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Copyright 2016 The Kubernetes Authors.
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package quobyte
import (
gostrings "strings"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
utilstrings "k8s.io/utils/strings"
// ProbeVolumePlugins is the primary entrypoint for volume plugins.
func ProbeVolumePlugins() []volume.VolumePlugin {
return []volume.VolumePlugin{&quobytePlugin{nil}}
type quobytePlugin struct {
host volume.VolumeHost
// This user is used to authenticate against the
// Quobyte API server and holds all information
type quobyteAPIConfig struct {
quobyteUser string
quobytePassword string
quobyteAPIServer string
var _ volume.VolumePlugin = &quobytePlugin{}
var _ volume.PersistentVolumePlugin = &quobytePlugin{}
var _ volume.DeletableVolumePlugin = &quobytePlugin{}
var _ volume.ProvisionableVolumePlugin = &quobytePlugin{}
var _ volume.Provisioner = &quobyteVolumeProvisioner{}
var _ volume.Deleter = &quobyteVolumeDeleter{}
const (
quobytePluginName = "kubernetes.io/quobyte"
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) Init(host volume.VolumeHost) error {
plugin.host = host
return nil
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) GetPluginName() string {
return quobytePluginName
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) GetVolumeName(spec *volume.Spec) (string, error) {
volumeSource, _, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return "", err
return fmt.Sprintf(
volumeSource.Volume), nil
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) CanSupport(spec *volume.Spec) bool {
if (spec.PersistentVolume != nil && spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.Quobyte == nil) ||
(spec.Volume != nil && spec.Volume.Quobyte == nil) {
return false
// If Quobyte is already mounted we don't need to check if the binary is installed
if mounter, err := plugin.newMounterInternal(spec, nil, plugin.host.GetMounter(plugin.GetPluginName())); err == nil {
qm, _ := mounter.(*quobyteMounter)
pluginDir := plugin.host.GetPluginDir(utilstrings.EscapeQualifiedName(quobytePluginName))
if mounted, err := qm.pluginDirIsMounted(pluginDir); mounted && err == nil {
klog.V(4).Infof("quobyte: can support")
return true
} else {
klog.V(4).Infof("quobyte: Error: %v", err)
exec := plugin.host.GetExec(plugin.GetPluginName())
if out, err := exec.Run("ls", "/sbin/mount.quobyte"); err == nil {
klog.V(4).Infof("quobyte: can support: %s", string(out))
return true
return false
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) IsMigratedToCSI() bool {
return false
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) RequiresRemount() bool {
return false
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) SupportsMountOption() bool {
return true
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) SupportsBulkVolumeVerification() bool {
return false
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) GetAccessModes() []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode {
return []v1.PersistentVolumeAccessMode{
func getVolumeSource(spec *volume.Spec) (*v1.QuobyteVolumeSource, bool, error) {
if spec.Volume != nil && spec.Volume.Quobyte != nil {
return spec.Volume.Quobyte, spec.Volume.Quobyte.ReadOnly, nil
} else if spec.PersistentVolume != nil &&
spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.Quobyte != nil {
return spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.Quobyte, spec.ReadOnly, nil
return nil, false, fmt.Errorf("Spec does not reference a Quobyte volume type")
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) ConstructVolumeSpec(volumeName, mountPath string) (*volume.Spec, error) {
quobyteVolume := &v1.Volume{
Name: volumeName,
VolumeSource: v1.VolumeSource{
Quobyte: &v1.QuobyteVolumeSource{
Volume: volumeName,
return volume.NewSpecFromVolume(quobyteVolume), nil
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) NewMounter(spec *volume.Spec, pod *v1.Pod, _ volume.VolumeOptions) (volume.Mounter, error) {
return plugin.newMounterInternal(spec, pod, plugin.host.GetMounter(plugin.GetPluginName()))
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) newMounterInternal(spec *volume.Spec, pod *v1.Pod, mounter mount.Interface) (volume.Mounter, error) {
source, readOnly, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &quobyteMounter{
quobyte: &quobyte{
volName: spec.Name(),
user: source.User,
group: source.Group,
mounter: mounter,
pod: pod,
volume: source.Volume,
plugin: plugin,
registry: source.Registry,
readOnly: readOnly,
mountOptions: util.MountOptionFromSpec(spec),
}, nil
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) NewUnmounter(volName string, podUID types.UID) (volume.Unmounter, error) {
return plugin.newUnmounterInternal(volName, podUID, plugin.host.GetMounter(plugin.GetPluginName()))
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) newUnmounterInternal(volName string, podUID types.UID, mounter mount.Interface) (volume.Unmounter, error) {
return &quobyteUnmounter{
volName: volName,
mounter: mounter,
pod: &v1.Pod{ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{UID: podUID}},
plugin: plugin,
}, nil
// Quobyte volumes represent a bare host directory mount of an quobyte export.
type quobyte struct {
volName string
pod *v1.Pod
user string
group string
volume string
tenant string
config string
mounter mount.Interface
plugin *quobytePlugin
type quobyteMounter struct {
registry string
readOnly bool
mountOptions []string
var _ volume.Mounter = &quobyteMounter{}
func (mounter *quobyteMounter) GetAttributes() volume.Attributes {
return volume.Attributes{
ReadOnly: mounter.readOnly,
Managed: false,
SupportsSELinux: false,
// Checks prior to mount operations to verify that the required components (binaries, etc.)
// to mount the volume are available on the underlying node.
// If not, it returns an error
func (mounter *quobyteMounter) CanMount() error {
return nil
// SetUp attaches the disk and bind mounts to the volume path.
func (mounter *quobyteMounter) SetUp(fsGroup *int64) error {
pluginDir := mounter.plugin.host.GetPluginDir(utilstrings.EscapeQualifiedName(quobytePluginName))
return mounter.SetUpAt(pluginDir, fsGroup)
func (mounter *quobyteMounter) SetUpAt(dir string, fsGroup *int64) error {
// Check if Quobyte is already mounted on the host in the Plugin Dir
// if so we can use this mountpoint instead of creating a new one
// IsLikelyNotMountPoint wouldn't check the mount type
if mounted, err := mounter.pluginDirIsMounted(dir); err != nil {
return err
} else if mounted {
return nil
os.MkdirAll(dir, 0750)
var options []string
options = append(options, "allow-usermapping-in-volumename")
if mounter.readOnly {
options = append(options, "ro")
//if a trailing slash is missing we add it here
mountOptions := util.JoinMountOptions(mounter.mountOptions, options)
if err := mounter.mounter.Mount(mounter.correctTraillingSlash(mounter.registry), dir, "quobyte", mountOptions); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("quobyte: mount failed: %v", err)
klog.V(4).Infof("quobyte: mount set up: %s", dir)
return nil
// GetPath returns the path to the user specific mount of a Quobyte volume
// Returns a path in the format ../user#group@volume
func (quobyteVolume *quobyte) GetPath() string {
user := quobyteVolume.user
if len(user) == 0 {
user = "root"
group := quobyteVolume.group
if len(group) == 0 {
group = "nfsnobody"
// Quobyte has only one mount in the PluginDir where all Volumes are mounted
// The Quobyte client does a fixed-user mapping
pluginDir := quobyteVolume.plugin.host.GetPluginDir(utilstrings.EscapeQualifiedName(quobytePluginName))
return path.Join(pluginDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s#%s@%s", user, group, quobyteVolume.volume))
type quobyteUnmounter struct {
var _ volume.Unmounter = &quobyteUnmounter{}
func (unmounter *quobyteUnmounter) TearDown() error {
return unmounter.TearDownAt(unmounter.GetPath())
// We don't need to unmount on the host because only one mount exists
func (unmounter *quobyteUnmounter) TearDownAt(dir string) error {
return nil
type quobyteVolumeDeleter struct {
pv *v1.PersistentVolume
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) NewDeleter(spec *volume.Spec) (volume.Deleter, error) {
if spec.PersistentVolume != nil && spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.Quobyte == nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("spec.PersistentVolume.Spec.Quobyte is nil")
return plugin.newDeleterInternal(spec)
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) newDeleterInternal(spec *volume.Spec) (volume.Deleter, error) {
source, readOnly, err := getVolumeSource(spec)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return &quobyteVolumeDeleter{
quobyteMounter: &quobyteMounter{
quobyte: &quobyte{
volName: spec.Name(),
user: source.User,
group: source.Group,
volume: source.Volume,
plugin: plugin,
tenant: source.Tenant,
registry: source.Registry,
readOnly: readOnly,
pv: spec.PersistentVolume,
}, nil
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) NewProvisioner(options volume.VolumeOptions) (volume.Provisioner, error) {
return plugin.newProvisionerInternal(options)
func (plugin *quobytePlugin) newProvisionerInternal(options volume.VolumeOptions) (volume.Provisioner, error) {
return &quobyteVolumeProvisioner{
quobyteMounter: &quobyteMounter{
quobyte: &quobyte{
plugin: plugin,
options: options,
}, nil
type quobyteVolumeProvisioner struct {
options volume.VolumeOptions
func (provisioner *quobyteVolumeProvisioner) Provision(selectedNode *v1.Node, allowedTopologies []v1.TopologySelectorTerm) (*v1.PersistentVolume, error) {
if !util.AccessModesContainedInAll(provisioner.plugin.GetAccessModes(), provisioner.options.PVC.Spec.AccessModes) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid AccessModes %v: only AccessModes %v are supported", provisioner.options.PVC.Spec.AccessModes, provisioner.plugin.GetAccessModes())
if util.CheckPersistentVolumeClaimModeBlock(provisioner.options.PVC) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("%s does not support block volume provisioning", provisioner.plugin.GetPluginName())
if provisioner.options.PVC.Spec.Selector != nil {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("claim Selector is not supported")
provisioner.config = "BASE"
provisioner.tenant = "DEFAULT"
createQuota := false
cfg, err := parseAPIConfig(provisioner.plugin, provisioner.options.Parameters)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for k, v := range provisioner.options.Parameters {
switch gostrings.ToLower(k) {
case "registry":
provisioner.registry = v
case "user":
provisioner.user = v
case "group":
provisioner.group = v
case "quobytetenant":
provisioner.tenant = v
case "quobyteconfig":
provisioner.config = v
case "createquota":
createQuota = gostrings.ToLower(v) == "true"
case "adminsecretname",
return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid option %q for volume plugin %s", k, provisioner.plugin.GetPluginName())
if !validateRegistry(provisioner.registry) {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Quobyte registry missing or malformed: must be a host:port pair or multiple pairs separated by commas")
// create random image name
provisioner.volume = fmt.Sprintf("kubernetes-dynamic-pvc-%s", uuid.NewUUID())
manager := &quobyteVolumeManager{
config: cfg,
vol, sizeGB, err := manager.createVolume(provisioner, createQuota)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
pv := new(v1.PersistentVolume)
metav1.SetMetaDataAnnotation(&pv.ObjectMeta, util.VolumeDynamicallyCreatedByKey, "quobyte-dynamic-provisioner")
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Quobyte = vol
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy = provisioner.options.PersistentVolumeReclaimPolicy
pv.Spec.AccessModes = provisioner.options.PVC.Spec.AccessModes
if len(pv.Spec.AccessModes) == 0 {
pv.Spec.AccessModes = provisioner.plugin.GetAccessModes()
pv.Spec.Capacity = v1.ResourceList{
v1.ResourceName(v1.ResourceStorage): resource.MustParse(fmt.Sprintf("%dGi", sizeGB)),
pv.Spec.MountOptions = provisioner.options.MountOptions
pv.Spec.PersistentVolumeSource.Quobyte.Tenant = provisioner.tenant
return pv, nil
func (deleter *quobyteVolumeDeleter) GetPath() string {
return deleter.quobyte.GetPath()
func (deleter *quobyteVolumeDeleter) Delete() error {
class, err := util.GetClassForVolume(deleter.plugin.host.GetKubeClient(), deleter.pv)
if err != nil {
return err
cfg, err := parseAPIConfig(deleter.plugin, class.Parameters)
if err != nil {
return err
manager := &quobyteVolumeManager{
config: cfg,
return manager.deleteVolume(deleter)
// Parse API configuration (url, username and password) out of class.Parameters.
func parseAPIConfig(plugin *quobytePlugin, params map[string]string) (*quobyteAPIConfig, error) {
var apiServer, secretName string
secretNamespace := "default"
deleteKeys := []string{}
for k, v := range params {
switch gostrings.ToLower(k) {
case "adminsecretname":
secretName = v
deleteKeys = append(deleteKeys, k)
case "adminsecretnamespace":
secretNamespace = v
deleteKeys = append(deleteKeys, k)
case "quobyteapiserver":
apiServer = v
deleteKeys = append(deleteKeys, k)
if len(apiServer) == 0 {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Quobyte API server missing or malformed: must be a http(s)://host:port pair or multiple pairs separated by commas")
secretMap, err := util.GetSecretForPV(secretNamespace, secretName, quobytePluginName, plugin.host.GetKubeClient())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
cfg := &quobyteAPIConfig{
quobyteAPIServer: apiServer,
var ok bool
if cfg.quobyteUser, ok = secretMap["user"]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing \"user\" in secret %s/%s", secretNamespace, secretName)
if cfg.quobytePassword, ok = secretMap["password"]; !ok {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("Missing \"password\" in secret %s/%s", secretNamespace, secretName)
return cfg, nil