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mirror of https://github.com/kyverno/kyverno.git synced 2025-03-06 16:06:56 +00:00
shuting e323e693b2
improve logging (#5941)
Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>

Signed-off-by: ShutingZhao <shuting@nirmata.com>
2023-01-09 17:45:53 +01:00

334 lines
12 KiB

package config
import (
valid "github.com/asaskevich/govalidator"
osutils "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/utils/os"
wildcard "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/utils/wildcard"
corev1 "k8s.io/api/core/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
// These constants MUST be equal to the corresponding names in service definition in definitions/install.yaml
// webhook configuration names
const (
// PolicyValidatingWebhookConfigurationName default policy validating webhook configuration name
PolicyValidatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-policy-validating-webhook-cfg"
// ValidatingWebhookConfigurationName ...
ValidatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-resource-validating-webhook-cfg"
// ExceptionValidatingWebhookConfigurationName ...
ExceptionValidatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-exception-validating-webhook-cfg"
// CleanupValidatingWebhookConfigurationName ...
CleanupValidatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-cleanup-validating-webhook-cfg"
// PolicyMutatingWebhookConfigurationName default policy mutating webhook configuration name
PolicyMutatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-policy-mutating-webhook-cfg"
// MutatingWebhookConfigurationName default resource mutating webhook configuration name
MutatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-resource-mutating-webhook-cfg"
// VerifyMutatingWebhookConfigurationName default verify mutating webhook configuration name
VerifyMutatingWebhookConfigurationName = "kyverno-verify-mutating-webhook-cfg"
// webhook names
const (
// PolicyValidatingWebhookName default policy validating webhook name
PolicyValidatingWebhookName = "validate-policy.kyverno.svc"
// ValidatingWebhookName ...
ValidatingWebhookName = "validate.kyverno.svc"
// PolicyMutatingWebhookName default policy mutating webhook name
PolicyMutatingWebhookName = "mutate-policy.kyverno.svc"
// MutatingWebhookName default resource mutating webhook name
MutatingWebhookName = "mutate.kyverno.svc"
// VerifyMutatingWebhookName default verify mutating webhook name
VerifyMutatingWebhookName = "monitor-webhooks.kyverno.svc"
// paths
const (
// PolicyValidatingWebhookServicePath is the path for policy validation webhook(used to validate policy resource)
PolicyValidatingWebhookServicePath = "/policyvalidate"
// ValidatingWebhookServicePath is the path for validation webhook
ValidatingWebhookServicePath = "/validate"
// ExceptionValidatingWebhookServicePath is the path for policy exception validation webhook(used to validate policy exception resource)
ExceptionValidatingWebhookServicePath = "/exceptionvalidate"
// CleanupValidatingWebhookServicePath is the path for cleanup policy validation webhook(used to validate cleanup policy resource)
CleanupValidatingWebhookServicePath = "/validate"
// PolicyMutatingWebhookServicePath is the path for policy mutation webhook(used to default)
PolicyMutatingWebhookServicePath = "/policymutate"
// MutatingWebhookServicePath is the path for mutation webhook
MutatingWebhookServicePath = "/mutate"
// VerifyMutatingWebhookServicePath is the path for verify webhook(used to veryfing if admission control is enabled and active)
VerifyMutatingWebhookServicePath = "/verifymutate"
// LivenessServicePath is the path for check liveness health
LivenessServicePath = "/health/liveness"
// ReadinessServicePath is the path for check readness health
ReadinessServicePath = "/health/readiness"
// MetricsPath is the path for exposing metrics
MetricsPath = "/metrics"
const (
// Due to kubernetes issue, we must use next literal constants instead of deployment TypeMeta fields
// Issue: https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/pull/63972
// When the issue is closed, we should use TypeMeta struct instead of this constants
// ClusterRoleAPIVersion define the default clusterrole resource apiVersion
ClusterRoleAPIVersion = "rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1"
// ClusterRoleKind define the default clusterrole resource kind
ClusterRoleKind = "ClusterRole"
var (
// kyvernoNamespace is the Kyverno namespace
kyvernoNamespace = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_NAMESPACE", "kyverno")
// kyvernoServiceAccountName is the Kyverno service account name
kyvernoServiceAccountName = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_SERVICEACCOUNT_NAME", "kyverno")
// kyvernoDeploymentName is the Kyverno deployment name
kyvernoDeploymentName = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_DEPLOYMENT", "kyverno")
// kyvernoServiceName is the Kyverno service name
kyvernoServiceName = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_SVC", "kyverno-svc")
// kyvernoPodName is the Kyverno pod name
kyvernoPodName = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_POD_NAME", "kyverno")
// kyvernoConfigMapName is the Kyverno configmap name
kyvernoConfigMapName = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("INIT_CONFIG", "kyverno")
// defaultExcludeGroupRole ...
defaultExcludeGroupRole []string = []string{"system:serviceaccounts:kube-system", "system:nodes", "system:kube-scheduler"}
// kyvernoDryRunNamespace is the namespace for DryRun option of YAML verification
kyvernoDryrunNamespace = osutils.GetEnvWithFallback("KYVERNO_DRYRUN_NAMESPACE", "kyverno-dryrun")
func KyvernoNamespace() string {
return kyvernoNamespace
func KyvernoDryRunNamespace() string {
return kyvernoDryrunNamespace
func KyvernoServiceAccountName() string {
return kyvernoServiceAccountName
func KyvernoDeploymentName() string {
return kyvernoDeploymentName
func KyvernoServiceName() string {
return kyvernoServiceName
func KyvernoPodName() string {
return kyvernoPodName
func KyvernoConfigMapName() string {
return kyvernoConfigMapName
// Configuration to be used by consumer to check filters
type Configuration interface {
// GetDefaultRegistry return default image registry
GetDefaultRegistry() string
// GetEnableDefaultRegistryMutation return if should mutate image registry
GetEnableDefaultRegistryMutation() bool
// ToFilter checks if the given resource is set to be filtered in the configuration
ToFilter(kind, namespace, name string) bool
// GetExcludeGroupRole return exclude roles
GetExcludeGroupRole() []string
// GetExcludeUsername return exclude username
GetExcludeUsername() []string
// GetGenerateSuccessEvents return if should generate success events
GetGenerateSuccessEvents() bool
// FilterNamespaces filters exclude namespace
FilterNamespaces(namespaces []string) []string
// GetWebhooks returns the webhook configs
GetWebhooks() []WebhookConfig
// Load loads configuration from a configmap
Load(cm *corev1.ConfigMap)
// configuration stores the configuration
type configuration struct {
defaultRegistry string
enableDefaultRegistryMutation bool
excludeGroupRole []string
excludeUsername []string
filters []filter
generateSuccessEvents bool
mux sync.RWMutex
webhooks []WebhookConfig
// NewDefaultConfiguration ...
func NewDefaultConfiguration() *configuration {
return &configuration{
defaultRegistry: "docker.io",
enableDefaultRegistryMutation: true,
excludeGroupRole: defaultExcludeGroupRole,
// NewConfiguration ...
func NewConfiguration(client kubernetes.Interface) (Configuration, error) {
cd := NewDefaultConfiguration()
if cm, err := client.CoreV1().ConfigMaps(kyvernoNamespace).Get(context.TODO(), kyvernoConfigMapName, metav1.GetOptions{}); err != nil {
if !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, err
} else {
return cd, nil
func (cd *configuration) ToFilter(kind, namespace, name string) bool {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
for _, f := range cd.filters {
if wildcard.Match(f.Kind, kind) && wildcard.Match(f.Namespace, namespace) && wildcard.Match(f.Name, name) {
return true
if kind == "Namespace" {
// [Namespace,kube-system,*] || [*,kube-system,*]
if (f.Kind == "Namespace" || f.Kind == "*") && wildcard.Match(f.Namespace, name) {
return true
return false
func (cd *configuration) GetExcludeGroupRole() []string {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.excludeGroupRole
func (cd *configuration) GetDefaultRegistry() string {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.defaultRegistry
func (cd *configuration) GetEnableDefaultRegistryMutation() bool {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.enableDefaultRegistryMutation
func (cd *configuration) GetExcludeUsername() []string {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.excludeUsername
func (cd *configuration) GetGenerateSuccessEvents() bool {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.generateSuccessEvents
func (cd *configuration) FilterNamespaces(namespaces []string) []string {
var results []string
for _, ns := range namespaces {
if !cd.ToFilter("", ns, "") {
results = append(results, ns)
return results
func (cd *configuration) GetWebhooks() []WebhookConfig {
defer cd.mux.RUnlock()
return cd.webhooks
func (cd *configuration) Load(cm *corev1.ConfigMap) {
if cm != nil {
} else {
func (cd *configuration) load(cm *corev1.ConfigMap) {
logger := logger.WithValues("name", cm.Name, "namespace", cm.Namespace)
if cm.Data == nil {
defer cd.mux.Unlock()
// reset
cd.filters = []filter{}
cd.excludeGroupRole = []string{}
cd.excludeUsername = []string{}
cd.generateSuccessEvents = false
cd.webhooks = nil
// load filters
cd.filters = parseKinds(cm.Data["resourceFilters"])
newDefaultRegistry, ok := cm.Data["defaultRegistry"]
if !ok {
logger.V(6).Info("configuration: No defaultRegistry defined in ConfigMap")
} else {
if valid.IsDNSName(newDefaultRegistry) {
logger.V(4).Info("Updated defaultRegistry config parameter.", "oldDefaultRegistry", cd.defaultRegistry, "newDefaultRegistry", newDefaultRegistry)
cd.defaultRegistry = newDefaultRegistry
} else {
logger.V(4).Info("defaultRegistry didn't change because the provided config value isn't a valid DNS hostname")
enableDefaultRegistryMutation, ok := cm.Data["enableDefaultRegistryMutation"]
if !ok {
logger.V(6).Info("configuration: No enableDefaultRegistryMutation defined in ConfigMap")
} else {
newEnableDefaultRegistryMutation, err := strconv.ParseBool(enableDefaultRegistryMutation)
if err != nil {
logger.V(4).Info("configuration: Invalid value for enableDefaultRegistryMutation defined in ConfigMap. enableDefaultRegistryMutation didn't change")
logger.V(4).Info("Updated enableDefaultRegistryMutation config parameter", "oldEnableDefaultRegistryMutation", cd.enableDefaultRegistryMutation, "newEnableDefaultRegistryMutation", newEnableDefaultRegistryMutation)
cd.enableDefaultRegistryMutation = newEnableDefaultRegistryMutation
// load excludeGroupRole
cd.excludeGroupRole = append(cd.excludeGroupRole, parseRbac(cm.Data["excludeGroupRole"])...)
cd.excludeGroupRole = append(cd.excludeGroupRole, defaultExcludeGroupRole...)
// load excludeUsername
cd.excludeUsername = append(cd.excludeUsername, parseRbac(cm.Data["excludeUsername"])...)
// load generateSuccessEvents
generateSuccessEvents, ok := cm.Data["generateSuccessEvents"]
if ok {
generateSuccessEvents, err := strconv.ParseBool(generateSuccessEvents)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "failed to parse generateSuccessEvents")
} else {
cd.generateSuccessEvents = generateSuccessEvents
// load webhooks
webhooks, ok := cm.Data["webhooks"]
if ok {
webhooks, err := parseWebhooks(webhooks)
if err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "failed to parse webhooks")
} else {
cd.webhooks = webhooks
func (cd *configuration) unload() {
defer cd.mux.Unlock()
cd.filters = []filter{}
cd.defaultRegistry = "docker.io"
cd.enableDefaultRegistryMutation = true
cd.excludeGroupRole = []string{}
cd.excludeUsername = []string{}
cd.generateSuccessEvents = false
cd.webhooks = nil
cd.excludeGroupRole = append(cd.excludeGroupRole, defaultExcludeGroupRole...)