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# Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Don't allow users to call this directly. There are too many variables this
# assumes to inherit from the main Makefile. This is not a user-facing file.
$(error Please use the main Makefile, e.g. `make generated_files`)
# Don't allow an implicit 'all' rule. This is not a user-facing file.
$(error This Makefile requires an explicit rule to be specified)
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** starting Makefile.generated_files for goal(s) "$(MAKECMDGOALS)")
$(warning ***** $(shell date))
# It's necessary to set this because some environments don't link sh -> bash.
SHELL := /bin/bash
# This rule collects all the generated file sets into a single rule. Other
# rules should depend on this to ensure generated files are rebuilt.
.PHONY: generated_files
generated_files: gen_deepcopy gen_defaulter gen_conversion gen_openapi gen_bindata
# Helper logic to calculate Go's dependency DAG ourselves.
# This is a file that will be emitted by the go2make tool, containing a
# variable for each Go package in the project (including deps) which lists all
# of the transitive deps of that package. Each variable is named the same as
# the package - for example the variable for `k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api` is
# $(k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/api). This is roughly the same DAG that the Go
# compiler uses. These variables can be used to figure out if, for example,
# generated code needs to be regenerated.
GO_PKGDEPS_FILE = go-pkgdeps.mk
# Include the Go package dependencies file. This will cause the rule of
# the same name to be considered and if it is updated, make will restart and
# reload the updated deps.
# Update the set of Go deps for our project. This will let us determine if
# we really need to do expensive codegen. We use FORCE because it is not a
# PHONY file, but we do want it to be re-evaluated every time make is run. The
# file will only be touched if it actually changes.
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: calculating Go dependencies"; \
hack/run-in-gopath.sh go install ./hack/make-rules/helpers/go2make
hack/run-in-gopath.sh go2make \
k8s.io/kubernetes/... \
--prune k8s.io/kubernetes/staging \
--prune k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor \
k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/... \
github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata/... \
> $@.tmp
if ! cmp -s $@.tmp $@; then \
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE) changed"; \
fi; \
cat $@.tmp > $@; \
rm -f $@.tmp
# Helper logic to find which directories need codegen as quickly as possible.
# This variable holds a list of every directory that contains Go files in this
# project. Other rules and variables can use this as a starting point to
# reduce filesystem accesses.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all *.go dirs)
ALL_GO_DIRS := $(shell \
hack/make-rules/helpers/cache_go_dirs.sh $(META_DIR)/all_go_dirs.mk \
# Generate a list of all files that have a `+k8s:` comment-tag. This will be
# used to derive lists of files/dirs for generation tools.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all +k8s: tags)
ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES := $(shell \
find $(ALL_GO_DIRS) -maxdepth 1 -type f -name \*.go \
| xargs grep --color=never -l '^// *+k8s:' \
# Code generation logic.
# Deep-copy generation
# Any package that wants deep-copy functions generated must include a
# comment-tag in column 0 of one file of the form:
# // +k8s:deepcopy-gen=<VALUE>
# The <VALUE> may be one of:
# generate: generate deep-copy functions into the package
# register: generate deep-copy functions and register them with a
# scheme
# The result file, in each pkg, of deep-copy generation.
# The tool used to generate deep copies.
DEEPCOPY_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/deepcopy-gen
# Find all the directories that request deep-copy generation.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all +k8s:deepcopy-gen tags)
DEEPCOPY_DIRS := $(shell \
grep --color=never -l '+k8s:deepcopy-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| xargs -n1 dirname \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u \
# Reset the list of packages that need generation.
$(shell mkdir -p $$(dirname $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN)))
$(shell rm -f $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN).todo)
# This rule aggregates the set of files to generate and then generates them all
# in a single run of the tool.
.PHONY: gen_deepcopy
gen_deepcopy: $(DEEPCOPY_GEN) $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN).todo
if [[ -s $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN).todo ]]; then \
pkgs=$$(cat $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN).todo | paste -sd, -); \
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: running $(DEEPCOPY_GEN) for $$pkgs"; \
fi; \
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(DEEPCOPY_GEN) \
--logtostderr \
-i "$$pkgs" \
--bounding-dirs $(PRJ_SRC_PATH),"k8s.io/api" \
"$$@"; \
fi \
# For each dir in DEEPCOPY_DIRS, this establishes a dependency between the
# output file and the input files that should trigger a rebuild.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below). This
# has to be done in a distinct step because wildcards don't work in static
# pattern rules.
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(DEEPCOPY_DIRS), $(eval \
$(dir)/$(DEEPCOPY_FILENAME): $($(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(dir)) \
# How to regenerate deep-copy code. This is a little slow to run, so we batch
# it up and trigger the batch from the 'generated_files' target.
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: deepcopy needed $(@D): $?"; \
ls -lf --full-time $@ $? || true; \
echo $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(@D) >> $(META_DIR)/$(DEEPCOPY_GEN).todo
# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE), above.
# A word on the need to touch: This rule might trigger if, for example, a
# non-Go file was added or deleted from a directory on which this depends.
# This target needs to be reconsidered, but Go realizes it doesn't actually
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to "rebuild" it over and over. So we touch
# it, and make is happy.
$(DEEPCOPY_GEN): $(k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen)
KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS="" hack/make-rules/build.sh ./vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/deepcopy-gen
touch $@
# Defaulter generation
# Any package that wants defaulter functions generated must include a
# comment-tag in column 0 of one file of the form:
# // +k8s:defaulter-gen=<VALUE>
# The <VALUE> depends on context:
# on types:
# true: always generate a defaulter for this type
# false: never generate a defaulter for this type
# on functions:
# covers: if the function name matches SetDefault_NAME, instructs
# the generator not to recurse
# on packages:
# FIELDNAME: any object with a field of this name is a candidate
# for having a defaulter generated
# The result file, in each pkg, of defaulter generation.
# The tool used to generate defaulters.
DEFAULTER_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/defaulter-gen
# All directories that request any form of defaulter generation.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all +k8s:defaulter-gen tags)
DEFAULTER_DIRS := $(shell \
grep --color=never -l '+k8s:defaulter-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| xargs -n1 dirname \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u \
# Reset the list of packages that need generation.
$(shell mkdir -p $$(dirname $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN)))
$(shell rm -f $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN).todo)
# This rule aggregates the set of files to generate and then generates them all
# in a single run of the tool.
.PHONY: gen_defaulter
gen_defaulter: $(DEFAULTER_GEN) $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN).todo
if [[ -s $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN).todo ]]; then \
pkgs=$$(cat $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN).todo | paste -sd, -); \
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: running $(DEFAULTER_GEN) for $$pkgs"; \
fi; \
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(DEFAULTER_GEN) \
--logtostderr \
-i "$$pkgs" \
--extra-peer-dirs $$(echo $(addprefix $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/, $(DEFAULTER_DIRS)) | sed 's/ /,/g') \
"$$@"; \
# For each dir in DEFAULTER_DIRS, this establishes a dependency between the
# output file and the input files that should trigger a rebuild.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below for that).
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(DEFAULTER_DIRS), $(eval \
$(dir)/$(DEFAULTER_FILENAME): $($(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(dir)) \
# How to regenerate defaulter code. This is a little slow to run, so we batch
# it up and trigger the batch from the 'generated_files' target.
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: defaulter needed $(@D): $?"; \
ls -lf --full-time $@ $? || true; \
echo $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(@D) >> $(META_DIR)/$(DEFAULTER_GEN).todo
# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE), above.
# A word on the need to touch: This rule might trigger if, for example, a
# non-Go file was added or deleted from a directory on which this depends.
# This target needs to be reconsidered, but Go realizes it doesn't actually
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to "rebuild" it over and over. So we touch
# it, and make is happy.
$(DEFAULTER_GEN): $(k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/defaulter-gen)
KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS="" hack/make-rules/build.sh ./vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/defaulter-gen
touch $@
# Conversion generation
# Any package that wants conversion functions generated into it must
# include one or more comment-tags in its `doc.go` file, of the form:
# // +k8s:conversion-gen=<INTERNAL_TYPES_DIR>
# The INTERNAL_TYPES_DIR is a project-local path to another directory
# which should be considered when evaluating peer types for
# conversions. An optional additional comment of the form
# // +k8s:conversion-gen-external-types=<EXTERNAL_TYPES_DIR>
# identifies where to find the external types; if there is no such
# comment then the external types are sought in the package where the
# `k8s:conversion` tag is found.
# Conversions, in both directions, are generated for every type name
# that is defined in both an internal types package and the external
# types package.
# TODO: it might be better in the long term to make peer-types explicit in the
# IDL.
# The result file, in each pkg, of conversion generation.
# The tool used to generate conversions.
CONVERSION_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/conversion-gen
# The name of the metadata file listing conversion peers for each pkg.
CONVERSIONS_META := conversions.mk
# All directories that request any form of conversion generation.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all +k8s:conversion-gen tags)
CONVERSION_DIRS := $(shell \
grep --color=never '^// *+k8s:conversion-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| cut -f1 -d: \
| xargs -n1 dirname \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u \
CONVERSION_EXTRA_PEER_DIRS := k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core,k8s.io/kubernetes/pkg/apis/core/v1,k8s.io/api/core/v1
# Reset the list of packages that need generation.
$(shell mkdir -p $$(dirname $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN)))
$(shell rm -f $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN).todo)
# This rule aggregates the set of files to generate and then generates them all
# in a single run of the tool.
.PHONY: gen_conversion
gen_conversion: $(CONVERSION_GEN) $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN).todo
if [[ -s $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN).todo ]]; then \
pkgs=$$(cat $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN).todo | paste -sd, -); \
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: running $(CONVERSION_GEN) for $$pkgs"; \
fi; \
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(CONVERSION_GEN) \
--extra-peer-dirs $(CONVERSION_EXTRA_PEER_DIRS) \
--logtostderr \
-i "$$pkgs" \
"$$@"; \
# For each dir in CONVERSION_DIRS, this establishes a dependency between the
# output file and the input files that should trigger a rebuild.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below for that).
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(CONVERSION_DIRS), $(eval \
$(dir)/$(CONVERSION_FILENAME): $($(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(dir)) \
# How to regenerate conversion code. This is a little slow to run, so we batch
# it up and trigger the batch from the 'generated_files' target.
if [[ "$(DBG_CODEGEN)" == 1 ]]; then \
echo "DBG: conversion needed $(@D): $?"; \
ls -lf --full-time $@ $? || true; \
echo $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/$(@D) >> $(META_DIR)/$(CONVERSION_GEN).todo
# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE), above.
# A word on the need to touch: This rule might trigger if, for example, a
# non-Go file was added or deleted from a directory on which this depends.
# This target needs to be reconsidered, but Go realizes it doesn't actually
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to rebuild it over and over. So we touch it,
# and make is happy.
$(CONVERSION_GEN): $(k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/conversion-gen)
KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS="" hack/make-rules/build.sh ./vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/cmd/conversion-gen
touch $@
# OpenAPI generation
# Any package that wants open-api functions generated must include a
# comment-tag in column 0 of one file of the form:
# // +k8s:openapi-gen=true
# The result file, in each pkg, of open-api generation.
OPENAPI_OUTPUT_PKG := pkg/generated/openapi
CRD_OPENAPI_OUTPUT_PKG := staging/src/k8s.io/apiextensions-apiserver/pkg/generated/openapi
BOILERPLATE_FILENAME := vendor/k8s.io/code-generator/hack/boilerplate.go.txt
REPORT_FILENAME := $(OUT_DIR)/violations.report
IGNORED_REPORT_FILENAME := $(OUT_DIR)/ignored_violations.report
KNOWN_VIOLATION_FILENAME := api/api-rules/violation_exceptions.list
# When UPDATE_API_KNOWN_VIOLATIONS is set to be true, let the generator to write
# updated API violations to the known API violation exceptions list.
# When UPDATE_API_KNOWN_VIOLATIONS is set to be true, touch the exceptions
# list so that the OPENAPI_OUTFILE target re-run instead of being cached.
API_RULE_CHECK_FAILURE_MESSAGE := "ERROR: \n\t API rule check failed. Reported violations differ from known violations. Please read api/api-rules/README.md to resolve the failure. \n"
# The tool used to generate open apis.
OPENAPI_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/openapi-gen
# Find all the directories that request open-api generation.
ifeq ($(DBG_MAKEFILE),1)
$(warning ***** finding all +k8s:openapi-gen tags)
OPENAPI_DIRS := $(shell \
grep --color=never -l '+k8s:openapi-gen=' $(ALL_K8S_TAG_FILES) \
| xargs -n1 dirname \
| LC_ALL=C sort -u \
# This rule is the user-friendly entrypoint for openapi generation.
.PHONY: gen_openapi
# For each dir in OPENAPI_DIRS, this establishes a dependency between the
# output file and the input files that should trigger a rebuild.
# Note that this is a deps-only statement, not a full rule (see below for that).
# The '$(eval)' is needed because this has a different RHS for each LHS, and
# would otherwise produce results that make can't parse.
$(foreach dir, $(OPENAPI_DIRS), $(eval \
# How to regenerate open-api code. This emits a single file for all results.
# The Make rule fails if generated API rule violation report differs from the checked-in
# violation file, and prints error message to request developer to fix either the API
# source code, or the known API rule violation file.
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(OPENAPI_GEN) \
--logtostderr \
-i $$(echo $(addprefix $(PRJ_SRC_PATH)/, $(OPENAPI_DIRS)) | sed 's/ /,/g') \
"$$@"; \
# TODO(roycaihw): move the automation to apiextensions-apiserver
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(OPENAPI_GEN) \
--logtostderr \
-i "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1,k8s.io/api/autoscaling/v1" \
# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(GO_PKGDEPS_FILE), above.
# A word on the need to touch: This rule might trigger if, for example, a
# non-Go file was added or deleted from a directory on which this depends.
# This target needs to be reconsidered, but Go realizes it doesn't actually
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to "rebuild" it over and over. So we touch
# it, and make is happy.
$(OPENAPI_GEN): $(k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen)
KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS="" hack/make-rules/build.sh ./vendor/k8s.io/kube-openapi/cmd/openapi-gen
touch $@
# bindata generation
# The tool used to generate bindata files.
BINDATA_GEN := $(BIN_DIR)/go-bindata
# A wrapper script that generates all bindata files. It is fast enough that we
# don't care.
BINDATA_SCRIPT := hack/generate-bindata.sh
# This rule is the user-friendly entrypoint for bindata generation.
.PHONY: gen_bindata
gen_bindata: $(BINDATA_GEN) FORCE
./hack/run-in-gopath.sh $(BINDATA_SCRIPT)
# How to build the generator tool. The deps for this are defined in
# the $(BINDATA_GEN).mk, above.
# A word on the need to touch: This rule might trigger if, for example, a
# non-Go file was added or deleted from a directory on which this depends.
# This target needs to be reconsidered, but Go realizes it doesn't actually
# have to be rebuilt. In that case, make will forever see the dependency as
# newer than the binary, and try to rebuild it over and over. So we touch it,
# and make is happy.
$(BINDATA_GEN): $(k8s.io/kubernetes/vendor/github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata)
KUBE_BUILD_PLATFORMS="" hack/make-rules/build.sh ./vendor/github.com/jteeuwen/go-bindata/go-bindata
touch $@