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chore: enable gofmt and gofumpt linters (#3931)
Signed-off-by: Charles-Edouard Brétéché <charled.breteche@gmail.com>
2022-05-17 06:19:03 +00:00

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package engine
import (
v1 "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/api/kyverno/v1"
engineUtils "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/engine/utils"
apiutils "github.com/kyverno/kyverno/pkg/utils/api"
func VerifyAndPatchImages(policyContext *PolicyContext) (*response.EngineResponse, *ImageVerificationMetadata) {
resp := &response.EngineResponse{}
images := policyContext.JSONContext.ImageInfo()
policy := policyContext.Policy
patchedResource := policyContext.NewResource
logger := log.Log.WithName("EngineVerifyImages").WithValues("policy", policy.GetName(),
"kind", patchedResource.GetKind(), "namespace", patchedResource.GetNamespace(), "name", patchedResource.GetName())
startTime := time.Now()
defer func() {
buildResponse(policyContext, resp, startTime)
logger.V(4).Info("processed image verification rules",
"time", resp.PolicyResponse.ProcessingTime.String(),
"applied", resp.PolicyResponse.RulesAppliedCount, "successful", resp.IsSuccessful())
defer policyContext.JSONContext.Restore()
// update image registry secrets
if len(registryclient.Secrets) > 0 {
logger.V(4).Info("updating registry credentials", "secrets", registryclient.Secrets)
if err := registryclient.UpdateKeychain(); err != nil {
logger.Error(err, "failed to update image pull secrets")
ivm := &ImageVerificationMetadata{}
rules := autogen.ComputeRules(policyContext.Policy)
for i := range rules {
rule := &rules[i]
if len(rule.VerifyImages) == 0 {
if !matches(logger, rule, policyContext) {
if err := LoadContext(logger, rule.Context, policyContext, rule.Name); err != nil {
appendError(resp, rule, fmt.Sprintf("failed to load context: %s", err.Error()), response.RuleStatusError)
ruleImages := images
var err error
if rule.ImageExtractors != nil {
if ruleImages, err = policyContext.JSONContext.GenerateCustomImageInfo(&policyContext.NewResource, rule.ImageExtractors); err != nil {
appendError(resp, rule, fmt.Sprintf("failed to extract images: %s", err.Error()), response.RuleStatusError)
if ruleImages == nil {
ruleCopy, err := substituteVariables(rule, policyContext.JSONContext, logger)
if err != nil {
appendError(resp, rule, fmt.Sprintf("failed to substitute variables: %s", err.Error()), response.RuleStatusError)
iv := &imageVerifier{
logger: logger,
policyContext: policyContext,
rule: ruleCopy,
resp: resp,
ivm: ivm,
for _, imageVerify := range ruleCopy.VerifyImages {
iv.verify(imageVerify, ruleImages)
return resp, ivm
func appendError(resp *response.EngineResponse, rule *v1.Rule, msg string, status response.RuleStatus) {
rr := ruleResponse(*rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, status, nil)
resp.PolicyResponse.Rules = append(resp.PolicyResponse.Rules, *rr)
func substituteVariables(rule *v1.Rule, ctx context.EvalInterface, logger logr.Logger) (*v1.Rule, error) {
// remove attestations as variables are not substituted in them
ruleCopy := *rule.DeepCopy()
for i := range ruleCopy.VerifyImages {
ruleCopy.VerifyImages[i].Attestations = nil
var err error
ruleCopy, err = variables.SubstituteAllInRule(logger, ctx, ruleCopy)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// replace attestations
for i := range rule.VerifyImages {
ruleCopy.VerifyImages[i].Attestations = rule.VerifyImages[i].Attestations
return &ruleCopy, nil
type imageVerifier struct {
logger logr.Logger
policyContext *PolicyContext
rule *v1.Rule
resp *response.EngineResponse
ivm *ImageVerificationMetadata
// verify applies policy rules to each matching image. The policy rule results and annotation patches are
// added to tme imageVerifier `resp` and `ivm` fields.
func (iv *imageVerifier) verify(imageVerify v1.ImageVerification, images map[string]map[string]apiutils.ImageInfo) {
// for backward compatibility
imageVerify = *imageVerify.Convert()
for _, infoMap := range images {
for _, imageInfo := range infoMap {
image := imageInfo.String()
if !imageMatches(image, imageVerify.ImageReferences) {
iv.logger.V(4).Info("image does not match pattern", "image", image, "patterns", imageVerify.ImageReferences)
if hasImageVerifiedAnnotationChanged(iv.policyContext, iv.logger) {
msg := imageVerifyAnnotationKey + " annotation cannot be changed"
iv.logger.Info("image verification error", "reason", msg)
ruleResp := ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusFail, nil)
iv.resp.PolicyResponse.Rules = append(iv.resp.PolicyResponse.Rules, *ruleResp)
jmespath := engineUtils.JsonPointerToJMESPath(imageInfo.Pointer)
changed, err := iv.policyContext.JSONContext.HasChanged(jmespath)
if err == nil && !changed {
iv.logger.V(4).Info("no change in image, skipping check", "image", image)
var ruleResp *response.RuleResponse
var digest string
if len(imageVerify.Attestors) > 0 {
if len(imageVerify.Attestations) > 0 {
ruleResp = iv.verifyAttestations(imageVerify, imageInfo)
} else {
ruleResp, digest = iv.verifySignatures(imageVerify, imageInfo)
if imageVerify.MutateDigest {
patch, retrievedDigest, err := iv.handleMutateDigest(digest, imageInfo)
if err != nil {
ruleResp = ruleError(iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, "failed to update digest", err)
} else if patch != nil {
if ruleResp == nil {
ruleResp = ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, "mutated image digest", response.RuleStatusPass, nil)
ruleResp.Patches = append(ruleResp.Patches, patch)
imageInfo.Digest = retrievedDigest
image = imageInfo.String()
digest = retrievedDigest
if ruleResp != nil {
if len(imageVerify.Attestors) > 0 || len(imageVerify.Attestations) > 0 {
verified := ruleResp.Status == response.RuleStatusPass
iv.ivm.add(image, verified)
iv.resp.PolicyResponse.Rules = append(iv.resp.PolicyResponse.Rules, *ruleResp)
func (iv *imageVerifier) handleMutateDigest(digest string, imageInfo apiutils.ImageInfo) ([]byte, string, error) {
if imageInfo.Digest != "" {
return nil, "", nil
if digest == "" {
var err error
digest, err = fetchImageDigest(imageInfo.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
patch, err := makeAddDigestPatch(imageInfo, digest)
if err != nil {
return nil, "", errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to create image digest patch")
iv.logger.V(4).Info("adding digest patch", "image", imageInfo.String(), "patch", string(patch))
return patch, digest, nil
func hasImageVerifiedAnnotationChanged(ctx *PolicyContext, log logr.Logger) bool {
if reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.NewResource, unstructured.Unstructured{}) ||
reflect.DeepEqual(ctx.OldResource, unstructured.Unstructured{}) {
return false
key := imageVerifyAnnotationKey
newValue := ctx.NewResource.GetAnnotations()[key]
oldValue := ctx.OldResource.GetAnnotations()[key]
result := newValue != oldValue
if result {
log.V(2).Info("annotation mismatch", "oldValue", oldValue, "newValue", newValue, "key", key)
return result
func fetchImageDigest(ref string) (string, error) {
parsedRef, err := name.ParseReference(ref)
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to parse image reference: %s, error: %v", ref, err)
desc, err := remote.Get(parsedRef, remote.WithAuthFromKeychain(registryclient.DefaultKeychain))
if err != nil {
return "", fmt.Errorf("failed to fetch image reference: %s, error: %v", ref, err)
return desc.Digest.String(), nil
func imageMatches(image string, imagePatterns []string) bool {
for _, imagePattern := range imagePatterns {
if wildcard.Match(imagePattern, image) {
return true
return false
func (iv *imageVerifier) verifySignatures(imageVerify v1.ImageVerification, imageInfo apiutils.ImageInfo) (*response.RuleResponse, string) {
image := imageInfo.String()
iv.logger.V(2).Info("verifying image signatures", "image", image, "attestors", len(imageVerify.Attestors), "attestations", len(imageVerify.Attestations))
var digest string
for i, attestorSet := range imageVerify.Attestors {
var err error
path := fmt.Sprintf(".attestors[%d]", i)
digest, err = iv.verifyAttestorSet(attestorSet, imageVerify, image, path)
if err != nil {
iv.logger.Error(err, "failed to verify signature")
msg := fmt.Sprintf("failed to verify signature for %s: %s", image, err.Error())
return ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusFail, nil), ""
msg := fmt.Sprintf("verified image signatures for %s", image)
return ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusPass, nil), digest
func (iv *imageVerifier) verifyAttestorSet(attestorSet v1.AttestorSet, imageVerify v1.ImageVerification, image, path string) (string, error) {
var errorList []error
verifiedCount := 0
attestorSet = expandStaticKeys(attestorSet)
requiredCount := getRequiredCount(attestorSet)
for i, a := range attestorSet.Entries {
var digest string
var entryError error
attestorPath := fmt.Sprintf("%s.entries[%d]", path, i)
if a.Attestor != nil {
nestedAttestorSet, err := v1.AttestorSetUnmarshal(a.Attestor)
if err != nil {
entryError = errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to unmarshal nested attestor %s", attestorPath)
} else {
attestorPath += ".attestor"
digest, entryError = iv.verifyAttestorSet(*nestedAttestorSet, imageVerify, image, attestorPath)
} else {
opts, subPath := iv.buildOptionsAndPath(a, imageVerify, image)
digest, entryError = cosign.VerifySignature(*opts)
if entryError != nil {
entryError = fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", attestorPath+subPath, entryError.Error())
if entryError == nil {
if verifiedCount >= requiredCount {
iv.logger.V(2).Info("image verification succeeded", "verifiedCount", verifiedCount, "requiredCount", requiredCount)
return digest, nil
} else {
errorList = append(errorList, entryError)
iv.logger.Info("image verification failed", "verifiedCount", verifiedCount, "requiredCount", requiredCount, "errors", errorList)
err := engineUtils.CombineErrors(errorList)
return "", err
func expandStaticKeys(attestorSet v1.AttestorSet) v1.AttestorSet {
var entries []v1.Attestor
for _, e := range attestorSet.Entries {
if e.Keys != nil {
keys := splitPEM(e.Keys.PublicKeys)
if len(keys) > 1 {
moreEntries := createStaticKeyAttestors(keys)
entries = append(entries, moreEntries...)
entries = append(entries, e)
return v1.AttestorSet{
Count: attestorSet.Count,
Entries: entries,
func splitPEM(pem string) []string {
keys := strings.SplitAfter(pem, "-----END PUBLIC KEY-----")
if len(keys) < 1 {
return keys
return keys[0 : len(keys)-1]
func createStaticKeyAttestors(keys []string) []v1.Attestor {
var attestors []v1.Attestor
for _, k := range keys {
a := v1.Attestor{
Keys: &v1.StaticKeyAttestor{
PublicKeys: k,
attestors = append(attestors, a)
return attestors
func getRequiredCount(as v1.AttestorSet) int {
if as.Count == nil || *as.Count == 0 {
return len(as.Entries)
return *as.Count
func (iv *imageVerifier) buildOptionsAndPath(attestor v1.Attestor, imageVerify v1.ImageVerification, image string) (*cosign.Options, string) {
path := ""
opts := &cosign.Options{
ImageRef: image,
Repository: imageVerify.Repository,
Annotations: imageVerify.Annotations,
if imageVerify.Roots != "" {
opts.Roots = imageVerify.Roots
if attestor.Keys != nil {
path = path + ".keys"
opts.Key = attestor.Keys.PublicKeys
if attestor.Keys.Rekor != nil {
opts.RekorURL = attestor.Keys.Rekor.URL
} else if attestor.Certificates != nil {
path = path + ".certificates"
opts.Cert = attestor.Certificates.Certificate
opts.CertChain = attestor.Certificates.CertificateChain
if attestor.Certificates.Rekor != nil {
opts.RekorURL = attestor.Certificates.Rekor.URL
} else if attestor.Keyless != nil {
path = path + ".keyless"
if attestor.Keyless.Rekor != nil {
opts.RekorURL = attestor.Keyless.Rekor.URL
opts.Roots = attestor.Keyless.Roots
opts.Issuer = attestor.Keyless.Issuer
opts.Subject = attestor.Keyless.Subject
opts.AdditionalExtensions = attestor.Keyless.AdditionalExtensions
if attestor.Repository != "" {
opts.Repository = attestor.Repository
if attestor.Annotations != nil {
opts.Annotations = attestor.Annotations
return opts, path
func makeAddDigestPatch(imageInfo apiutils.ImageInfo, digest string) ([]byte, error) {
patch := make(map[string]interface{})
patch["op"] = "replace"
patch["path"] = imageInfo.Pointer
patch["value"] = imageInfo.String() + "@" + digest
return json.Marshal(patch)
func (iv *imageVerifier) verifyAttestations(imageVerify v1.ImageVerification, imageInfo apiutils.ImageInfo) *response.RuleResponse {
image := imageInfo.String()
start := time.Now()
statements, err := cosign.FetchAttestations(image, imageVerify)
if err != nil {
iv.logger.Info("failed to fetch attestations", "image", image, "error", err, "duration", time.Since(start).Seconds())
return ruleError(iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, fmt.Sprintf("failed to fetch attestations for %s", image), err)
iv.logger.V(4).Info("received attestations", "count", len(statements))
statementsByPredicate := buildStatementMap(statements)
for _, ac := range imageVerify.Attestations {
statements := statementsByPredicate[ac.PredicateType]
if statements == nil {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("predicate type %s not found", ac.PredicateType)
return ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusFail, nil)
for _, s := range statements {
val, err := iv.checkAttestations(ac, s, imageInfo)
if err != nil {
return ruleError(iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, "failed to check attestation", err)
if !val {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("attestation checks failed for %s and predicate %s", imageInfo.String(), ac.PredicateType)
return ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusFail, nil)
msg := fmt.Sprintf("attestation checks passed for %s", imageInfo.String())
return ruleResponse(*iv.rule, response.ImageVerify, msg, response.RuleStatusPass, nil)
func buildStatementMap(statements []map[string]interface{}) map[string][]map[string]interface{} {
results := map[string][]map[string]interface{}{}
for _, s := range statements {
predicateType := s["predicateType"].(string)
if results[predicateType] != nil {
results[predicateType] = append(results[predicateType], s)
} else {
results[predicateType] = []map[string]interface{}{s}
return results
func (iv *imageVerifier) checkAttestations(a v1.Attestation, s map[string]interface{}, img apiutils.ImageInfo) (bool, error) {
if len(a.Conditions) == 0 {
return true, nil
defer iv.policyContext.JSONContext.Restore()
predicate, ok := s["predicate"].(map[string]interface{})
if !ok {
return false, fmt.Errorf("failed to extract predicate from statement: %v", s)
if err := context.AddJSONObject(iv.policyContext.JSONContext, predicate); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to add Statement to the context %v", s))
if err := iv.policyContext.JSONContext.AddImageInfo(img); err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, fmt.Sprintf("failed to add image to the context %v", s))
conditions, err := variables.SubstituteAllInConditions(iv.logger, iv.policyContext.JSONContext, a.Conditions)
if err != nil {
return false, errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to substitute variables in attestation conditions")
pass := variables.EvaluateAnyAllConditions(iv.logger, iv.policyContext.JSONContext, conditions)
return pass, nil