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package webhooks
import (
engine "github.com/nirmata/kyverno/pkg/engine"
policyctr "github.com/nirmata/kyverno/pkg/policy"
v1beta1 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1beta1"
// HandleValidation handles validating webhook admission request
// If there are no errors in validating rule we apply generation rules
// patchedResource is the (resource + patches) after applying mutation rules
func (ws *WebhookServer) HandleValidation(request *v1beta1.AdmissionRequest, patchedResource []byte) (bool, string) {
glog.V(4).Infof("Receive request in validating webhook: Kind=%s, Namespace=%s Name=%s UID=%s patchOperation=%s",
request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, request.Name, request.UID, request.Operation)
var policyStats []policyctr.PolicyStat
// gather stats from the engine response
gatherStat := func(policyName string, policyResponse engine.PolicyResponse) {
ps := policyctr.PolicyStat{}
ps.PolicyName = policyName
ps.Stats.ValidationExecutionTime = policyResponse.ProcessingTime
ps.Stats.RulesAppliedCount = policyResponse.RulesAppliedCount
// capture rule level stats
for _, rule := range policyResponse.Rules {
rs := policyctr.RuleStatinfo{}
rs.RuleName = rule.Name
rs.ExecutionTime = rule.RuleStats.ProcessingTime
if rule.Success {
} else {
ps.Stats.Rules = append(ps.Stats.Rules, rs)
policyStats = append(policyStats, ps)
// send stats for aggregation
sendStat := func(blocked bool) {
for _, stat := range policyStats {
stat.Stats.ResourceBlocked = utils.Btoi(blocked)
resourceRaw := request.Object.Raw
if patchedResource != nil {
glog.V(4).Info("using patched resource from mutation to process validation rules")
resourceRaw = patchedResource
// convert RAW to unstructured
resource, err := engine.ConvertToUnstructured(resourceRaw)
if err != nil {
//TODO: skip applying the amiddions control ?
glog.Errorf("unable to convert raw resource to unstructured: %v", err)
return true, ""
//TODO: check if resource gvk is available in raw resource,
// if not then set it from the api request
resource.SetGroupVersionKind(schema.GroupVersionKind{Group: request.Kind.Group, Version: request.Kind.Version, Kind: request.Kind.Kind})
//TODO: check if the name and namespace is also passed right in the resource?
// all the patches to be applied on the resource
policies, err := ws.pLister.List(labels.NewSelector())
if err != nil {
//TODO check if the CRD is created ?
// Unable to connect to policy Lister to access policies
glog.Error("Unable to connect to policy controller to access policies. Validation Rules are NOT being applied")
return true, ""
var engineResponses []engine.EngineResponse
for _, policy := range policies {
if !utils.ContainsString(getApplicableKindsForPolicy(policy), request.Kind.Kind) {
glog.V(4).Infof("Handling validation for Kind=%s, Namespace=%s Name=%s UID=%s patchOperation=%s",
resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName(), request.UID, request.Operation)
// glog.V(4).Infof("Validating resource %s/%s/%s with policy %s with %d rules\n", resource.GetKind(), resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName(), policy.ObjectMeta.Name, len(policy.Spec.Rules))
engineResponse := engine.Validate(*policy, *resource)
engineResponses = append(engineResponses, engineResponse)
// Gather policy application statistics
gatherStat(policy.Name, engineResponse.PolicyResponse)
if !engineResponse.IsSuccesful() {
glog.V(4).Infof("Failed to apply policy %s on resource %s/%s\n", policy.Name, resource.GetNamespace(), resource.GetName())
events := generateEvents(engineResponses, (request.Operation == v1beta1.Update))
// If Validation fails then reject the request
// violations are created if "audit" flag is set
// and if there are any then we dont block the resource creation
// Even if one the policy being applied
if !isResponseSuccesful(engineResponses) && toBlockResource(engineResponses) {
return false, getErrorMsg(engineResponses)
policyviolation.CreatePV(ws.pvLister, ws.kyvernoClient, engineResponses)
return true, ""