package policy import ( "fmt" "" "" policiesv1alpha1 "" engine "" vpolautogen "" "" admissionregistrationv1 "" "" apiservercel "" ) const ( ContextKey = "context" NamespaceObjectKey = "namespaceObject" ObjectKey = "object" OldObjectKey = "oldObject" RequestKey = "request" VariablesKey = "variables" ) type Compiler interface { Compile(*policiesv1alpha1.ValidatingPolicy, []policiesv1alpha1.CELPolicyException) (CompiledPolicy, field.ErrorList) } func NewCompiler() Compiler { return &compiler{} } type compiler struct{} func (c *compiler) Compile(policy *policiesv1alpha1.ValidatingPolicy, exceptions []policiesv1alpha1.CELPolicyException) (CompiledPolicy, field.ErrorList) { var allErrs field.ErrorList base, err := engine.NewEnv() if err != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, field.InternalError(nil, err)) } var declTypes []*apiservercel.DeclType declTypes = append(declTypes, namespaceType, requestType) declTypes = append(declTypes, context.Types()...) options := []cel.EnvOption{ cel.Variable(ContextKey, context.ContextType), cel.Variable(NamespaceObjectKey, namespaceType.CelType()), cel.Variable(ObjectKey, cel.DynType), cel.Variable(OldObjectKey, cel.DynType), cel.Variable(RequestKey, requestType.CelType()), cel.Variable(VariablesKey, VariablesType), } for _, declType := range declTypes { options = append(options, cel.Types(declType.CelType())) } variablesProvider := NewVariablesProvider(base.CELTypeProvider()) declProvider := apiservercel.NewDeclTypeProvider(declTypes...) declOptions, err := declProvider.EnvOptions(variablesProvider) if err != nil { // TODO: proper error handling panic(err) } options = append(options, declOptions...) options = append(options, context.Lib()) // TODO: params, authorizer, authorizer.requestResource ? env, err := base.Extend(options...) if err != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, field.InternalError(nil, err)) } path := field.NewPath("spec") matchConditions := make([]cel.Program, 0, len(policy.Spec.MatchConditions)) { path := path.Child("matchConditions") programs, errs := compileMatchConditions(path, policy.Spec.MatchConditions, env) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } matchConditions = append(matchConditions, programs...) } variables := map[string]cel.Program{} { path := path.Child("variables") errs := compileVariables(path, policy.Spec.Variables, variablesProvider, env, variables) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } } validations := make([]compiledValidation, 0, len(policy.Spec.Validations)) { path := path.Child("validations") for i, rule := range policy.Spec.Validations { path := path.Index(i) program, errs := compileValidation(path, rule, env) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } validations = append(validations, program) } } auditAnnotations := map[string]cel.Program{} { path := path.Child("auditAnnotations") errs := compileAuditAnnotations(path, policy.Spec.AuditAnnotations, env, auditAnnotations) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } } // compile autogen rules autogenPath := field.NewPath("status").Child("autogen").Child("rules") autogenRules := vpolautogen.ComputeRules(policy) compiledRules := make([]compiledAutogenRule, 0, len(autogenRules)) for i, rule := range autogenRules { // compile match conditions matchConditions, errs := compileMatchConditions(autogenPath.Index(i).Child("matchConditions"), rule.MatchConditions, env) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } // compile variables variables := map[string]cel.Program{} errs = compileVariables(autogenPath.Index(i).Child("variables"), rule.Variables, variablesProvider, env, variables) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } // compile validations validations := make([]compiledValidation, 0, len(rule.Validations)) for j, rule := range rule.Validations { path := autogenPath.Index(j).Child("validations") program, errs := compileValidation(path, rule, env) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } validations = append(validations, program) } // compile audit annotations auditAnnotations := map[string]cel.Program{} errs = compileAuditAnnotations(autogenPath.Index(i).Child("auditAnnotations"), rule.AuditAnnotation, env, auditAnnotations) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } compiledRules = append(compiledRules, compiledAutogenRule{ matchConditions: matchConditions, variables: variables, validations: validations, auditAnnotation: auditAnnotations, }) } // exceptions' match conditions compiledExceptions := make([]compiledException, 0, len(exceptions)) for _, polex := range exceptions { polexMatchConditions, errs := compileMatchConditions(field.NewPath("spec").Child("matchConditions"), polex.Spec.MatchConditions, env) if errs != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, errs...) } compiledExceptions = append(compiledExceptions, compiledException{ exception: polex, matchConditions: polexMatchConditions, }) } return &compiledPolicy{ failurePolicy: policy.GetFailurePolicy(), matchConditions: matchConditions, variables: variables, validations: validations, auditAnnotations: auditAnnotations, autogenRules: compiledRules, exceptions: compiledExceptions, }, nil } func compileMatchConditions(path *field.Path, matchConditions []admissionregistrationv1.MatchCondition, env *cel.Env) ([]cel.Program, field.ErrorList) { var allErrs field.ErrorList result := make([]cel.Program, 0, len(matchConditions)) for i, matchCondition := range matchConditions { path := path.Index(i).Child("expression") ast, issues := env.Compile(matchCondition.Expression) if err := issues.Err(); err != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, matchCondition.Expression, err.Error())) } if !ast.OutputType().IsExactType(types.BoolType) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("output is expected to be of type %s", types.BoolType.TypeName()) return nil, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, matchCondition.Expression, msg)) } prog, err := env.Program(ast) if err != nil { return nil, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, matchCondition.Expression, err.Error())) } result = append(result, prog) } return result, nil } func compileVariables(path *field.Path, variables []admissionregistrationv1.Variable, variablesProvider *variablesProvider, env *cel.Env, result map[string]cel.Program) field.ErrorList { var allErrs field.ErrorList for i, variable := range variables { path := path.Index(i).Child("expression") ast, issues := env.Compile(variable.Expression) if err := issues.Err(); err != nil { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, variable.Expression, err.Error())) } variablesProvider.RegisterField(variable.Name, ast.OutputType()) prog, err := env.Program(ast) if err != nil { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, variable.Expression, err.Error())) } result[variable.Name] = prog } return nil } func compileAuditAnnotations(path *field.Path, auditAnnotations []admissionregistrationv1.AuditAnnotation, env *cel.Env, result map[string]cel.Program) field.ErrorList { var allErrs field.ErrorList for i, auditAnnotation := range auditAnnotations { path := path.Index(i).Child("valueExpression") ast, issues := env.Compile(auditAnnotation.ValueExpression) if err := issues.Err(); err != nil { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, auditAnnotation.ValueExpression, err.Error())) } if !ast.OutputType().IsExactType(types.StringType) && !ast.OutputType().IsExactType(types.NullType) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("output is expected to be either of type %s or %s", types.StringType.TypeName(), types.NullType.TypeName()) return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, auditAnnotation.ValueExpression, msg)) } prog, err := env.Program(ast) if err != nil { return append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, auditAnnotation.ValueExpression, err.Error())) } result[auditAnnotation.Key] = prog } return nil } func compileValidation(path *field.Path, rule admissionregistrationv1.Validation, env *cel.Env) (compiledValidation, field.ErrorList) { var allErrs field.ErrorList compiled := compiledValidation{ message: rule.Message, } { path = path.Child("expression") ast, issues := env.Compile(rule.Expression) if err := issues.Err(); err != nil { return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.Expression, err.Error())) } if !ast.OutputType().IsExactType(types.BoolType) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("output is expected to be of type %s", types.BoolType.TypeName()) return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.Expression, msg)) } program, err := env.Program(ast) if err != nil { return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.Expression, err.Error())) } compiled.program = program } if rule.MessageExpression != "" { path = path.Child("messageExpression") ast, issues := env.Compile(rule.MessageExpression) if err := issues.Err(); err != nil { return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.MessageExpression, err.Error())) } if !ast.OutputType().IsExactType(types.StringType) { msg := fmt.Sprintf("output is expected to be of type %s", types.StringType.TypeName()) return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.MessageExpression, msg)) } program, err := env.Program(ast) if err != nil { return compiledValidation{}, append(allErrs, field.Invalid(path, rule.MessageExpression, err.Error())) } compiled.messageExpression = program } return compiled, nil }