package generate import ( "bytes" "errors" "fmt" "os" "testing" "time" "" "" "" . "" . "" ) var ( // Cluster Policy GVR clPolGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "clusterpolicies") // Namespace GVR nsGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "namespaces") // ClusterRole GVR crGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "clusterroles") // ClusterRoleBinding GVR crbGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "clusterrolebindings") // Role GVR rGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "roles") // RoleBinding GVR rbGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "rolebindings") // ConfigMap GVR cmGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "configmaps") // NetworkPolicy GVR npGVR = e2e.GetGVR("", "v1", "networkpolicies") // ClusterPolicy Namespace clPolNS = "" // NetworkPolicy Namespace npPolNS = "" // Namespace Name // Hardcoded in YAML Definition nspace = "test" ) func Test_ClusterRole_ClusterRoleBinding_Sets(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over ClusterRoleTests ================== for _, tests := range ClusterRoleTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to generate ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding : %s", tests.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", tests.Sync, tests.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // If Clone is true Clear Source Resource and Recreate if tests.Clone { By("Clone = true, Deleting Source ClusterRole and ClusterRoleBinding") // Delete ClusterRole to be cloned e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(crGVR, tests.ClonerClusterRoleName) // Delete ClusterRoleBinding to be cloned e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(crbGVR, tests.ClonerClusterRoleBindingName) } // ==================================== // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s\n", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) // ===================================================== // ======== Create ClusterRole Policy ============= By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Generate Role Policy in %s", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, clPolNS, tests.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // == If Clone is true Create Source Resources ====== if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Creating Cloner Resources in Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) // Create ClusterRole to be cloned _, err := e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(crGVR, tests.CloneSourceClusterRoleData) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Create ClusterRoleBinding to be cloned _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(crbGVR, tests.CloneSourceClusterRoleBindingData) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } // ================================================= // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which triggers generate %s \n", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== Verify ClusterRole Creation ===== By("Verifying ClusterRole") // Wait Till Creation of ClusterRole e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(crGVR, tests.ClusterRoleName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) rRes, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(crGVR, tests.ClusterRoleName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(rRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.ClusterRoleName)) // ============================================ // ======= Verify ClusterRoleBinding Creation ======== By("Verifying ClusterRoleBinding") e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(crbGVR, tests.ClusterRoleBindingName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) rbRes, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(crbGVR, tests.ClusterRoleBindingName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(rbRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.ClusterRoleBindingName)) // ============================================ // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", tests.TestName)) } } func Test_Role_RoleBinding_Sets(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over RuleTest ================== for _, tests := range RoleTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to generate Role and RoleBinding : %s", tests.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", tests.Sync, tests.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // If Clone is true Clear Source Resource and Recreate if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Deleting Source Role and RoleBinding from Clone Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) // Delete Role to be cloned e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(rGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.RoleName) // Delete RoleBinding to be cloned e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(rbGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.RoleBindingName) } // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== // ======== Create Role Policy ============= By(fmt.Sprintf("\nCreating Generate Role Policy in %s", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, clPolNS, tests.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // === If Clone is true Create Source Resources == if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Creating Cloner Resources in Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) _, err := e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(rGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.CloneSourceRoleData) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(rbGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.CloneSourceRoleBindingData) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } // ================================================ // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which triggers generate %s", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== Verify Role Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying Role in the Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of Role e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(rGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.RoleName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) rRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(rGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.RoleName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(rRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.RoleName)) // ============================================ // ======= Verify RoleBinding Creation ======== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying RoleBinding in the Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(rbGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.RoleBindingName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) rbRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(rbGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.RoleBindingName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(rbRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.RoleBindingName)) // ============================================ // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // === If Clone is true Delete Source Resources == if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Deleting Cloner Resources in Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(rGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.RoleName) e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(rbGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.RoleBindingName) } // ================================================ // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", tests.TestName)) } } func Test_Generate_NetworkPolicy(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) // if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { // t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") // } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over RuleTest ================== for _, test := range NetworkPolicyGenerateTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to generate NetworkPolicy : %s", test.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", test.Sync, test.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // check metrics before policy craetion callMetrics() // ==================================== // ======== Create Generate NetworkPolicy Policy ============= By("Creating Generate NetworkPolicy Policy") _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, npPolNS, test.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // check metrics after policy craetion callMetrics() // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which triggers generate %s", npPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceWithLabelYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== NetworkPolicy Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying NetworkPolicy in the Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of NetworkPolicy e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) npRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(npRes.GetName()).To(Equal(test.NetworkPolicyName)) // ============================================ // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", test.TestName)) } } func callMetrics() { requestObj := e2e.APIRequest{ URL: "http://localhost:8000/metrics", Type: "GET", } response, err := e2e.CallAPI(requestObj) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) buf := new(bytes.Buffer) buf.ReadFrom(response.Body) newStr := buf.String() fmt.Println("==============================================================") fmt.Println(newStr) fmt.Println("==============================================================") } func Test_Generate_Namespace_Label_Actions(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over RuleTest ================== for _, test := range GenerateNetworkPolicyOnNamespaceWithoutLabelTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to generate NetworkPolicy : %s", test.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", test.Sync, test.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== // ======== Create Generate NetworkPolicy Policy ============= By("Creating Generate NetworkPolicy Policy") _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, npPolNS, test.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // Test: when creating the new namespace without the label, there should not have any generated resource // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which should not triggers generate policy %s", npPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== NetworkPolicy Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying NetworkPolicy in the Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of NetworkPolicy e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).To(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // Test: when adding the matched label to the namespace, the target resource should be generated By(fmt.Sprintf("Updating Namespace which triggers generate policy %s", npPolNS)) // add label to the namespace _, err = e2eClient.UpdateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceWithLabelYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ======== NetworkPolicy Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying NetworkPolicy in the updated Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of NetworkPolicy e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err = e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) _, err = e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ================================================= // Test: when changing the content in, the change should be synced to the generated resource // check for metadata.resourceVersion in policy - need to add this feild while updating the policy By(fmt.Sprintf("Update generate policy: %s", test.GeneratePolicyName)) genPolicy, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(clPolGVR, "", test.GeneratePolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) resVer := genPolicy.GetResourceVersion() unstructGenPol := unstructured.Unstructured{} err = yaml.Unmarshal(test.UpdateData, &unstructGenPol) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) unstructGenPol.SetResourceVersion(resVer) // ======== Update Generate NetworkPolicy ============= By("Updating Generate NetworkPolicy") _, err = e2eClient.UpdateNamespacedResource(clPolGVR, npPolNS, &unstructGenPol) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======== Check Updated NetworkPolicy ============= By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying updated NetworkPolicy in the Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(10), 15, func() error { // get updated network policy updatedNetPol, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } // compare updated network policy and updated generate policy element, _, err := unstructured.NestedMap(updatedNetPol.UnstructuredContent(), "spec") if err != nil { return err } found := false found = loopElement(found, element) if found == false { return errors.New("not found") } return nil }) updatedNetPol, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) element, specFound, err := unstructured.NestedMap(updatedNetPol.UnstructuredContent(), "spec") found := loopElement(false, element) Expect(specFound).To(Equal(true)) Expect(found).To(Equal(true)) // ============================================ // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // ================================================ // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", test.TestName)) } } func loopElement(found bool, elementObj interface{}) bool { if found == true { return found } switch typedelementObj := elementObj.(type) { case map[string]interface{}: for k, v := range typedelementObj { if k == "protocol" { if v == "TCP" { found = true return found } } else { found = loopElement(found, v) } } case []interface{}: found = loopElement(found, typedelementObj[0]) case string: return found case int64: return found default: fmt.Println("unexpected type :", fmt.Sprintf("%T", elementObj)) return found } return found } func Test_Generate_Synchronize_Flag(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over RuleTest ================== for _, test := range GenerateSynchronizeFlagTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to generate NetworkPolicy : %s", test.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", test.Sync, test.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== // ======== Create Generate NetworkPolicy Policy ============= By("Creating Generate NetworkPolicy Policy") _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, npPolNS, test.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ================================================ // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which triggers generate %s", npPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceWithLabelYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== NetworkPolicy Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying NetworkPolicy in the Namespace : %s", test.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of NetworkPolicy e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) npRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(npRes.GetName()).To(Equal(test.NetworkPolicyName)) // ============================================ // Test: when synchronize flag is set to true in the policy and someone deletes the generated resource, kyverno generates back the resource // ======= Delete Networkpolicy ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting NetworkPolicy %s in the Namespace : %s", test.NetworkPolicyName, test.ResourceNamespace)) err = e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======= Check Networkpolicy ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking NetworkPolicy %s in the Namespace : %s", test.NetworkPolicyName, test.ResourceNamespace)) e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) _, err = e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // Test: change synchronize to false in the policy, the label in generated resource should be updated to disable // check for metadata.resourceVersion in policy - need to add this feild while updating the policy By(fmt.Sprintf("Update synchronize to true in generate policy: %s", test.GeneratePolicyName)) genPolicy, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(clPolGVR, "", test.GeneratePolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) resVer := genPolicy.GetResourceVersion() unstructGenPol := unstructured.Unstructured{} err = yaml.Unmarshal(test.UpdateData, &unstructGenPol) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) unstructGenPol.SetResourceVersion(resVer) // ======== Update Generate NetworkPolicy ============= _, err = e2eClient.UpdateNamespacedResource(clPolGVR, npPolNS, &unstructGenPol) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ By(fmt.Sprintf("Verify the label in the updated network policy: %s", test.NetworkPolicyName)) // get updated network policy and verify the label synchronizeFlagValueGotUpdated := false e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { netpol, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { return err } netPolLabels := netpol.GetLabels() if netPolLabels[""] != "disable" { return errors.New("still enabled") } return nil }) netpol, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) netPolLabels := netpol.GetLabels() if netPolLabels[""] == "disable" { synchronizeFlagValueGotUpdated = true } Expect(synchronizeFlagValueGotUpdated).To(Equal(true)) // ============================================ // Test: with synchronize is false, one should be able to delete the generated resource // ======= Delete Networkpolicy ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting NetworkPolicy %s in the Namespace : %s", test.NetworkPolicyName, test.ResourceNamespace)) err = e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======= Check Networkpolicy ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Checking NetworkPolicy %s in the Namespace : %s", test.NetworkPolicyName, test.ResourceNamespace)) netpolGotDeleted := false e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(npGVR, test.ResourceNamespace, test.NetworkPolicyName) if err != nil { netpolGotDeleted = true } else { return errors.New("network policy still exists") } return nil }) Expect(netpolGotDeleted).To(Equal(true)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, test.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", test.TestName)) } } func Test_Source_Resource_Update_Replication(t *testing.T) { RegisterTestingT(t) if os.Getenv("E2E") == "" { t.Skip("Skipping E2E Test") } // Generate E2E Client ================== e2eClient, err := e2e.NewE2EClient() Expect(err).To(BeNil()) // ====================================== // ====== Range Over RuleTest ================== for _, tests := range SourceResourceUpdateReplicationTests { By(fmt.Sprintf("Test to check replication of clone source resource: %s", tests.TestName)) By(fmt.Sprintf("synchronize = %v\t clone = %v", tests.Sync, tests.Clone)) // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== By("Cleaning Cluster Policies") e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // Clear Namespace By(fmt.Sprintf("Deleting Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // If Clone is true Clear Source Resource and Recreate if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Deleting Source Resource from Clone Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) // Delete ConfigMap to be cloned e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) } // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== // === If Clone is true Create Source Resources == if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Creating Cloner Resources in Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) _, err := e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(cmGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.CloneSourceConfigMapData) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) } // ================================================ // ======== Create Generate Policy ============= By(fmt.Sprintf("\nCreating Generate Policy in %s", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateNamespacedResourceYaml(clPolGVR, clPolNS, tests.Data) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======= Create Namespace ================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Creating Namespace which triggers generate %s", clPolNS)) _, err = e2eClient.CreateClusteredResourceYaml(nsGVR, namespaceYaml) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // Wait Till Creation of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // =========================================== // ======== Verify Configmap Creation ===== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying Configmap in the Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) // Wait Till Creation of Configmap e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) if err != nil { return err } return nil }) // test: when a source clone resource is updated, the same changes should be replicated in the generated resource // ======= Update Configmap in default Namespace ======== By(fmt.Sprintf("Updating Source Resource(Configmap) in Clone Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) // Get the configmap from default namespace sourceRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(sourceRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.ConfigMapName)) element, _, err := unstructured.NestedMap(sourceRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) element["initial_lives"] = "5" unstructured.SetNestedMap(sourceRes.UnstructuredContent(), element, "data") _, err = e2eClient.UpdateNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, sourceRes) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======= Verifying Configmap Data Replication in Namespace ======== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying Configmap Data Replication in the Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(2), 15, func() error { // get updated configmap in test namespace updatedGenRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) if err != nil { return err } // compare updated configmapdata element, _, err := unstructured.NestedMap(updatedGenRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") if err != nil { return err } if element["initial_lives"] != "5" { return errors.New("not updated") } return nil }) updatedGenRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) element, _, err = unstructured.NestedMap(updatedGenRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(element["initial_lives"]).To(Equal("5")) // ============================================ // test: when a generated resource is edited with some conflicting changes (with respect to the // clone source resource or generate data), kyverno will regenerate the resource // ======= Update Configmap in test Namespace ======== By(fmt.Sprintf("Updating Generated ConfigMap in Resource Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) // Get the configmap from test namespace genRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(genRes.GetName()).To(Equal(tests.ConfigMapName)) element, _, err = unstructured.NestedMap(genRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) element["initial_lives"] = "15" unstructured.SetNestedMap(genRes.UnstructuredContent(), element, "data") _, err = e2eClient.UpdateNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, genRes) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) // ============================================ // ======= Verifying Configmap Data in Namespace ======== By(fmt.Sprintf("Verifying Configmap Data in the Namespace : %s", tests.ResourceNamespace)) e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(2), 15, func() error { // get updated configmap in test namespace updatedGenRes, err := e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) if err != nil { return err } // compare updated configmapdata element, _, err := unstructured.NestedMap(updatedGenRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") if err != nil { return err } if element["initial_lives"] != "5" { return errors.New("not updated") } return nil }) updatedGenRes, err = e2eClient.GetNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) element, _, err = unstructured.NestedMap(updatedGenRes.UnstructuredContent(), "data") Expect(err).NotTo(HaveOccurred()) Expect(element["initial_lives"]).To(Equal("5")) // ============================================ // ======= CleanUp Resources ===== e2eClient.CleanClusterPolicies(clPolGVR) // === If Clone is true Delete Source Resources == if tests.Clone { By(fmt.Sprintf("Clone = true, Deleting Cloner Resources in Namespace : %s", tests.CloneNamespace)) e2eClient.DeleteNamespacedResource(cmGVR, tests.CloneNamespace, tests.ConfigMapName) } // ================================================ // Clear Namespace e2eClient.DeleteClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) // Wait Till Deletion of Namespace e2e.GetWithRetry(time.Duration(1), 15, func() error { _, err := e2eClient.GetClusteredResource(nsGVR, tests.ResourceNamespace) if err != nil { return nil } return errors.New("Deleting Namespace") }) // ==================================== By(fmt.Sprintf("Test %s Completed \n\n\n", tests.TestName)) } }