package operator

import (


// NewInHandler returns handler to manage In operations
// Deprecated: Use `NewAllInHandler` or `NewAnyInHandler` instead
func NewInHandler(log logr.Logger, ctx context.EvalInterface) OperatorHandler {
	return InHandler{
		ctx: ctx,
		log: log,

// InHandler provides implementation to handle In Operator
type InHandler struct {
	ctx context.EvalInterface
	log logr.Logger

// Evaluate evaluates expression with In Operator
func (in InHandler) Evaluate(key, value interface{}) bool {
	switch typedKey := key.(type) {
	case string:
		return in.validateValueWithStringPattern(typedKey, value)
	case int, int32, int64, float32, float64, bool:
		return in.validateValueWithStringPattern(fmt.Sprint(typedKey), value)
	case []interface{}:
		var stringSlice []string
		for _, v := range typedKey {
			stringSlice = append(stringSlice, v.(string))
		return in.validateValueWithStringSetPattern(stringSlice, value)
		in.log.V(2).Info("Unsupported type", "value", typedKey, "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", typedKey))
		return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithStringPattern(key string, value interface{}) (keyExists bool) {
	invalidType, keyExists := keyExistsInArray(key, value, in.log)
	if invalidType {
		in.log.V(2).Info("expected type []string", "value", value, "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value))
		return false

	return keyExists

// keyExistsInArray checks if the  key exists in the array value
// The value can be a string, an array of strings, or a JSON format
// array of strings (e.g. ["val1", "val2", "val3"].
func keyExistsInArray(key string, value interface{}, log logr.Logger) (invalidType bool, keyExists bool) {
	switch valuesAvailable := value.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		for _, val := range valuesAvailable {
			if wildcard.Match(fmt.Sprint(val), key) || wildcard.Match(key, fmt.Sprint(val)) {
				return false, true

	case string:
		if wildcard.Match(valuesAvailable, key) {
			return false, true

		var arr []string
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(valuesAvailable), &arr); err != nil {
			log.Error(err, "failed to unmarshal value to JSON string array", "key", key, "value", value)
			return true, false

		for _, val := range arr {
			if key == val {
				return false, true

		invalidType = true

	return false, false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithStringSetPattern(key []string, value interface{}) (keyExists bool) {
	invalidType, isIn := setExistsInArray(key, value, in.log, false)
	if invalidType {
		in.log.V(2).Info("expected type []string", "value", value, "type", fmt.Sprintf("%T", value))
		return false

	return isIn

// setExistsInArray checks if the key is a subset of value
// The value can be a string, an array of strings, or a JSON format
// array of strings (e.g. ["val1", "val2", "val3"].
// notIn argument if set to true will check for NotIn
func setExistsInArray(key []string, value interface{}, log logr.Logger, notIn bool) (invalidType bool, keyExists bool) {
	switch valuesAvailable := value.(type) {
	case []interface{}:
		var valueSlice []string
		for _, val := range valuesAvailable {
			v, ok := val.(string)
			if !ok {
				return true, false
			valueSlice = append(valueSlice, v)
		if notIn {
			return false, isNotIn(key, valueSlice)
		return false, isIn(key, valueSlice)

	case string:

		if len(key) == 1 && key[0] == valuesAvailable {
			return false, true

		var arr []string
		if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(valuesAvailable), &arr); err != nil {
			log.Error(err, "failed to unmarshal value to JSON string array", "key", key, "value", value)
			return true, false
		if notIn {
			return false, isNotIn(key, arr)

		return false, isIn(key, arr)

		return true, false

// isIn checks if all values in S1 are in S2
func isIn(key []string, value []string) bool {
	set := make(map[string]bool)

	for _, val := range value {
		set[val] = true

	for _, val := range key {
		_, found := set[val]
		if !found {
			return false

	return true

// isNotIn checks if any of the values in S1 is not in S2
func isNotIn(key []string, value []string) bool {
	set := make(map[string]bool)

	for _, val := range value {
		set[val] = true

	for _, val := range key {
		_, found := set[val]
		if !found {
			return true

	return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithBoolPattern(_ bool, _ interface{}) bool {
	return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithIntPattern(_ int64, _ interface{}) bool {
	return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithFloatPattern(_ float64, _ interface{}) bool {
	return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithMapPattern(_ map[string]interface{}, _ interface{}) bool {
	return false

func (in InHandler) validateValueWithSlicePattern(_ []interface{}, _ interface{}) bool {
	return false