/* Copyright 2015 The Kubernetes Authors. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. */ package admission import ( "fmt" "testing" metav1 "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/apis/meta/v1" "k8s.io/apimachinery/pkg/runtime/schema" ) type FakeHandler struct { *Handler name string admit, admitCalled bool validate, validateCalled bool } func (h *FakeHandler) Admit(a Attributes, o ObjectInterfaces) (err error) { h.admitCalled = true if h.admit { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Don't admit") } func (h *FakeHandler) Validate(a Attributes, o ObjectInterfaces) (err error) { h.validateCalled = true if h.validate { return nil } return fmt.Errorf("Don't validate") } func makeHandler(name string, accept bool, ops ...Operation) *FakeHandler { return &FakeHandler{ name: name, admit: accept, validate: accept, Handler: NewHandler(ops...), } } func TestAdmitAndValidate(t *testing.T) { sysns := metav1.NamespaceSystem otherns := "default" tests := []struct { name string ns string operation Operation chain chainAdmissionHandler accept bool calls map[string]bool }{ { name: "all accept", ns: sysns, operation: Create, chain: []Interface{ makeHandler("a", true, Update, Delete, Create), makeHandler("b", true, Delete, Create), makeHandler("c", true, Create), }, calls: map[string]bool{"a": true, "b": true, "c": true}, accept: true, }, { name: "ignore handler", ns: otherns, operation: Create, chain: []Interface{ makeHandler("a", true, Update, Delete, Create), makeHandler("b", false, Delete), makeHandler("c", true, Create), }, calls: map[string]bool{"a": true, "c": true}, accept: true, }, { name: "ignore all", ns: sysns, operation: Connect, chain: []Interface{ makeHandler("a", true, Update, Delete, Create), makeHandler("b", false, Delete), makeHandler("c", true, Create), }, calls: map[string]bool{}, accept: true, }, { name: "reject one", ns: otherns, operation: Delete, chain: []Interface{ makeHandler("a", true, Update, Delete, Create), makeHandler("b", false, Delete), makeHandler("c", true, Create), }, calls: map[string]bool{"a": true, "b": true}, accept: false, }, } for _, test := range tests { t.Logf("testcase = %s", test.name) // call admit and check that validate was not called at all err := test.chain.Admit(NewAttributesRecord(nil, nil, schema.GroupVersionKind{}, test.ns, "", schema.GroupVersionResource{}, "", test.operation, false, nil), nil) accepted := (err == nil) if accepted != test.accept { t.Errorf("unexpected result of admit call: %v", accepted) } for _, h := range test.chain { fake := h.(*FakeHandler) _, shouldBeCalled := test.calls[fake.name] if shouldBeCalled != fake.admitCalled { t.Errorf("admit handler %s not called as expected: %v", fake.name, fake.admitCalled) continue } if fake.validateCalled { t.Errorf("validate handler %s called during admit", fake.name) } // reset value for validation test fake.admitCalled = false } // call validate and check that admit was not called at all err = test.chain.Validate(NewAttributesRecord(nil, nil, schema.GroupVersionKind{}, test.ns, "", schema.GroupVersionResource{}, "", test.operation, false, nil), nil) accepted = (err == nil) if accepted != test.accept { t.Errorf("unexpected result of validate call: %v\n", accepted) } for _, h := range test.chain { fake := h.(*FakeHandler) _, shouldBeCalled := test.calls[fake.name] if shouldBeCalled != fake.validateCalled { t.Errorf("validate handler %s not called as expected: %v", fake.name, fake.validateCalled) continue } if fake.admitCalled { t.Errorf("mutating handler unexpectedly called: %s", fake.name) } } } } func TestHandles(t *testing.T) { chain := chainAdmissionHandler{ makeHandler("a", true, Update, Delete, Create), makeHandler("b", true, Delete, Create), makeHandler("c", true, Create), } tests := []struct { name string operation Operation chain chainAdmissionHandler expected bool }{ { name: "all handle", operation: Create, expected: true, }, { name: "none handle", operation: Connect, expected: false, }, { name: "some handle", operation: Delete, expected: true, }, } for _, test := range tests { handles := chain.Handles(test.operation) if handles != test.expected { t.Errorf("Unexpected handles result. Expected: %v. Actual: %v", test.expected, handles) } } }