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synced 2025-03-09 09:26:54 +00:00
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package webhooks
import (
kyverno "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/api/kyverno/v1"
engineutils "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/utils/engine"
jsonutils "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/utils/json"
admissionv1 "k8s.io/api/admission/v1"
metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1"
func (ws *WebhookServer) applyMutatePolicies(request *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest, policyContext *engine.PolicyContext, policies []kyverno.PolicyInterface, ts int64, logger logr.Logger) []byte {
var mutateEngineResponses []*response.EngineResponse
mutatePatches, mutateEngineResponses := ws.handleMutation(request, policyContext, policies)
logger.V(6).Info("", "generated patches", string(mutatePatches))
admissionReviewLatencyDuration := int64(time.Since(time.Unix(ts, 0)))
go ws.registerAdmissionReviewDurationMetricMutate(logger, string(request.Operation), mutateEngineResponses, admissionReviewLatencyDuration)
go ws.registerAdmissionRequestsMetricMutate(logger, string(request.Operation), mutateEngineResponses)
return mutatePatches
// handleMutation handles mutating webhook admission request
// return value: generated patches, triggered policies, engine responses correspdonding to the triggered policies
func (ws *WebhookServer) handleMutation(
request *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest,
policyContext *engine.PolicyContext,
policies []kyverno.PolicyInterface) ([]byte, []*response.EngineResponse) {
if len(policies) == 0 {
return nil, nil
resourceName := request.Kind.Kind + "/" + request.Name
if request.Namespace != "" {
resourceName = request.Namespace + "/" + resourceName
logger := ws.log.WithValues("action", "mutate", "resource", resourceName, "operation", request.Operation, "gvk", request.Kind.String())
patchedResource := request.Object.Raw
newR, oldR, err := utils.ExtractResources(patchedResource, request)
if err != nil {
// as resource cannot be parsed, we skip processing
logger.Error(err, "failed to extract resource")
return nil, nil
var deletionTimeStamp *metav1.Time
if reflect.DeepEqual(newR, unstructured.Unstructured{}) {
deletionTimeStamp = newR.GetDeletionTimestamp()
} else {
deletionTimeStamp = oldR.GetDeletionTimestamp()
if deletionTimeStamp != nil && request.Operation == admissionv1.Update {
return nil, nil
var patches [][]byte
var engineResponses []*response.EngineResponse
for _, policy := range policies {
spec := policy.GetSpec()
if !spec.HasMutate() {
logger.V(3).Info("applying policy mutate rules", "policy", policy.GetName())
policyContext.Policy = policy
engineResponse, policyPatches, err := ws.applyMutation(request, policyContext, logger)
if err != nil {
// TODO report errors in engineResponse and record in metrics
logger.Error(err, "mutate error")
if len(policyPatches) > 0 {
patches = append(patches, policyPatches...)
rules := engineResponse.GetSuccessRules()
if len(rules) != 0 {
logger.Info("mutation rules from policy applied successfully", "policy", policy.GetName(), "rules", rules)
policyContext.NewResource = engineResponse.PatchedResource
engineResponses = append(engineResponses, engineResponse)
// registering the kyverno_policy_results_total metric concurrently
go ws.registerPolicyResultsMetricMutation(logger, string(request.Operation), policy, *engineResponse)
// registering the kyverno_policy_execution_duration_seconds metric concurrently
go ws.registerPolicyExecutionDurationMetricMutate(logger, string(request.Operation), policy, *engineResponse)
// generate annotations
if annPatches := utils.GenerateAnnotationPatches(engineResponses, logger); annPatches != nil {
patches = append(patches, annPatches...)
// Scenario 1:
// some/all policies failed to apply on the resource. a policy violation is generated.
// create an event on the resource and the policy that failed
// Scenario 2:
// all policies were applied successfully.
// create an event on the resource
if deletionTimeStamp == nil {
events := generateEvents(engineResponses, false, logger)
// debug info
func() {
if len(patches) != 0 {
logger.V(4).Info("JSON patches generated")
// if any of the policies fails, print out the error
if !engineutils.IsResponseSuccessful(engineResponses) {
logger.Error(errors.New(getErrorMsg(engineResponses)), "failed to apply mutation rules on the resource, reporting policy violation")
// patches holds all the successful patches, if no patch is created, it returns nil
return jsonutils.JoinPatches(patches...), engineResponses
func (ws *WebhookServer) applyMutation(request *admissionv1.AdmissionRequest, policyContext *engine.PolicyContext, logger logr.Logger) (*response.EngineResponse, [][]byte, error) {
if request.Kind.Kind != "Namespace" && request.Namespace != "" {
policyContext.NamespaceLabels = common.GetNamespaceSelectorsFromNamespaceLister(
request.Kind.Kind, request.Namespace, ws.nsLister, logger)
engineResponse := engine.Mutate(policyContext)
policyPatches := engineResponse.GetPatches()
if !engineResponse.IsSuccessful() && len(engineResponse.GetFailedRules()) > 0 {
return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to apply policy %s rules %v", policyContext.Policy.GetName(), engineResponse.GetFailedRules())
if engineResponse.PatchedResource.GetKind() != "*" {
err := ws.openAPIController.ValidateResource(*engineResponse.PatchedResource.DeepCopy(), engineResponse.PatchedResource.GetAPIVersion(), engineResponse.PatchedResource.GetKind())
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to validate resource mutated by policy %s", policyContext.Policy.GetName())
return engineResponse, policyPatches, nil