPattern)
return false
func validateValueWithMapPattern(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, typedPattern map[string]interface{}) bool {
// verify the type of the resource value is map[string]interface,
// we only check for existence of object, not the equality of content and value
_, ok := value.(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
log.Info("Expected type map[string]interface{}", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value), "value", value)
return false
return true
// Handler for int values during validation process
func validateValueWithIntPattern(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern int64) bool {
switch typedValue := value.(type) {
case int:
return int64(typedValue) == pattern
case int64:
return typedValue == pattern
case float64:
// check that float has no fraction
if typedValue == math.Trunc(typedValue) {
return int64(typedValue) == pattern
log.Info("Expected type int", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedValue), "value", typedValue)
return false
case string:
// extract int64 from string
int64Num, err := strconv.ParseInt(typedValue, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "Failed to parse int64 from string")
return false
return int64Num == pattern
log.Info("Expected type int", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value), "value", value)
return false
// Handler for float values during validation process
func validateValueWithFloatPattern(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern float64) bool {
switch typedValue := value.(type) {
case int:
// check that float has no fraction
if pattern == math.Trunc(pattern) {
return int(pattern) == value
log.Info("Expected type float", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedValue), "value", typedValue)
return false
case int64:
// check that float has no fraction
if pattern == math.Trunc(pattern) {
return int64(pattern) == value
log.Info("Expected type float", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedValue), "value", typedValue)
return false
case float64:
return typedValue == pattern
case string:
// extract float64 from string
float64Num, err := strconv.ParseFloat(typedValue, 64)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "Failed to parse float64 from string")
return false
return float64Num == pattern
log.Info("Expected type float", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value), "value", value)
return false
// Handler for nil values during validation process
func validateValueWithNilPattern(log logr.Logger, value interface{}) bool {
switch typed := value.(type) {
case float64:
return typed == 0.0
case int:
return typed == 0
case int64:
return typed == 0
case string:
return typed == ""
case bool:
return !typed
case nil:
return true
case map[string]interface{}, []interface{}:
log.Info("Maps and arrays could not be checked with nil pattern")
return false
log.Info("Unknown type as value when checking for nil pattern", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value), "value", value)
return false
// Handler for pattern values during validation process
func validateValueWithStringPatterns(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern string) bool {
conditions := strings.Split(pattern, "|")
for _, condition := range conditions {
condition = strings.Trim(condition, " ")
if checkForAndConditionsAndValidate(log, value, condition) {
return true
return false
func checkForAndConditionsAndValidate(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern string) bool {
conditions := strings.Split(pattern, "&")
for _, condition := range conditions {
condition = strings.Trim(condition, " ")
if !validateValueWithStringPattern(log, value, condition) {
return false
return true
// Handler for single pattern value during validation process
// Detects if pattern has a number
func validateValueWithStringPattern(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern string) bool {
operatorVariable := operator.GetOperatorFromStringPattern(pattern)
// Upon encountering InRange operator split the string by `-` and basically
// verify the result of (x >= leftEndpoint & x <= rightEndpoint)
if operatorVariable == operator.InRange {
endpoints := strings.Split(pattern, "-")
leftEndpoint, rightEndpoint := endpoints[0], endpoints[1]
gt := validateValueWithStringPattern(log, value, fmt.Sprintf(">=%s", leftEndpoint))
if !gt {
return false
pattern = fmt.Sprintf("<=%s", rightEndpoint)
operatorVariable = operator.LessEqual
// Upon encountering NotInRange operator split the string by `!-` and basically
// verify the result of (x < leftEndpoint | x > rightEndpoint)
if operatorVariable == operator.NotInRange {
endpoints := strings.Split(pattern, "!-")
leftEndpoint, rightEndpoint := endpoints[0], endpoints[1]
lt := validateValueWithStringPattern(log, value, fmt.Sprintf("<%s", leftEndpoint))
if lt {
return true
pattern = fmt.Sprintf(">%s", rightEndpoint)
operatorVariable = operator.More
pattern = pattern[len(operatorVariable):]
pattern = strings.TrimSpace(pattern)
number, str := getNumberAndStringPartsFromPattern(pattern)
if number == "" {
return validateString(log, value, str, operatorVariable)
return validateNumberWithStr(log, value, pattern, operatorVariable)
// Handler for string values
func validateString(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern string, operatorVariable operator.Operator) bool {
if operator.NotEqual == operatorVariable || operator.Equal == operatorVariable {
var strValue string
var ok bool = false
switch v := value.(type) {
case float64:
strValue = strconv.FormatFloat(v, 'E', -1, 64)
ok = true
case int:
strValue = strconv.FormatInt(int64(v), 10)
ok = true
case int64:
strValue = strconv.FormatInt(v, 10)
ok = true
case string:
strValue = v
ok = true
case bool:
strValue = strconv.FormatBool(v)
ok = true
case nil:
ok = false
if !ok {
log.V(4).Info("unexpected type", "got", value, "expect", pattern)
return false
wildcardResult := wildcard.Match(pattern, strValue)
if operator.NotEqual == operatorVariable {
return !wildcardResult
return wildcardResult
log.Info("Operators >, >=, <, <= are not applicable to strings")
return false
// validateNumberWithStr compares quantity if pattern type is quantity
// or a wildcard match to pattern string
func validateNumberWithStr(log logr.Logger, value interface{}, pattern string, operator operator.Operator) bool {
typedValue, err := convertNumberToString(value)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "failed to convert to string")
return false
patternQuan, err := apiresource.ParseQuantity(pattern)
// 1. nil error - quantity comparison
if err == nil {
valueQuan, err := apiresource.ParseQuantity(typedValue)
if err != nil {
log.Error(err, "invalid quantity in resource", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedValue), "value", typedValue)
return false
return compareQuantity(valueQuan, patternQuan, operator)
// 2. wildcard match
if !wildcard.Match(pattern, typedValue) {
log.V(4).Info("value failed wildcard check", "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedValue), "value", typedValue, "check", pattern)
return false
return true
func compareQuantity(value, pattern apiresource.Quantity, op operator.Operator) bool {
result := value.Cmp(pattern)
switch op {
case operator.Equal:
return result == int(equal)
case operator.NotEqual:
return result != int(equal)
case operator.More:
return result == int(greaterThan)
case operator.Less:
return result == int(lessThan)
case operator.MoreEqual:
return (result == int(equal)) || (result == int(greaterThan))
case operator.LessEqual:
return (result == int(equal)) || (result == int(lessThan))
return false
// detects numerical and string parts in pattern and returns them
func getNumberAndStringPartsFromPattern(pattern string) (number, str string) {
regexpStr := `^(\d*(\.\d+)?)(.*)`
re := regexp.MustCompile(regexpStr)
matches := re.FindAllStringSubmatch(pattern, -1)
match := matches[0]
return match[1], match[3]