<small>*[documentation](/README.md#documentation) / [Writing Policies](/documentation/writing-policies.md) / Generate*</small> # Generate Configurations ```generatate``` feature can be applied to created namespaces to create new resources in them. This feature is useful when every namespace in a cluster must contain some basic required resources. The feature is available for policy rules in which the resource kind is Namespace. ## Example ````yaml apiVersion : kyverno.io/v1alpha1 kind : Policy metadata : name : basic-policy spec : rules: - name: "Basic confog generator for all namespaces" resource: kind: Namespace generate: # For now the next kinds are supported: # ConfigMap # Secret - kind: ConfigMap name: default-config copyFrom: namespace: default name: config-template data: DB_ENDPOINT: mongodb://mydomain.ua/db_stage:27017 labels: purpose: mongo - kind: Secret name: mongo-creds data: DB_USER: YWJyYWthZGFicmE= DB_PASSWORD: YXBwc3dvcmQ= labels: purpose: mongo ```` In this example, when this policy is applied, any new namespace will receive 2 new resources after its creation: * ConfigMap copied from default/config-template with added value DB_ENDPOINT. * Secret with values DB_USER and DB_PASSWORD. Both resources will contain a label ```purpose: mongo``` --- <small>*Read Next >> [Testing Policies](/documentation/testing-policies.md)*</small>