baseURL = "" themesDir = "themes" theme = "github-project-landing-page" title = "Kyverno" canonifyURLs=true relativeURLs=true [params] description = "Kubernetes Native Policy Management" long_description = ''' Manage policies as Kubernetes resources to validate, mutate, or generate any configuration. Select resources based on labels and wildcards. View policy enforcement as events. Detect policy violations for existing resources.''' author_name = "Nirmata" author_url = "" project_url = "" project_documentation = "" github_project_name = "kyverno" github_user_name = "nirmata" logo = "img/kyverno.png" first_color="#f8f8f8" first_border_color="#e7e7e7" first_text_color="#333" second_color="white" second_text_color="#333" header_color="#f8f8f8" header_text_color="rgb(51, 51, 51)" header_link_color="#777" header_link_hover_color="rgb(51, 51, 51)"