# yaml-language-server: $schema=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/kyverno/chainsaw/main/.schemas/json/test-chainsaw-v1alpha1.json apiVersion: chainsaw.kyverno.io/v1alpha1 kind: Test metadata: name: audit spec: steps: - name: create policy try: - create: file: policy.yaml - assert: file: policy-assert.yaml - name: create bad pod try: - create: file: bad-pod.yaml expect: - check: ($error): >- admission webhook "ivpol.validate.kyverno.svc-ignore-finegrained-ivpol-sample" denied the request: Policy ivpol-sample failed: failed to verify image with notary cert - name: create good pod try: - create: file: good-pod.yaml - sleep: duration: 10s - assert: file: good-pod.yaml