# Require `livenessProbe` and `readinessProbe` Liveness and readiness probes need to be configured to correctly manage a pod's lifecycle during deployments, restarts, and upgrades. For each pod, a periodic `livenessProbe` is performed by the kubelet to determine if the pod's containers are running or need to be restarted. A `readinessProbe` is used by services and deployments to determine if the pod is ready to receive network traffic. ## Policy YAML [require_probes.yaml](best_practices/require_probes.yaml) ````yaml apiVersion: kyverno.io/v1 kind: ClusterPolicy metadata: name: require-pod-probes annotations: pod-policies.kyverno.io/autogen-controllers: DaemonSet,Deployment,StatefulSet spec: validationFailureAction: audit rules: - name: validate-livenessProbe-readinessProbe match: resources: kinds: - Pod validate: message: "Liveness and readiness probes are required" pattern: spec: containers: - livenessProbe: periodSeconds: ">0" readinessProbe: periodSeconds: ">0" ````