package test import ( "encoding/json" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "sort" "strings" "time" "" "" "" "" kyvernov1 "" "" policyreportv1alpha2 "" "" sanitizederror "" "" "" "" "" "" "" policy2 "" "" util "" "" "" corev1 "" metav1 "" "" "" log "" ) var longHelp = ` The test command provides a facility to test resources against policies by comparing expected results, declared ahead of time in a test manifest file, to actual results reported by Kyverno. Users provide the path to the folder containing a kyverno-test.yaml file where the location could be on a local filesystem or a remote git repository. ` var exampleHelp = ` # Test a git repository containing Kyverno test cases. kyverno test --git-branch main Executing require-non-root-groups... applying 1 policy to 2 resources... │───│─────────────────────────│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────│────────│ │ # │ POLICY │ RULE │ RESOURCE │ RESULT │ │───│─────────────────────────│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────│────────│ │ 1 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-runasgroup │ default/Pod/fs-group0 │ Pass │ │ 2 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-supplementalGroups │ default/Pod/fs-group0 │ Pass │ │ 3 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-fsGroup │ default/Pod/fs-group0 │ Pass │ │ 4 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-supplementalGroups │ default/Pod/supplemental-groups0 │ Pass │ │ 5 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-fsGroup │ default/Pod/supplemental-groups0 │ Pass │ │ 6 │ require-non-root-groups │ check-runasgroup │ default/Pod/supplemental-groups0 │ Pass │ │───│─────────────────────────│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────│────────│ # Test a local folder containing test cases. kyverno test . Executing limit-containers-per-pod... applying 1 policy to 4 resources... │───│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────────│─────────────────────────────│────────│ │ # │ POLICY │ RULE │ RESOURCE │ RESULT │ │───│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────────│─────────────────────────────│────────│ │ 1 │ limit-containers-per-pod │ limit-containers-per-pod-bare │ default/Pod/myapp-pod-1 │ Pass │ │ 2 │ limit-containers-per-pod │ limit-containers-per-pod-bare │ default/Pod/myapp-pod-2 │ Pass │ │ 3 │ limit-containers-per-pod │ limit-containers-per-pod-controllers │ default/Deployment/mydeploy │ Pass │ │ 4 │ limit-containers-per-pod │ limit-containers-per-pod-cronjob │ default/CronJob/mycronjob │ Pass │ │───│──────────────────────────│──────────────────────────────────────│─────────────────────────────│────────│ Test Summary: 4 tests passed and 0 tests failed # Test some specific test cases out of many test cases in a local folder. kyverno test . --test-case-selector "policy=disallow-latest-tag, rule=require-image-tag, resource=test-require-image-tag-pass" Executing test-simple... applying 1 policy to 1 resource... │───│─────────────────────│───────────────────│─────────────────────────────────────────│────────│ │ # │ POLICY │ RULE │ RESOURCE │ RESULT │ │───│─────────────────────│───────────────────│─────────────────────────────────────────│────────│ │ 1 │ disallow-latest-tag │ require-image-tag │ default/Pod/test-require-image-tag-pass │ Pass │ │───│─────────────────────│───────────────────│─────────────────────────────────────────│────────│ Test Summary: 1 tests passed and 0 tests failed **TEST FILE STRUCTURE**: The kyverno-test.yaml has four parts: "policies" --> List of policies which are applied. "resources" --> List of resources on which the policies are applied. "variables" --> Variable file path containing variables referenced in the policy (OPTIONAL). "results" --> List of results expected after applying the policies to the resources. ** TEST FILE FORMAT**: name: policies: - - resources: - - variables: (OPTIONAL) results: - policy: (For Namespaced [Policy] files, format is /) rule: resource: namespace: (OPTIONAL) kind: patchedResource: (For mutate policies/rules only) result: **VARIABLES FILE FORMAT**: policies: - name: rules: - name: # Global variable values values: foo: bar resources: - name: # Resource-specific variable values values: foo: baz - name: values: foo: bin **RESULT DESCRIPTIONS**: pass --> The resource is either validated by the policy or, if a mutation, equals the state of the patched resource. fail --> The resource fails validation or the patched resource generated by Kyverno is not equal to the input resource provided by the user. skip --> The rule is not applied. For more information visit ` // Command returns version command func Command() *cobra.Command { var cmd *cobra.Command var testCase string var testFile []byte var fileName, gitBranch string var registryAccess bool cmd = &cobra.Command{ Use: "test [flags]\n kyverno test --git-branch \n kyverno test --manifest-mutate > kyverno-test.yaml\n kyverno test --manifest-validate > kyverno-test.yaml", // Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), Short: "run tests from directory", Long: longHelp, Example: exampleHelp, RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, dirPath []string) (err error) { defer func() { if err != nil { if !sanitizederror.IsErrorSanitized(err) { log.Log.Error(err, "failed to sanitize") err = fmt.Errorf("internal error") } } }() mStatus, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("manifest-mutate") vStatus, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool("manifest-validate") if mStatus { testFile = []byte(`name: policies: - - resources: - - variables: (OPTIONAL) results: - policy: (For Namespaced [Policy] files, format is /) rule: resource: namespace: (OPTIONAL) kind: patchedResource: result: `) fmt.Println(string(testFile)) return nil } if vStatus { testFile = []byte(`name: policies: - - resources: - - variables: (OPTIONAL) results: - policy: (For Namespaced [Policy] files, format is /) rule: resource: namespace: (OPTIONAL) kind: result: `) fmt.Println(string(testFile)) return nil } store.SetRegistryAccess(registryAccess) _, err = testCommandExecute(dirPath, fileName, gitBranch, testCase) if err != nil { log.Log.V(3).Info("a directory is required") return err } return nil }, } cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&fileName, "file-name", "f", "kyverno-test.yaml", "test filename") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&gitBranch, "git-branch", "b", "", "test github repository branch") cmd.Flags().StringVarP(&testCase, "test-case-selector", "t", "", `run some specific test cases by passing a string argument in double quotes to this flag like - "policy=, rule=, resource= 0 && log.Log.V(1).Enabled() { fmt.Printf("test errors: \n") for _, e := range errors { fmt.Printf(" %v \n", e.Error()) } } fmt.Printf("\nTest Summary: %d tests passed and %d tests failed\n", rc.Pass+rc.Skip, rc.Fail) fmt.Printf("\n") if rc.Fail > 0 { printFailedTestResult() os.Exit(1) } os.Exit(0) return rc, nil } func getLocalDirTestFiles(fs billy.Filesystem, path, fileName string, rc *resultCounts, testFiles *int, openAPIController *openapi.Controller, tf *testFilter) []error { var errors []error files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(path) if err != nil { return []error{fmt.Errorf("failed to read %v: %v", path, err.Error())} } for _, file := range files { if file.IsDir() { getLocalDirTestFiles(fs, filepath.Join(path, file.Name()), fileName, rc, testFiles, openAPIController, tf) continue } if file.Name() == fileName { *testFiles++ // We accept the risk of including files here as we read the test dir only. yamlFile, err := ioutil.ReadFile(filepath.Join(path, file.Name())) // #nosec G304 if err != nil { errors = append(errors, sanitizederror.NewWithError("unable to read yaml", err)) continue } valuesBytes, err := yaml.ToJSON(yamlFile) if err != nil { errors = append(errors, sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to convert json", err)) continue } if err := applyPoliciesFromPath(fs, valuesBytes, false, path, rc, openAPIController, tf); err != nil { errors = append(errors, sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("failed to apply test command from file %s", file.Name()), err)) continue } } } return errors } func buildPolicyResults(engineResponses []*response.EngineResponse, testResults []TestResults, infos []policyreport.Info, policyResourcePath string, fs billy.Filesystem, isGit bool) (map[string]policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult, []TestResults) { results := make(map[string]policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult) now := metav1.Timestamp{Seconds: time.Now().Unix()} for _, resp := range engineResponses { policyName := resp.PolicyResponse.Policy.Name resourceName := resp.PolicyResponse.Resource.Name resourceKind := resp.PolicyResponse.Resource.Kind resourceNamespace := resp.PolicyResponse.Resource.Namespace policyNamespace := resp.PolicyResponse.Policy.Namespace var rules []string for _, rule := range resp.PolicyResponse.Rules { rules = append(rules, rule.Name) } result := policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult{ Policy: policyName, Resources: []corev1.ObjectReference{ { Name: resourceName, }, }, Message: buildMessage(resp), } var patchedResourcePath []string for i, test := range testResults { var userDefinedPolicyNamespace string var userDefinedPolicyName string found, err := isNamespacedPolicy(test.Policy) if err != nil { log.Log.V(3).Info("error while checking the policy is namespaced or not", "policy: ", test.Policy, "error: ", err) continue } if found { userDefinedPolicyNamespace, userDefinedPolicyName = getUserDefinedPolicyNameAndNamespace(test.Policy) test.Policy = userDefinedPolicyName } if test.Resources != nil { if test.Policy == policyName { // results[].namespace value implict set same as metadata.namespace until and unless // user provides explict values for results[].namespace in test yaml file. if test.Namespace == "" { test.Namespace = resourceNamespace testResults[i].Namespace = resourceNamespace } for _, resource := range test.Resources { if resource == resourceName { var resultsKey string resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, resource) if !util.ContainsString(rules, test.Rule) { if !util.ContainsString(rules, "autogen-"+test.Rule) { if !util.ContainsString(rules, "autogen-cronjob-"+test.Rule) { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip } else { testResults[i].AutoGeneratedRule = "autogen-cronjob" test.Rule = "autogen-cronjob-" + test.Rule resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, resource) } } else { testResults[i].AutoGeneratedRule = "autogen" test.Rule = "autogen-" + test.Rule resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, resource) } if results[resultsKey].Result == "" { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip results[resultsKey] = result } } patchedResourcePath = append(patchedResourcePath, test.PatchedResource) if _, ok := results[resultsKey]; !ok { results[resultsKey] = result } } } } } if test.Resource != "" { if test.Policy == policyName && test.Resource == resourceName { var resultsKey string resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, test.Resource) if !util.ContainsString(rules, test.Rule) { if !util.ContainsString(rules, "autogen-"+test.Rule) { if !util.ContainsString(rules, "autogen-cronjob-"+test.Rule) { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip } else { testResults[i].AutoGeneratedRule = "autogen-cronjob" test.Rule = "autogen-cronjob-" + test.Rule resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, test.Resource) } } else { testResults[i].AutoGeneratedRule = "autogen" test.Rule = "autogen-" + test.Rule resultsKey = GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(userDefinedPolicyNamespace, test.Policy, test.Rule, test.Namespace, test.Kind, test.Resource) } if results[resultsKey].Result == "" { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip results[resultsKey] = result } } patchedResourcePath = append(patchedResourcePath, test.PatchedResource) if _, ok := results[resultsKey]; !ok { results[resultsKey] = result } } } for _, rule := range resp.PolicyResponse.Rules { if rule.Type != response.Generation || test.Rule != rule.Name { continue } var resultsKey []string var resultKey string var result policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult resultsKey = GetAllPossibleResultsKey(policyNamespace, policyName, rule.Name, resourceNamespace, resourceKind, resourceName) for _, key := range resultsKey { if val, ok := results[key]; ok { result = val resultKey = key } else { continue } if rule.Status == response.RuleStatusSkip { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip } else if rule.Status == response.RuleStatusError { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusError } else { var x string result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusFail x = getAndCompareResource(test.GeneratedResource, rule.GeneratedResource, isGit, policyResourcePath, fs, true) if x == "pass" { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusPass } } results[resultKey] = result } } } for _, rule := range resp.PolicyResponse.Rules { if rule.Type != response.Mutation { continue } var resultsKey []string var resultKey string var result policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult resultsKey = GetAllPossibleResultsKey(policyNamespace, policyName, rule.Name, resourceNamespace, resourceKind, resourceName) for _, key := range resultsKey { if val, ok := results[key]; ok { result = val resultKey = key } else { continue } if rule.Status == response.RuleStatusSkip { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip } else if rule.Status == response.RuleStatusError { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusError } else { var x string for _, path := range patchedResourcePath { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusFail x = getAndCompareResource(path, resp.PatchedResource, isGit, policyResourcePath, fs, false) if x == "pass" { result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.StatusPass break } } } results[resultKey] = result } } } for _, info := range infos { for _, infoResult := range info.Results { for _, rule := range infoResult.Rules { if rule.Type != string(response.Validation) && rule.Type != string(response.ImageVerify) { continue } var result policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult var resultsKeys []string var resultKey string resultsKeys = GetAllPossibleResultsKey("", info.PolicyName, rule.Name, infoResult.Resource.Namespace, infoResult.Resource.Kind, infoResult.Resource.Name) for _, key := range resultsKeys { if val, ok := results[key]; ok { result = val resultKey = key } else { continue } } result.Rule = rule.Name result.Result = policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyResult(rule.Status) result.Source = policyreport.SourceValue result.Timestamp = now results[resultKey] = result } } } return results, testResults } func GetAllPossibleResultsKey(policyNamespace, policy, rule, resourceNamespace, kind, resource string) []string { var resultsKey []string resultKey1 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s", policy, rule, kind, resource) resultKey2 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policy, rule, resourceNamespace, kind, resource) resultKey3 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policyNamespace, policy, rule, kind, resource) resultKey4 := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policyNamespace, policy, rule, resourceNamespace, kind, resource) resultsKey = append(resultsKey, resultKey1, resultKey2, resultKey3, resultKey4) return resultsKey } func GetResultKeyAccordingToTestResults(policyNs, policy, rule, resourceNs, kind, resource string) string { var resultKey string resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s", policy, rule, kind, resource) if policyNs != "" && resourceNs != "" { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policyNs, policy, rule, resourceNs, kind, resource) } else if policyNs != "" { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policyNs, policy, rule, kind, resource) } else if resourceNs != "" { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", policy, rule, resourceNs, kind, resource) } return resultKey } func isNamespacedPolicy(policyNames string) (bool, error) { return regexp.MatchString("^[a-z]*/[a-z]*", policyNames) } func getUserDefinedPolicyNameAndNamespace(policyName string) (string, string) { if strings.Contains(policyName, "/") { parts := strings.Split(policyName, "/") namespace := parts[0] policy := parts[1] return namespace, policy } return "", policyName } // getAndCompareResource --> Get the patchedResource or generatedResource from the path provided by user // And compare this resource with engine generated resource. func getAndCompareResource(path string, engineResource unstructured.Unstructured, isGit bool, policyResourcePath string, fs billy.Filesystem, isGenerate bool) string { var status string resourceType := "patchedResource" if isGenerate { resourceType = "generatedResource" } userResource, err := common.GetResourceFromPath(fs, path, isGit, policyResourcePath, resourceType) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to load resources\nCause: %s\n", err) return "" } matched, err := generate.ValidateResourceWithPattern(log.Log, engineResource.UnstructuredContent(), userResource.UnstructuredContent()) if err != nil { log.Log.V(3).Info(resourceType+" mismatch", "error", err.Error()) status = "fail" } if matched == "" { status = "pass" } return status } func buildMessage(resp *response.EngineResponse) string { var bldr strings.Builder for _, ruleResp := range resp.PolicyResponse.Rules { fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, " %s: %s \n", ruleResp.Name, ruleResp.Status.String()) fmt.Fprintf(&bldr, " %s \n", ruleResp.Message) } return bldr.String() } func getFullPath(paths []string, policyResourcePath string, isGit bool) []string { var pols []string var pol string if !isGit { for _, path := range paths { pol = filepath.Join(policyResourcePath, path) pols = append(pols, pol) } return pols } return paths } func applyPoliciesFromPath(fs billy.Filesystem, policyBytes []byte, isGit bool, policyResourcePath string, rc *resultCounts, openAPIController *openapi.Controller, tf *testFilter) (err error) { engineResponses := make([]*response.EngineResponse, 0) var dClient dclient.Interface values := &Test{} var variablesString string var pvInfos []policyreport.Info var resultCounts common.ResultCounts store.SetMock(true) if err := json.Unmarshal(policyBytes, values); err != nil { return sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to decode yaml", err) } if tf.enabled { var filteredResults []TestResults for _, res := range values.Results { if (len(tf.policy) == 0 || tf.policy == res.Policy) && (len(tf.resource) == 0 || tf.resource == res.Resource) && (len(tf.rule) == 0 || tf.rule == res.Rule) { filteredResults = append(filteredResults, res) } } values.Results = filteredResults } if len(values.Results) == 0 { return nil } fmt.Printf("\nExecuting %s...", values.Name) valuesFile := values.Variables userInfoFile := values.UserInfo variables, globalValMap, valuesMap, namespaceSelectorMap, err := common.GetVariable(variablesString, values.Variables, fs, isGit, policyResourcePath) if err != nil { if !sanitizederror.IsErrorSanitized(err) { return sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to decode yaml", err) } return err } // get the user info as request info from a different file var userInfo v1beta1.RequestInfo var subjectInfo store.Subject if userInfoFile != "" { userInfo, subjectInfo, err = common.GetUserInfoFromPath(fs, userInfoFile, isGit, policyResourcePath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to load request info\nCause: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } store.SetSubjects(subjectInfo) } policyFullPath := getFullPath(values.Policies, policyResourcePath, isGit) resourceFullPath := getFullPath(values.Resources, policyResourcePath, isGit) for i, result := range values.Results { arrPatchedResource := []string{result.PatchedResource} arrGeneratedResource := []string{result.GeneratedResource} arrCloneSourceResource := []string{result.CloneSourceResource} patchedResourceFullPath := getFullPath(arrPatchedResource, policyResourcePath, isGit) generatedResourceFullPath := getFullPath(arrGeneratedResource, policyResourcePath, isGit) CloneSourceResourceFullPath := getFullPath(arrCloneSourceResource, policyResourcePath, isGit) values.Results[i].PatchedResource = patchedResourceFullPath[0] values.Results[i].GeneratedResource = generatedResourceFullPath[0] values.Results[i].CloneSourceResource = CloneSourceResourceFullPath[0] } policies, err := common.GetPoliciesFromPaths(fs, policyFullPath, isGit, policyResourcePath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to load policies\nCause: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } filteredPolicies := []kyvernov1.PolicyInterface{} for _, p := range policies { for _, res := range values.Results { if p.GetName() == res.Policy { filteredPolicies = append(filteredPolicies, p) break } } } var ruleToCloneSourceResource = map[string]string{} for _, p := range filteredPolicies { filteredRules := []kyvernov1.Rule{} for _, rule := range autogen.ComputeRules(p) { for _, res := range values.Results { if rule.Name == res.Rule { filteredRules = append(filteredRules, rule) if rule.HasGenerate() { ruleUnstr, err := generate.GetUnstrRule(rule.Generation.DeepCopy()) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to get unstructured rule\nCause: %s\n", err) break } genClone, _, err := unstructured.NestedMap(ruleUnstr.Object, "clone") if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to read data\nCause: %s\n", err) break } if len(genClone) != 0 { ruleToCloneSourceResource[rule.Name] = res.CloneSourceResource } } break } } } p.GetSpec().SetRules(filteredRules) } policies = filteredPolicies mutatedPolicies, err := common.MutatePolicies(policies) if err != nil { if !sanitizederror.IsErrorSanitized(err) { return sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to mutate policy", err) } } err = common.PrintMutatedPolicy(mutatedPolicies) if err != nil { return sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to print mutated policy", err) } resources, err := common.GetResourceAccordingToResourcePath(fs, resourceFullPath, false, mutatedPolicies, dClient, "", false, isGit, policyResourcePath) if err != nil { fmt.Printf("Error: failed to load resources\nCause: %s\n", err) os.Exit(1) } filteredResources := []*unstructured.Unstructured{} for _, r := range resources { for _, res := range values.Results { for _, testr := range res.Resources { if r.GetName() == testr { filteredResources = append(filteredResources, r) } } if r.GetName() == res.Resource { filteredResources = append(filteredResources, r) break } } } resources = filteredResources msgPolicies := "1 policy" if len(mutatedPolicies) > 1 { msgPolicies = fmt.Sprintf("%d policies", len(policies)) } msgResources := "1 resource" if len(resources) > 1 { msgResources = fmt.Sprintf("%d resources", len(resources)) } if len(mutatedPolicies) > 0 && len(resources) > 0 { fmt.Printf("\napplying %s to %s... \n", msgPolicies, msgResources) } for _, policy := range mutatedPolicies { _, err := policy2.Validate(policy, nil, true, openAPIController) if err != nil { log.Log.Error(err, "skipping invalid policy", "name", policy.GetName()) continue } matches := common.HasVariables(policy) variable := common.RemoveDuplicateAndObjectVariables(matches) if len(variable) > 0 { if len(variables) == 0 { // check policy in variable file if valuesFile == "" || valuesMap[policy.GetName()] == nil { fmt.Printf("test skipped for policy %v (as required variables are not provided by the users) \n \n", policy.GetName()) } } } kindOnwhichPolicyIsApplied := common.GetKindsFromPolicy(policy) for _, resource := range resources { thisPolicyResourceValues, err := common.CheckVariableForPolicy(valuesMap, globalValMap, policy.GetName(), resource.GetName(), resource.GetKind(), variables, kindOnwhichPolicyIsApplied, variable) if err != nil { return sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Sprintf("policy `%s` have variables. pass the values for the variables for resource `%s` using set/values_file flag", policy.GetName(), resource.GetName()), err) } ers, info, err := common.ApplyPolicyOnResource(policy, resource, "", false, thisPolicyResourceValues, userInfo, true, namespaceSelectorMap, false, &resultCounts, false, ruleToCloneSourceResource) if err != nil { return sanitizederror.NewWithError(fmt.Errorf("failed to apply policy %v on resource %v", policy.GetName(), resource.GetName()).Error(), err) } engineResponses = append(engineResponses, ers...) pvInfos = append(pvInfos, info) } } resultsMap, testResults := buildPolicyResults(engineResponses, values.Results, pvInfos, policyResourcePath, fs, isGit) resultErr := printTestResult(resultsMap, testResults, rc) if resultErr != nil { return sanitizederror.NewWithError("failed to print test result:", resultErr) } return } func printTestResult(resps map[string]policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult, testResults []TestResults, rc *resultCounts) error { printer := tableprinter.New(os.Stdout) table := []Table{} boldGreen := color.New(color.FgGreen).Add(color.Bold) boldRed := color.New(color.FgRed).Add(color.Bold) boldYellow := color.New(color.FgYellow).Add(color.Bold) boldFgCyan := color.New(color.FgCyan).Add(color.Bold) countDeprecatedResource := 0 for i, v := range testResults { res := new(Table) res.ID = i + 1 res.Policy = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Policy) res.Rule = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Rule) if v.Resources != nil { for _, resource := range v.Resources { res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(resource) var ruleNameInResultKey string if v.AutoGeneratedRule != "" { ruleNameInResultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", v.AutoGeneratedRule, v.Rule) } else { ruleNameInResultKey = v.Rule } resultKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s", v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Kind, resource) found, _ := isNamespacedPolicy(v.Policy) var ns string ns, v.Policy = getUserDefinedPolicyNameAndNamespace(v.Policy) if found && v.Namespace != "" { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", ns, v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Namespace, v.Kind, resource) } else if found { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", ns, v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Kind, resource) res.Policy = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(ns) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Policy) res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(resource) } else if v.Namespace != "" { res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(resource) resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Namespace, v.Kind, resource) } var testRes policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult if val, ok := resps[resultKey]; ok { testRes = val } else { log.Log.V(2).Info("result not found", "key", resultKey) res.Result = boldYellow.Sprintf("Not found") rc.Fail++ table = append(table, *res) ftable = append(ftable, *res) continue } if v.Result == "" && v.Status != "" { v.Result = v.Status } if testRes.Result == v.Result { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") if testRes.Result == policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") rc.Skip++ } else { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") rc.Pass++ } } else { log.Log.V(2).Info("result mismatch", "expected", v.Result, "received", testRes.Result, "key", resultKey) res.Result = boldRed.Sprintf("Fail") rc.Fail++ ftable = append(ftable, *res) } table = append(table, *res) } } else if v.Resource != "" { countDeprecatedResource++ res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Resource) var ruleNameInResultKey string if v.AutoGeneratedRule != "" { ruleNameInResultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s", v.AutoGeneratedRule, v.Rule) } else { ruleNameInResultKey = v.Rule } resultKey := fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s", v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Kind, v.Resource) found, _ := isNamespacedPolicy(v.Policy) var ns string ns, v.Policy = getUserDefinedPolicyNameAndNamespace(v.Policy) if found && v.Namespace != "" { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", ns, v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Namespace, v.Kind, v.Resource) } else if found { resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", ns, v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Kind, v.Resource) res.Policy = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(ns) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Policy) res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Resource) } else if v.Namespace != "" { res.Resource = boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Namespace) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Kind) + "/" + boldFgCyan.Sprintf(v.Resource) resultKey = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s", v.Policy, ruleNameInResultKey, v.Namespace, v.Kind, v.Resource) } var testRes policyreportv1alpha2.PolicyReportResult if val, ok := resps[resultKey]; ok { testRes = val } else { log.Log.V(2).Info("result not found", "key", resultKey) res.Result = boldYellow.Sprintf("Not found") rc.Fail++ table = append(table, *res) ftable = append(ftable, *res) continue } if v.Result == "" && v.Status != "" { v.Result = v.Status } if testRes.Result == v.Result { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") if testRes.Result == policyreportv1alpha2.StatusSkip { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") rc.Skip++ } else { res.Result = boldGreen.Sprintf("Pass") rc.Pass++ } } else { log.Log.V(2).Info("result mismatch", "expected", v.Result, "received", testRes.Result, "key", resultKey) res.Result = boldRed.Sprintf("Fail") rc.Fail++ ftable = append(ftable, *res) } table = append(table, *res) } } if countDeprecatedResource > 0 { fmt.Printf("\n Note : The resource field is being deprecated in 1.8.0 release. Please provide the resources under the resources parameter as an array in the results field \n") } printer.BorderTop, printer.BorderBottom, printer.BorderLeft, printer.BorderRight = true, true, true, true printer.CenterSeparator = "│" printer.ColumnSeparator = "│" printer.RowSeparator = "─" printer.RowCharLimit = 300 printer.RowLengthTitle = func(rowsLength int) bool { return rowsLength > 10 } printer.HeaderBgColor = tablewriter.BgBlackColor printer.HeaderFgColor = tablewriter.FgGreenColor fmt.Printf("\n") printer.Print(table) return nil } func printFailedTestResult() { printer := tableprinter.New(os.Stdout) for i, v := range ftable { v.ID = i + 1 } fmt.Printf("Aggregated Failed Test Cases : ") printer.BorderTop, printer.BorderBottom, printer.BorderLeft, printer.BorderRight = true, true, true, true printer.CenterSeparator = "│" printer.ColumnSeparator = "│" printer.RowSeparator = "─" printer.RowCharLimit = 300 printer.RowLengthTitle = func(rowsLength int) bool { return rowsLength > 10 } printer.HeaderBgColor = tablewriter.BgBlackColor printer.HeaderFgColor = tablewriter.FgGreenColor fmt.Printf("\n") printer.Print(ftable) }